90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Girls With Guns

This Is The Only Time Putin Fears Obama...

More Obama Vs. Putin:

Putin Vs. Obama

Punking A Punk...

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Vs. Barack Hussein Obama...

Knock Knock Joke With Putin And Obama...

The Fund Raiser Runner

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Navy Seal Attack ships on fire from shoulder fired Missiles in Afghanistan.

I watched rocket launchers in the dark near the Benghazi Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die America.

The Harvest Of Fatherless Homes..

How a solar storm two years ago nearly caused a catastrophe on Earth

Doomsday Preppers Anyone?

On July 23, 2012, the sun unleashed two massive clouds of plasma that barely missed a catastrophic encounter with the Earth’s atmosphere.  These plasma clouds, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), comprised a solar storm thought to be the most powerful in at least 150 years.
“If it had hit, we would still be picking up the pieces,” physicist Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado tells NASA.
Via NASA: “This movie shows a coronal mass ejection (CME) on the sun from July 22, 2012 at 10:00 p.m. EDT until 2 a.m. on July 23 as captured by NASA’s Solar Terrestrial RElations Observatory-Ahead (STEREO-A). Because the CME headed in STEREO-A’s direction, it appears like a giant halo around the sun. NOTE: This video loops 3 times.” Credit: NASA/STEREO 

Fortunately, the blast site of the CMEs was not directed at Earth. Had this event occurred a week earlier when the point of eruption was Earth-facing, a...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, July 25, 2014

Girls With Guns