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Friday, April 1, 2016

Your Argument Is Invalid.

The First Crusade Began In 1095...

Crusades Vs. Jihad

Oh good: Guy who did so well keeping nukes away from Iran now plans to do same with ISIS

If there’s one thing Barack Obama knows, it’s how to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of radical Islamists, right? Right? Oh.

Well then, when it comes to the even more essential challenge of keeping nuclear weapons away from ISIS, who better to put on the job? The only silver lining here is that he’s not working on it alone. Then again, he didn’t negotiate the Iran deal on his own either. Plenty of similarly delusional world leaders signed on, and many of the same nations will be among the 50 who sent representatives to a White House summit called by Obama:

U.S. officials say they’ve worked with the Belgians over the years to reduce the amount of nuclear material at the facility where the scientist works.

“And certainly the video footage is of concern and suggests there is at least some interest by ISIL,” said Laura Holgate, one of the president’s top advisers on weapons of mass destruction and arms control.

She added that while there’s no information that a broader plot exists, the threat of terrorists trying to launch an improvised attack with a nuclear device has...

April Fools!

April Fools Video Prank

Trump Is A Flashlight

Trump is Hitler. Trump is a demagogue. Trump is a racist. Trump is a liberal. Trump is a KKK sympathizer. Trump is Charlemagne.

Trump is none of those things. Trump is a flashlight. Trump shines a light on forgotten truths. Trump also reveals the disgusting frauds within our punditocracy and political elite. He does not wash away the sins or clean up the garbage, but he shows you that it exists. He ends up revealing the truth behind people’s motivations, directly or indirectly. Sometimes he does not even have to do anything, and the other side just gives up the charade and reveals their true form or beliefs.

The big one, as I wrote earlier, is revealing the fraud behind the GOPe. This group went from paeans to Antonin Scalia and promising a fight for his seat to openly stating they’d vote for Hillary, allowing her to name Scalia’s replacement. Within the GOP, he has also shined a light on their obsession with Israel. Trump eloquently explained how he would approach the Israeli-Palestinian issue in a neutral manner to show both sides he is offering to be a fair arbiter of the conflict for a true deal. This created accusations of anti-semitism (at the very debate by Sen. Rubio) and apoplectic sputtering from the Israel first crowd. Through their reactions to one statement, he showed that Israel support is a sort of cover from accusations of anti-semitism, and he also revealed that within the GOP, the Israel issue is clearly one-sided. The donors demand it.

Trump’s centrism is portrayed as far-right simply for being in favor of closed borders. This is the moderate Republican candidate the media has suggested the GOP run for years, but they hate him. He reveals the way the media frames things: destroy white nations through immigration, carve up the middle so no one can wrest control from them, and anyone who objects is Hitler. Trump is Romney with just a machismo attitude and willingness to fight. Romney is much slicker packaging. The GOPe will not accept Trump, since he is not ...

Morning Mistress - Lingerie Classic Beauty..

Morning Links

Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles

Cartoon Roundup

And you thought things went wrong for you at work today...

Knowledge is power, power is liberty

Pipe Bombs , Strapped To High Voltage Lines.... Nothing To See Here....

You don’t say

Vote Trump or Die

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Girls With Guns

A Moment Of Serenity - Chillin' With Woman's Best Friend...

If Fidel Castro And Che Guevara Had A Son....

Drink Water, Old Water...

More Strange And Interesting Facts:

Strange Facts..

A Bad Romance...