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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Administration Defends Spending Tax-Payer Money On UN-Funded, Anti-Israel Textbooks for Palestinians

U.S. taxpayers provide nearly $400 million a year to a United Nations program that critics say sends anti-Semitic, anti-Israel textbooks to schools for Palestinian refugees.

An elementary school textbook calls the 1948 establishment of Israel a “disaster,” and a high school text tells of the “End of Days” when “Muslims fight the Jews,” among other examples in a report from the Center for Near East Policy, a pro-Israel research institute based in Jerusalem.

The agency—the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or UNRWA—has come under scrutiny for years for supplying Palestinian schools with textbooks containing violent, anti-Israel references.

The Obama administration, however, defends the textbook program. A State Department spokesman...

The Path Of Self Destruction...

Beware the Soros zombies

Billionaire George Soros has funded liberal organizations intent on bringing confusion, disarray and trouble to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week.

And they’ve already had some victories.

Civil rights group Color of Change — which Mr. Soros gave $500,000 to in his Foundation’s latest tax return — collected more than 100,000 signatures on a petition to demand Coca-Cola and other companies withdraw their support from the convention. The petition that featured a Coke bottle with the label, “Share a Coke with the KKK.”

Color of Change was joined by UltraViolet, another Soros-backed women’s rights organization, in the petition, an effort to amplify their collective voice against the GOP.

And it worked.

Coca-Cola caved to the pressure and decided to give only $75,000 to the convention, compared to the about $660,000 it gave in 2012. Other corporate sponsors were scared off.

To demonstrate how extreme Color of Change’s political ideology is, it’s latest campaign is to defund America’s police forces that “don’t defend black lives.” Its social media feeds give no reference to the five men in uniform who lost their lives in Dallas.

But I digress. Let’s get back to the liberal mischief aimed at the Republican convention.Brave New Films, which received $250,000 from Mr. Soros‘ foundation, tried to make waves for Republicans by creating misinformation about their convention through...

Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term Alone

If elected president, Hillary Clinton could permanently resettle close to one million Muslim migrants during the first term of her presidency alone, according to the latest available data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Between 2001 and 2013, the U.S. permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim migrants on green cards. However, under Hillary Clinton’s stated proposals, Muslim immigration would grow substantially faster, adding nearly one million Muslim migrants to the U.S. during her first term alone. Based on the most recent available DHS data, the U.S. permanently resettled roughly 149,000 migrants from predominantly Muslim countries on green cards in 2014. Yet Clinton has said that, as President, she would expand Muslim migration by importing an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees into...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Girls With Guns

Guilty As Hill - IFL

The Bloody Hands Of Political Decisions...

Western Politicians Are Intent On Importing Muslim Refugees.
They Are Protected By Walls And Men With Guns.
The Very Things They Seek To Deny The People...

Ruth Bader Ginsberg Is A Hero...

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has been saying some pretty inappropriate things lately, but we need to cut her some slack and here is why:

If she would have resigned early, she could have given Obama another Supreme Court Pick. The "Republicans" in Congress would likely have approved some underhanded leftist that would live another 30 years and work to actively erode the constitution, our values and America. She did not do this.

Thank you Ruth Bader Ginsberg for staying alive and not resigning early.

I Have A Plan To Use Pokemon Go As A Tool To Kill ISIS

Here is my plan to Kill ISIS with Pokemon Go:
(it's brilliant by the way)

First we wait until ISIS is bored with beheadings,  abusing their slave girls, throwing people with comfortable shoes off of building's, mutilating people, and, ok, well you get the drift.

We know they have smart phones, we know they play games on them. So we enable Pokemon Go in the regions that ISIS is in. In fact, we specifically target known ISIS phones. (Ok, here is the brilliant part:) We create a special Pokemon, a very rare Pokemon, we put the Pokemon in close to them but away from buildings and such. We have drones watching the area, we wait until a large crowd has gathered. 

We make this Pokemon Go exceptionally hard to capture, kind of like this:

(i'm hoping the video displayed...)

Then, yeah we bomb the crap out of them. In total ashes to ashes, dust to dust style.

Their slave girls will be happy, the guys on tall building row (a play on death row? ok, not so clever, sorry) will be happy, in fact, most people who still have their heads attached to their infidel bodies will be happy. Well, almost everybody. Everyone except for CAIR, CAIR won't be happy, and oh yeah, the Muslim Brotherhood won't be happy, oh, and Valerie Jarret won't be happy, and yup, Huma Abedin won't be happy either (Huma is Carlos Danger's wife BTW).  

Ok, so that was not exactly brilliant, but if it is effective that's all that matters right? Oh, and the name of the Pokémon? 72 virgin martyr.  Yeah?  

Just a quick note, 72 virgins was mistranslated, you don't get 72 virgins, you get 72 raisin's and they are not even California raisins, because you don't deserve California raisin's, you deserve only THIS. HA! 

Pokémon go, Pokémon,Pokémon game,
Pokemon Go.

I Think This Guy Is Trying Tell Us Something...

More Trump: 

Six Aspects Of Donald Trump’s Pro-Gun Push

Trump Is A Flashlight