90 Miles From Tyranny : Democrats Will Never Take My.....

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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Democrats Will Never Take My.....

 How Awful Must Hunter's Childhood Have Been To Make Him Turn Into Such A Monster?


Wayne Wilson said...

The first wife wanted to take all joe's children out of their horrid lives. She took herself and the first daughter out of the picture. He must be one sick mother fucker.

Randy said...

Maybe Dad showered with him also.

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Matthew said...

My relationship with my Dad had a rocky window of a few years, late teens/early twenties. He had a problem with most of the life choices I was making, I didn't approve of the way he dragged my Mom and little sisters around the country to further his career. We were generally able accept each other by the time I was in my mid-twenties and eventually became very close. He was my best man. As it turns out, all his career moves that I didn't get the point of at the time, ended up allowing him and Mom an early retirement and almost 20 years of the good life. Now that he's gone, all his hard work has also made taking care of my Mom pretty easy.

Still miss that fucker.