90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Sarah Jeong and the Defense of White Hatred - New York Times Response

Monday, August 6, 2018

Jeanine Pirro Rips the NY Times a New One - Opening Statement

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Democrats: A Culture Of Hate Filled With Enabled Racists And Fascists..

HISTORY: In 2017 A Photographer Captured The Moment An ANTIFA Member Captured An Actual FASCIST...

Who Is The Fascist?

This Is What Donald Trump Did To This Poor Hemophiliac Child Suffering From HIV...

A young hemophiliac named Ryan White became infected with HIV after receiving contaminated blood through medical treatment. When diagnosed in December 1984, White was given just six months to live. Doctors said he posed no risk to other students, but AIDS was poorly understood at the time. When White tried to return to school, many parents and teachers in Kokomo, Indiana tried to prevent his attendance in order to halt the spread of the virus. Outraged at the boy's pariah status, Trump visited the boy frequently, paid for his health treatments, and let Ryan use his exclusive jets whenever he needed.

Watch: Antifa Smash Windows of US Marine Corps Recruiting Office in Berkeley

On Sunday, police arrested several far left activists at Berkeley after violence erupted while two opposing rallies were taking place.
Anti-Marxist demonstrators were met with violence by masked Antifa thugs and other far left protesters–police in riot gear wrestled the violent leftists to the ground and made arrests.

Masked Antifa terrorists used hammers to smash windows of a US Marine Corps recruiting office at Berkeley.

Antifa terrorists then threatened the man who took video of them smashing windows with hammers.

“Get the # back. Cops aren’t here. They won’t help you,” Antifa told filmmaker, Ford Fischer.

“After I filmed the antifa break the Marine Corps office window and throw a torch into a dumpster, one of them called a few over to confront me. They basically told me to leave, implying attack if I...

This Is The Last Straw...

California: Heinously Separating Little Children From Their Juice Box Straws...

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro Survives Drone Attack

Caught by surprise mid-speech, Maduro and his wife, looked up at the sky and winced after hearing the sound of an explosion.
A televised address by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was cut short during a speech at a military event on Saturday and soldiers were seen running before the TV transmission was cut off.

The 81st anniversary of the country’s National Guard was abruptly interrupted after an alleged assassination attempt on Maduro as documented on video, Maduro was delivering his speech when he and those around him onstage suddenly looked up as participants in the military demonstration rushed from the scene, according to several Venezuelan media outlets with access to the footage.

Explosions caused pandemonium sending National Guard troops scurrying in what administration officials called an assassination attempt using drones.
Oficers surrounding Maduro with what appeared to be a black bullet-proof barrier as they escorted him from the site. 

Maduro, who was unharmed, later told the nation, “To all of our friends in the world, I am fine, I am alive,” blaming right-wing elements and added, “The Bolivarian revolution keeps its path.”

“This was an attempt to kill me,” he said later in an impassioned retelling of the events. “Today they attempted to assassinate me.”

Within seconds, Maduro said he heard a second explosion and pandemonium ensued. Bodyguards escorted Maduro out of the event and television footage showed uniformed soldiers standing in formation quickly scattering from the scene.

“That drone came after me,” he said. “But there was a shield of love that...

Sarah Sanders Doesn't Always Mop Up The Floor, But When She Does She Mops It Up With Jim Acosta...

Sarah Sanders Goes Scorched Earth On Reporter For Trying To Blame Trump For School Shooting [VIDEO]