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Friday, April 22, 2016

Breaking: Treasury Throws Founder Of The Democratic Party Off The $20 Bill, Replaces Him With Gun-Toting Republican...

Somali flow to America is three decades old with no end in sight!

Update: Thanks to two readers for sending this story from Minneapolis today. Police are looking for five Somali men in a case of alleged sexual assault.

Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily has a very detailed accounting of the flow of Somali ‘refugees’ to America, please see it by clicking here.

And, just to set the record straight, it was the George W. Bush State Department that brought the most Somalis to America (so far).

See this very informative graphic below and ask yourselves why, more than 3 decades after THEIR civil war, is it America’s responsibility to continue rescuing them?

There are by some counts, a half a million Somalis waiting in a massive UN camp in Kenya for their turn to come to your town.

Why does this continue to be...

Caught Red Handed: Racist Anti-Black Tweets Came From #BlackLivesMatter Activist..

A black Kean University student is getting her butt handed to her in legal fees because she’s a liar. To recap, the dame cried racist and caused a panic for no good reason. On social media this is called “a tweet” but in the real-world, it’s called “fraud.” Sound familiar? (Black Professor Cries ‘Racial Profiling!’ New Camera Footage Says…NO) This is becoming a common pastime.

You ever feel the need to be oppressed because you’re an insignificant wastoid? That’s all this lady wanted. But when she looked around campus for some good ole racism, she found none. So what did she do? Took to Twitter and created some of her own.

According to prosecutors, the 25-year-old McKelvey tweeted threats from a campus library because she wanted more people to attend [a] rally on racial issues. She then returned to the rally to tell people about the threats. 
State prosecutors will recommend that Kayla KcKelvey be sentenced to 90 days in jail and that she pay restitution of about $82,000 to cover the costs of the police response and heightened security at Kean University after the threats.

It’s important to note that this gal had to literally fabricate racism because there wasn’t enough to go around. Groups like #BlackLivesMatter are only relevant as long as there is a race problem. Or… at least a perceived race problem.

You know the worst part about all of this? It’s not that she wasted tons of resources by sparking unnecessary surplus in security at Kean University. Although that was a witch move. It’s not even that she threatened other people. Though also, a witch move. The worst part of this entire situation is that there’s going to be a regiment of people who still justify her actions. For any kind of precedent, see...

Morning Mistress

The Real Victims of a Reckless and Lawless Immigration Policy: Families and Survivors Speak Out on the Real Cost of This Administration’s Policies

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Girls With Guns

This Is What Is Wrong With Society...

Vintage Photo: Greyhound in 1923...

More Amazing Photos:

A woman in Chicago was arrested for wearing too short swimsuit (1922)

Imperial Japanese Army in China 1937

A Government Big Enough To Give You Everything You Want..

...is strong enough to take everything you have...

-Thomas Jefferson

There Is Only One #never that anyone should be using: #neverhillary..

 If she wins:

  • The Second Amendment Will Be Forfeit
  • The Supreme Court will be solid activist liberal for 30 years
  • Illegal Aliens will be able to vote
  • There will never be another Republican President due to rampant invasionary immigration
  • Open persecution and oppression of the traditional population


Satisfaction: ISIS Defense - The Game...

You would think that the obvious enemy in any game would be Islamo-Fascists, but in our politically correct world, who is the biggest enemy? The system that lifted millions out of poverty: Capitalism.

But there is a game company that does not adhere to the lock-step of political correctness and correctly identifies the enemy: ISIS.

IS Defense is a game set in politically-fictional 2020 – where the expansion of ISIS went out of hand. The player takes the role of NATO’s stationary machine-gun operator, deployed to defend the shores of Europe.

Bernie Sanders Once Kicked Out Of A Hippie Commune For Not Working...

Sen. Bernie Sanders was once so work-shy, he got kicked out of a hippie commune in 1971 for avoiding duties and distracting residents.

So says the forthcoming book “We Are As Gods” by Kate Daloz, which documents the story of the Myrtle Hill Farm commune in northeast Vermont.

The Vermont senator and presidential candidate visited the farm in 1971 for research purposes. The 30-year old Sanders was writing an article on natural childbirth that appeared in a newsletter for the Liberty Party Union’s magazine Movement.

“Endless political discussion,” and a distaste for work allegedly resulted in...