90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, January 30, 2017

President Trump... BUILD THAT WALL.

Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, Fall, Fall, Fall...Fall, Fall, Fall... Fall..Fall..Fall.

Bet That Hurt.

Then And Now... The Left Is Regressive...

California Dreamin'

Iran Announcement Leaves Expedia Stock Unaffected...

Breaking News: Pro Trump Supporters Attacked By Regressive Left At Airport Takeover Riot In Portland Oregon

Trump vs. the “Islamic Conquest of the West”

The irrational left, which means virtually all the left, is apoplectic over President Trump’s executive order halting immigration from terrorist-spawning countries. Its minions are complaining that the move is “un-American,” which in their world apparently involves playing Russian roulette with American lives.

The New York Times just ran a teary-eyed piece lamenting “immediate collateral damage imposed on people who, by all accounts, had no sinister intentions in trying to come to the United States,” as the paper put it. The fake news is right there—“by all accounts”—slipped in casually in the hope the reader will slide by it unthinkingly. In reality, there are many people, from intelligence experts to politicians to social commentators to Muslims themselves, warning that there’s no way to truly know these people’s “intentions.”

Keep the Muslim migrants out of Europe

One of the most striking reports on this front—both because of its content and how the Fake News (mainstream) Media ignored it—was an October 2015 Glazov Gang interview with Dr. Mudar Zahran, a leader of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition now living as a refugee in Britain. While calling himself an “orthodox Muslim,” he nonetheless issued an eyebrow-raising warning:

Keep the Muslim migrants out of Europe.

What’s more, he insists that they must be returned to their native lands.

While Europe was the focus at the time (as the destination of most Mideast migrants), Zahran’s warnings absolutely apply to the US. And what he says is troubling: Many if not most of the migrants are not what they appear...

Morning Mistress