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Sunday, January 5, 2014

11 Nasty Trends That Will Test America's Resilience

The resilience that has long been one of America's remarkable traits was on display in 2013. Not only did businesses create 2 million jobs, but the struggling economy actually grew and profits and stock prices soared to near-record levels.
Still, five years into the Obama presidency, the economy is grossly underperforming. Contrary to the dominant media narrative, it's not bad luck or the financial crisis to blame, but bad policies — from the $860 billion "stimulus" that didn't stimulate to the Dodd-Frank financial reform that killed lending.
Last year was a challenging one for entrepreneurs and other productive Americans. No fewer than 13 new taxes were put into place. Big government now consumes one of every four dollars of our GDP and is getting bigger.
Entering 2014, we face problems, including taxes and spending, that neither the White House nor Congress is addressing. In the following charts, we look at a few of the more alarming and intractable ones.

Extremely Limited Prosperity
The president talks endlessly about the need to reduce income inequality, and claims it will be the focus of his remaining years in office.
As this chart shows, since the U.S. recession bottomed in June 2009, stock prices have been on a tear — fueled by a powerful rise in corporate profits. The bellwether S&P 500 index has climbed more than 90%, as U.S. investors added more than $5 trillion in stock market wealth.
But Obama's slow-growth economic policies have taken a toll. Yes, corporate profits have increased, but companies worried about what lies ahead under Obama are holding on to cash or buying back stock rather than hiring workers. And the Fed's endless stimulus efforts have managed to lift stock prices to new heights.
These gains have largely bypassed the struggling middle class. In fact, median household income remains well below where it was when the recovery started.

A Wide Economic Growth Gap
The Obama recovery is the most feeble since the Great Depression. GDP growth is far below the average recovery since World War II, and even below the average growth of the past three recoveries.
In dollar terms, if Obama's recovery had been merely average, the economy would be $1.3 trillion — or 8% — bigger today than it is.
Put another way, every American alive today — workers, non-workers, children — is $4,100 less well off than he or she would have been if growth had only been normal. Consider it a tax we all pay for voting poorly in recent elections.
This is more than just a matter of numbers. America's highest-in-the-world standard of living has been built on economic growth. Without it, we'll all be worse off.
Unfortunately, the policies put in place by tax-and-spend leftists in the administration and a Democrat-dominated Congress have stalled the U.S. growth machine.

A Massive Ongoing Jobs Gap
The jobless rate is coming down and will likely continue to fall in 2014. But the tepid recovery has left millions who would otherwise have jobs languishing in the unemployment line.
By this time in past recoveries, the economy had churned out at least a 10% gain in net new jobs. This time, the hamstrung economy has managed just over 4%.
Worse, the total number of payroll jobs — 136.765 million as of November — remains 1.3 million below the level when the economy first went into the tank in December 2007. By comparison, our population has grown by 13 million over the same stretch. Statistically, this is the worst job slump since the Great Depression.

Dependency Growing, Not Jobs
Obama's policies have also created a wide disparity between self-sufficiency and dependency. As this chart shows, food stamp and disability enrollment have climbed at a much faster pace than jobs since June 2009.
Today, 47 million people are on food stamps, up from about 28 million when Obama was sworn in. And disability rolls have swollen by 2 million.
This has not only increased our federal budget deficit as welfare spending has risen sharply.
It has also led to a startling surge in Americans' dependence on government handouts — a radical altering of the country's traditional culture of self-reliance and hard work.

America's Global Strength Wanes
For more than a decade, the IBD/TIPP Poll has asked Americans about the U.S. position in the world. Our final poll of 2013 is in, and opinions have never been lower.
Whether it's the bumbling over Egypt and Syria, the Benghazi scandal, Iran's burgeoning nuclear program, Russia's and China's growing challenges or the cavalier treatment by the Obama White House of old allies, Americans feel our global standing has weakened.
This doesn't bode well for future engagement in the world economy and trade, or for U.S. influence.

