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Thursday, June 9, 2016


In proof that a week can be an eternity in politics, it seemed it was only a days ago that it appeared that the Never Trump movement was dead and buried. William Kristol was promoting a National Review chump named David French, Mitt Romney had slinked off in defeat and Republicans were lining up to unify behind Trump albeit grudgingly. Then the media firestorm over Judge Gonzalo Curiel erupted, the mutiny began and the Never Trump zombies havearisen anew to wreak havoc. Today nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt – you may remember him from his role in the early CNN debates – called for a change in convention rules that would lead to a toppling of Trump at next month’s Republican party convention.

Politico is reporting “Hugh Hewitt: GOP should change convention rules to stop Trump”:

Either the Republican National Committee must change its convention rules or the presumptive Republican nominee needs to change his personality, conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt remarked on his program Wednesday morning.
“They ought to get together and let the convention decide. And if Donald Trump pulls over a makeover in the next four to five weeks, great, they can keep him. It would be better if he had done so 5 weeks ago. But it’s awful and it ended bad last night,” he said, in reference to Trump’s speech from his swanky Westchester County golf club in which he read from a teleprompter and promised to turn the page and earn the votes of Republican voters who opposed him in the primary.
Accepting of Trump as the nominee against Hillary Clinton at this point, Hewitt said, is “like ignoring Stage IV cancer. You can’t do it, you gotta go attack it.”
“And right now the Republican Party is facing — the plane is headed towards the mountain after the last 72 hours,” he said.

Hewitt’s call to arms serves to confirm suspicions that many establishment Republicans who had thrown with Trump out of political expedience were as lacking in sincerity as they were devoid of principles. It was hard to believe that there wouldn’t be some sort of effort – however covert it may have been – to screw the presumptive nominee out of the nomination at the convention. The great American rally around the Mexican flag-draped Judge Curiel has conjured the undead and the movement to derail the Trump revolution is back with a vengeance.

There will be a weekend meeting at Mitt Romney’s place in Utah and none other than Paul Ryan will be in attendance. Joining Ryan as a speaker will be...

Hillary Clinton: The Unpopular, Corrupt, Shameless Habitual Liar Democrats Deserve

And lo, it came to pass: As of last night, Hillary Clinton is officially the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee for President of the United States. Setting aside her party's elite "super delegate" insurance policy, Clinton has now secured a majority of pledged delegates, which reflect the will of primary voters. And despite falling to Bernie Sanders in a startling 23 nominating contests, the former Secretary of State has attracted roughly 3.7 million more votes than the Vermont Senator nationwide. Having lost the election by every metric, the disheveled Soviet Union honeymooner says he'll fight on to the party's Philadelphia convention anyway, marking just the latest instance of a Socialist ignoring simple math that complicates his untenable fantasies.

The fact that Clinton failed to clear this hurdle until the very last day of balloting underscores her profound weakness as a candidate. She enters the general election stage of the campaign as one of the most disliked and distrusted political figures in America, and one of the least popular presidential nominees of all time. Despite...

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Girls With Guns

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Photo: Special Purpose Insertion Extraction (SPIE) training....

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Camels and burning Kuwaiti oil fields that had been blown up by retreating Iraqi troops, 1991.

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