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Friday, February 19, 2016

The Bill Of Rights: Be Very Afraid...

Boy The Truth And Hillary Just Don't Mix...

I Have Solved The Gender Identity/Bathroom Problem - You Are Welcome.

If there is a Penis connected to your body, you go to the Penis Palace

If you have a Vagina, you go to the Vagina Village.

Your self-defined gender does not matter, it is your physiology

Gender Neutral Bathrooms? Pee On The Toilet Seats To Protect Your Daughters

Morning Mistress - Bike Seat Envy...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Girls With Guns

Obama the Obstructionist

What a shock. 

 Now that he’s at the White House—and facing GOP opposition to appointing a new Supreme Court justice in the mere months before a new president is elected—President Barack Obama seems to have changed his tune a decade after serving as a U.S. senator. As we detail in the above video, Obama used to think it was appropriate for senators (including himself) to block judicial nominees. In fact, he filibustered Justice Samuel Alito’s confirmation to the Supreme Court along with circuit court nominees Janice Rogers Brown, William Pryor, and Leslie Southwick. 

 But White House press secretary Josh Earnest said...

Commie Pope Refuses To Tear Down His Walls And Let ALL Migrants in: He Is CLEARLY NOT A CHRISTIAN

Vatican walls are tall and strong.

The Pope refuses to allow migrants into his Territory, yet he criticizes Americans that wish to preserve western culture and select who comes into America in a structured, thoughtful way.

Why does the current pope work against western civilization while not doing enough to protect at risk, persecuted Christians around the world?

Perhaps this pope should spend as much energy protecting Christians and less time promoting Communism.

South Carolina's Nikki Haley is a supporter of Obama's zeal to bring in refugees from jihadist hotspots like Syria and Iraq

South Carolina has been at the forefront of the battle against President Obama’s refugee resettlement plans for nearly a year, with grassroots activists fighting not only the White House but their own Republican Gov. Nikki Haley.

Since that time, it has become apparent to South Carolina conservatives, including many who voted for Haley, that she is a supporter of Obama’s drive to convert millions of recent immigrants into “new Americans” by the time he leaves office, using not only the United Nations refugee pipeline but also a steady influx of illegal immigrants from Central America.

Haley has supported the president’s plan to bring in refugees from jihadist hotspots like Syria and Iraq, the activists say, while also quietly embracing Obama’s....