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Friday, November 15, 2013

BLOODSPORT: The Health Insurance Industry Is Now Locked In A Death Struggle With The Democrat Party...

Understand this: the health insurance industry is very much to blame for Obamacare. The health insurance industry happily got naked and jumped into the sack with Obama on his health insurance scheme. They did so thinking that he would leave them a fat, sweaty wad of cash on the night table in the form of forcing everybody in the country to buy their products, and in the process he would make them something akin to a public utility with a pre-ordained profit margin.

Except something happened on the way to conjugal bliss; namely, the president and his minions proved to be a bit flaccid when it came to ... Read the rest HERE

King George III - A Study In Regret....

The Beast Waits Patiently...

May They All Drown...

Is His Mouth Moving?

Teen Jeopardy Champion Gives Hilarious Subtle Insult To Obama

Stolen From: http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/

The Scariest Words Ever Uttered...

Morning Mistress