Workers Leave Labor Force
The administration has pointed proudly to the decline in unemployment from above 10% to a current level of 7%. What it doesn't say is how that was achieved.
It came about largely as a result of millions of workers leaving the workforce. As the chart shows, labor force participation has dropped steeply since the financial crisis — from 66% to 63%.
The difference may not seem large, but it is. The number of people who tell the government they are not in the labor force has jumped by 10 million since Obama took office, and 91.5 million Americans are not working at all.
If the labor force had remained relatively stable over the past five years, the unemployment rate today would be over 10%.

America, The Biggest Debtor Ever
This chart may look innocent, but it's anything but. It shows how our debt has surged. As recently as 2008, total U.S. public debt totaled just over 60% of GDP — not low, but certainly manageable.
Today, our total debt is right at 100% — a level that many economists believe endangers future economic growth. The bad news is, it could rise to 150% or higher in coming decades. That's national insolvency.
As Americans pay increasing amounts to service their massive debt obligations, businesses will have less capital available to grow — and will hire fewer workers.

Real Jobless Rate? Double Digits

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Vintage Smut

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Girls With Guns

Saving Americans From Prosperity...

Everything Starts With Karl Marx And Ends With The Democrats..

Oh My Oh My Oh My... It's not exactly news, as we all already knew this, but this handy chart is pretty cool...

I found the chart HERE

It's As If Obama Wandered Into The White House On A Tour And Discovered He's The President...

-Charles Krauthammer

The NSA Is Spying On the Wrong People...


The Southern Poverty Law Center calls Americans who call themselves members of the Tea Party, "Right Wing Extremists", which gives cover to illegal 4th amendment violations.

There is nothing extreme about wanting more freedom and less government.

What is extreme is calling Tea Party Patriots extreme.

Too Smart By Half...

A Kwakiutl Wedding In British Columbia In 1914

More Awesome Photos HERE

The Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw[1][2] (IPA: [kʷäkʷɑkɑʔwäkʷ])[3] are a Pacific Northwest Coast Indigenous people. Their population is approximately 5,500 people living in British Columbia on northern Vancouver Island and the adjoining mainland and islands around Johnstone Strait and Queen Charlotte Strait, as well as outside their homelands in urban areas such as Victoria, B.C., and Vancouver, B.C..
Their language, now spoken by less than 5% of the population (about 250 people), consists of four dialects of what is commonly referred to as Kwak'wala. These dialects are Kwak̓wala, ’Nak̓wala, G̱uc̓ala and T̓łat̓łasik̓wala.[4] The name Kwakwaka'wakw translates as "The-Kwak̓wala-Speaking-People". Numerous tribes form the Kwakwaka'wakw, with each tribe constituting their own people or nation. They are today politically organized into 13 band governments. They have historically been named after the Kwakiutl /ˈkwɑːkjʊtəl/, or Kwagu'ł, one of the Kwakwaka'wakw 


A Real Tool...

Global Warming Is Socialism In Drag...

- Steve Forbes

Climate Change and Environmental Socialism

Susan Stamper Brown
As world leaders at the UN Climate Summit reached an agreement to tighten the shackles of oppressive global warming regulations late November, God laughed, and the moisture from his breath touched the earth, painting the place where the Christmas story began, the Holy Land, white with snow December 13.

The same day, the Arab Spring region witnessed an Arab winter, when dusty desert streets were dusted with the first snowfall in 112 years. And last week, Australia's summer landscape became a winter wonderland.

Be it hot, cold, or in between, disciples of the pseudo-religion of global warming, will cite these natural occurrences as proof of man-caused climate change, forgetting the One who created it all did not forget to make allowances for man's existence on this planet.

All is not lost, for Australians have seen the light; given their new government was elected by a landslide running on an anti-global warming, anti-carbon tax platform. The new leadership unapologetically opposes further carbon tax and climate change contributions to the UN regulations they perceive as "socialism masquerading as environmentalism."

And what else could it be, considering the cold-hard facts pointing to a cooling planet? NASA recently confirmed East Antarctica registered the lowest temperature ever recorded on planet Earth, at minus 135.8 degrees. Besides the Lower 48 having been pummeled with record cold weather, Climate Depot reported by the end of November there were nearly 1000 record low maximum temperatures, 205 snowfall records, including blizzards and heavy snowfalls in Italy, Greece, the South Pole, Bulgaria, Macedonia, the Balkans, Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Alaska, and Russia. In addition, the global sea ice area is the largest it has been in 25 years and the Arctic ice mass is the largest in 10 years.

