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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Threatens Military War on Russia and Liberal Media Won’t Even Report on it (VIDEO)

hillary war russia
Hillary Clinton threatened to wage war against Russia over cyber security issues this week at the American Legion Convention.

Hillary Clinton: “You’ve seen the reports. Russia’s hacked into a lot of things, China’s hacked into a lot of things. Russia even hacked into the Democratic National Committee. Maybe even some state election systems? So we gotta step up our game. Make sure we are well defended and make sure we are able to take the fight to those who go after us. As president I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with ....

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Oh No! Hillary Clinton has ANOTHER BAD Coughing Attack in Cleveland! 9/5/16

Monday, September 5, 2016

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has:

Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:

The Right Way has:

The Pirate's Cove has:

Then Along Came A Spider And Sat Down Beside Her.... -or- Animated Gif Collection #9

Animated Gif Collection #9:

I Think He Probably Died...

Motorcycle Vs. Car....

Bet That Left A Bruise...

If He Would Have Missed This... Would He Have Died...

...And..... BOOM!

Police Car Vs. Oil Tanker...

Dog Vs. Seals...

Carnage On A Water Slide...

It Took Me A While To Figure Out Exactly How This Went Down ...

Falling Concrete Knocked This Guy Out...

ACLU, NYT, & La Raza All Agree: 75% of Illegal Aliens Are Committing Felonies

On "Fox News Sunday", Chris Wallace asked what Trump would do with all of the law abiding illegal aliens who have not committed any crimes since entering the United States illegally. Wallace's question is based on the myth that most illegal aliens are law abiding, which is simply not the case. The fact is that the vast majority of illegal aliens routinely commit multiple job-related felonies.

"According to who?" you ask. Well, the answer is that the Social Security Administration, ACLU, New York Times, La Raza, LULAC, Democratic pundits Kirsten Powers and Eleanor Clift, the libertarian Reason Foundation, andUSA Today.

They and countless others all acknowledge openly that illegal aliens use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers, which means that they routinely commit Social Security fraud and forgery — felonies. When the Social Security number used by an illegal alien is a real one belonging to another person (as opposed to a made up number) the illegal alien is committing identity theft, another felony. And when the individual using a fraudulently obtained number completes an I-9 form, she commits perjury, yet another felony. People have been convicted for these crimes.

Therefore, those who say that illegal aliens do not commit crimes either ignorantly or deliberately fail to acknowledge that the use of fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers results in criminal activity or they are flat out lying when they say that illegal aliens have not committed any felonies after either sneaking into the United States or overstaying their visas.

On the rare occasions when someone actually acknowledges that the vast majority of illegal aliens routinely commit felonies, they justify the crimes by saying that those committing the crimes are desperate people who are forced to commit felonies in order to improve their lives. And besides, Social Security payments made by illegal aliens using fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers support the Social Security system, which is a good thing.

However, the fact is that there are millions of victims of these illegal alien, job-related felonies. When an illegal alien uses a Social Security number belonging to...

Did Team Clinton destroy evidence under subpoena?

The incomplete records of the Hillary Clinton email investigation released by the FBI raise questions about the conduct not only of Clinton but of her top aides and the staffers working under their direction. Perhaps the most serious is whether the Clinton team destroyed evidence which they were under legal order to save and produce to congressional investigators.
Out of a massive investigation, the FBI has released just two documents: a heavily-redacted version of its summary report and a writeup — the so-called 302 — from agents' July 2 interview with Clinton. The rest, including reports from interviews with other players, remains secret, although the FBI has shared it with Congress, with redactions and under tight viewing restrictions.
Shortly after the two documents were released on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day, Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, sent out a statement suggesting he does not believe the documents tell the full story, and that if the full story were told it might suggest wrongdoing on the part of the Clinton team.

"The FBI selectively releasing Secretary Clinton's interview summary is of little benefit to the public unless and until all relevant documents and witness interview summaries are released," Gowdy said. "The public is entitled to all relative information, including the testimony of the witnesses at...