90 Miles From Tyranny : Has The Purge Begun?

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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Has The Purge Begun?

So I stop posting to YouTube at 1 Strike because I know the man-child Colombia University Fascists have enmity for people who "Hold These Truths To Be Self  Evident". So what do they do, they wait till I get my inevitable 1 strike, then they go out and find a video from over a year ago to give me 2 strikes. 3 strikes is banned forever.

Now Google, who dropped their motto of "Don't Be Evil", years ago owns both YouTube and Blogger.. so tick tock.  

If this blog disappears, I have a backup plan, that plan will be posted on www.ancipient.com.  I will not be silenced.



Doom said...

It is a matter of time. Most likely. And nowhere will be safe, when it does. Fight it as long and well as you can. But watch out for real world attacks, too. They run the bureaucracies, most city governments, academia (so probably licensing, from driver to professional), and else. Including, it seems, the IRS. So... yeah. Just understand what you are really up against, and do what you can.

Tree Mike said...

Fuk those fukn fukrs!...oops, did I say that in my out loud voice?

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

When a few million cancel their cable and satellite accounts the woke will pay attention as they will have been cancelled and have no one to see their bullshit.

Jim said...

I would advise you to produce a duplicate blog a on the other platform, reminding people often where the "other" blog is so if the fascists at Google shut this one down, if there are any people left watching this one, they can go to the other one.

Hoagie John said...

I'm with Doom and Jim. God Bless America and God save us.

Old Tech said...

Does anyone know where these Google pukes live? Or are they all in their parents' basements?

pe5246 said...

You go brother. And thanks for all you do.