With evidence piling up inch-by-snowy-inch that the planet's temperature is headed south, activists had no choice but to rebrand the name of their scheme to transfer huge bundles of Western wealth to Third World tyrants from global warming to "climate change."

Facts matter little to those like Greenpeace, who recorded a video to terrify kids wherein Santa laments, "Dear children, regrettably I bring bad tidings. For some time now melting ice here at the North Pole has made life intolerable...and there may be no alternative but to cancel Christmas... My home in the Arctic is vast disappearing and unless we all act urgently, I have to warn you of the possibility of an empty stocking forevermore..."

I'm not sure where Greenpeace thinks Santa lives, but I recently visited his stomping grounds up here in Alaska and it looks okay to me. The weather outside is definitely frightful and it's snowing like crazy as I type. I'd dare say those who scare children might end up on Santa's naughty list, finding lumps of coal in their stockings Christmas morning. Now wouldn't that be ironic?

Seriously, the facts are in; notable scientists are warming up to the premise of global cooling. The Atmospheric Sciences Group head at the University of Wisconsin, Anastasios Tsonis, says the pattern of cooling will run through 2030, or maybe 2060, according to the head of Russia's Pulkovo Observatory, Habibullo Abdussamatov, or Saarland University's Horst-Joachim Luedecke, predicts temperatures will fall until the year 2100, "to a value corresponding to the Little Ice Age of 1870." Ludecke and others believe humans play a nominal role in the heating or cooling of the earth.

If only President Obama and Democrats would 

Those Who Act Like Sheep....

Contrary To Reports, The ObamaCare Website Is Extremely Secure...

Calvin Coolidge On Taxes..

New Study Demolishes Almost Every Gun Control Myth

A study published in the latest issue of the academic
journal Applied Economics Letters took on many of the claims made regularly by advocates of stricter gun laws. The study determined that nearly every claim made in support of stronger restrictions on gun ownership is not supported by an exhaustive analysis of crime statistics.

The study, “An examination of the effects of concealed weapons laws and assault weapons bans on state-level murder rates,” conducted by Quinnipiac University economist Mark Gius, examined nearly 30 years of statistics and concluded that stricter gun laws do not result in a reduction in gun violence. In fact, Gius found the opposite – that a proliferation of concealed carry permits can actually reduce incidents of gun crime.

“Using data for the period 1980 to 2009 and controlling for state and year fixed effects, the results of the present study suggest that states with restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murder rates than other states,” the study’s abstract reads. “It was also found that assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level.”

“These results suggest that restrictive concealed weapons laws may cause an increase in gun-related murders at the state level,” the abstract concludes.

Gius notes that his findings are consistent with those of John R. Lott and David B. Mustard, two researchers who authored a controversial 1997 study which found that right-to-carry concealed gun provisions both “deters violent crimes and it appears to produce no increase in accidental deaths.”

h/t http://www.mediaite.com/online/new-study-demolishes-almost-every-gun-control-myth/

Morning Mistress

The Lie Clock..

 A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?"
    St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."
    "Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?"
    "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."     "Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
    St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."
     "Where's Obama's clock?" asked the man.
    "Obama's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."

I NEED This Barber!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, January 3, 2014

Hardships Are Coming...Prepare, Prepare.

Vintage Girls With Guns

The Suffering..

If the irresponsible policies of the Obama Administration results in the collapse of the U.S. Dollar, the entire world will be plunged into economic disorder and the American people in particular will suffer.

Over a thousand candidates shortlisted for life on Mars

(Reuters) - A mission to put humans on Mars that drew 200,000 applicants has selected more than a thousand candidates who will now be tested to come up with a final list of 24 would-be Mars-dwellers.

Mars One was set up in 2011 by two Dutch men with the goal of establishing permanent human life on Mars in 2025. They hope the project will be funded by investors and the rights from the documentary-cum-reality TV broadcasting of the tests, training and final selection.

