90 Miles From Tyranny : A Brave Heroine Speaking Truth To Power...

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Brave Heroine Speaking Truth To Power...

“We are patriotic Americans. We peacefully assemble. We petition our government. We exercise our right to free speech and we don’t understand why our government tries to stop us. We aren’t here as serfs or vassals. We’re not begging our lords for mercy. We are born free American citizens and we’re telling our government that you’ve forgotten your place. It’s not your responsibility to look out for our well being and monitor our speech. It’s not your right to assert an agenda. The post that you occupy exists to preserve American liberty. You’ve sworn to perform that duty and you have faltered.”

Check THIS Out...


RobC said...

Just fix the spelling of Heroine please!

Mike Miles said...

hah, fixed thanx.