The 1,058 candidates who got through to the first round come from all over the world. By far the largest number - 297 - are American, followed by 75 Canadians and 62 Indians.

They must now undergo rigorous tests, including simulations of life on Mars and coping with isolation, co-founder Bas Lansdorp said.

"The challenge with 200,000 applicants is separating those who we feel are physically and mentally adept to become human ambassadors on Mars from those who are obviously taking the mission much less seriously," Lansdorp said.


Gun Vs. Gun..

Is It Possible To Steal What Is Yours?

The government is a pig that will eat anything you throw at it and ask for more. The problem is that it does not ask, it takes.  It takes more than it needs and gives it to others in exchange for votes. The government prostitutes voters with our money in order to expand government. This is theft.

The saddest thing is that the very people that the government prostitutes are the people who remain in suffering because of government meddling in the marketplace and the rot and loss of human dignity that comes from dependence.  

The Wrong Medicine..

A doctor from France says:"In France , the medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's testicles; we put them into another man, and in 6 weeks he is looking for work."

A German doctor comments quietly : "That's nothing, in Germany we take part of the brain out of a person; we put it into another person head, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work."

A Russian doctor says boasting :"That's nothing either. In Russia we take out half of the heart from a person; we put it into another person's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for work."

The U.S. doctor laughs and answers loudly immediately: "That's nothing my colleagues, you are way behind us....in the USA , about 5 years ago, we grabbed a person from Kenya with no brains, no heart, and no balls....we made him President of the United States, and now....... the whole damn country is looking for work.

Ach du lieber!

It is SO Cold In Florida Right Now.....

Yes, I am jerking your chain.
Sorry, I could not resist....

Does Comcast Condone MSNBC's Extreme Leftist Views?

Since January 28, 2011, Comcast has owned 51 percent of NBC Universal including MSNBC. Does Comcast condone the vile vitriol coming from MSNBC? They certainly allow this type of programming to continue while only stepping in when their hosts go so far over the line, they seemingly have no choice.
Since the CEO of Comcast donates mostly to leftist causes, we know where he stands. As other market alternatives come into the marketplace, perhaps the behavior of Comcast affiliated programming should be taken into account when choosing cable and internet providers.

Conservatives and right thinking individuals have got to account for the majority of Comcasts non-subsidized revenues as we tend to work and purchase services at full price.  

I think Comcast may have some choices to make.  The marketplace is a very competitive arena.

On The Tribal Customs Of The Individual Bachelor Male And The Management of Limited Resources...

The limited resource being clean silverware...

Are You Smart Enough To Get An ID Card?

History Repeats Itself...

Everything Men Know About Women...

The First Photo Of A Baseball Team... Ever...in 1858

More Awesome Photos HERE

A Wasp That Creates Zombie Cockroaches...

...and I'm not talking about RINO politicians...

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Vs. Barack Hussein Obama...

No wonder China is moving in on Japan and Taiwan, and the whole world disrespects us...

More Disrespect For Obama:

Punking A Punk...

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Vs. Barack Hussein Obama...

Knock Knock Joke With Putin And Obama...

Eric Holder Releases Blind Sheikh Lawyer Lynn Stewart who is Complicit In 60 Murders

Eric Holder has a long record of releasing terrorists, like the FALN terrorists and the Black Panthers. Everything Eric Holder does seems antithetical to American interests.

The 74-year-old Lynn Stewart was released from Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas, on Tuesday. A judge ordered her release after prosecutors and the Federal Bureau of Prisons recommended she be set free because they say she has less than 18 months to live. She supposedly suffers from recurrent Stage 4 breast cancer.

Stewart was convicted of helping a blind Egyptian sheikh communicate with his followers from prison. She had been imprisoned since 2009 and had said she didn't want to die in "a strange and loveless place."  Sixty people were massacred after Lynn Stewart delivered a message to The Blind Sheikhs Followers.

This is the kind of toxic change Americans have endured for the last five years.

Morning Mistress

This Goes Out To The Country Western Fans...

Just tweaking you guys a little bit, I actually like this kind of country.  If I had not grown up on Rock n Roll, I could totally see myself being a C&W aficionado...

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