90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

‘Are you kidding me with this B.S.’? CNN digs itself even deeper after brutal Twitter battle with Trump

It was at exactly 4:44 pm EST this Wednesday when the “news” network known as CNN stepped into it so deep that it may very well need the help of FEMA to ever pull itself back up again. Why did CNN do it? Who knows. But it did, and it’ll be paying for its mistake for long time to come.

But first flash back to 3:43 pm that afternoon, when President Donald Trump posted a tweet to Twitter slamming the habitually disingenuous network for its most recent bout of fake news.

“CNN is being torn apart from within based on their being caught in a major lie and refusing to admit the mistake,” he had written in reference to CNN’s continued refusal to fess up and admit that its recent reporting on the infamous Trump Tower Meeting was bogus.

On July 27 the network ran a since-debunked story claiming via anonymous sources that the president had been aware beforehand of his son Donald Trump Jr.’s plans to meet with a Russian individual at the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting.

The sources specifically claimed that the president’s former attorney Michael Cohen had been present at a pre-meeting where Trump Jr. had told his father about the then-upcoming Trump Tower meeting. The Washington Post later identified the sources as Cohen’s own attorney, Lanny Davis, after which he himself walked back his claims and admitted he’d fibbed.

But instead of conceding that its July 27 report penned by veteran reporter Carl Bernstein was total hogwash, CNN has continued to defend its flawed reporting.

“Sloppy @carlbernstein, a man who lives in the past and thinks like a degenerate fool, making up story after story, is being laughed at all over the country! Fake News,” Trump’s Wednesday tweet continued.
CNN is being torn apart from within based on their being caught in a major lie and refusing to admit the mistake. Sloppy @carlbernstein, a man who lives in the past and thinks like a degenerate fool, making up story after story, is being laughed at all over the country! Fake News
Now guess what happened when the president rightly called out CNN for its shoddy reporting. It doubled down again, issuing a rebuttal at 4:44 pm riddled with self-important platitudes about how wonderful of a “news” network it allegedly happens to be.

“Make no mistake, Mr. President, CNN does not lie,” CNN tweeted via its official Twitter account, ignoring the myriad of examples that prove otherwise: here, here, here, here, here, etc.

“We report the news. And we report when people in...

How Many More Murders Will The Democrats Allow?


A strategy memo compiled by George Soros-funded activist groups as President Trump was being inaugurated last year foretold and seemed to lay the groundwork for many of the political difficulties Trump now faces and the politics-related strife now roiling the nation.

The memo takes on a heightened importance as the politically-driven censorship of conservatives by the gigantic, unregulated social media corporations controlled by the Left is moving into high gearwhile the crucial midterm congressional elections of Nov. 6 approach.

The intensely anti-conservative animus in the memo may have inspired MasterCard and WorldPay’s attempt on Aug. 21 to strangle the fundraising efforts of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, publisher of FrontPage, by refusing to complete its financial transactions. On that day MasterCard informed the Freedom Center that it would no longer process its transactions because it had been labeled a “hate group” by the radical leftist groups known as the Southern Poverty Law Center and ColorOfChange.org. The Freedom Center stood falsely accused of being “hateful in nature” and “advocating for violence.”

Only a massive outcry by conservative groups and prominent conservatives like Rush Limbaugh forced MasterCard to back down days later and restore the Freedom Center’s online fundraising facilities. But other conservative websites haven’t been so lucky. Many have been shut down or seen their traffic slashed as leftists have manipulated algorithms and limited the reach of conservative content.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center has since called for a coalition to be created across partisan and ideological lines to defend free speech.

The memo itself, "Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action," marked an escalation in tactics by the Left. It was first made public last year by Joe Schoffstall of the Washington Free Beacon around the time Donald Trump took the oath of office to become the nation’s 45th president. This smoking-gun planning document aimed at suppressing conservative voices on social media was ignored by the mainstream media at the time and in the more than a year-and-a-half since.

The document spelled out the Left’s plans for impeaching President Trump, filing lawsuits against the fledgling administration, and using social media to delegitimize Trump’s presidency and hurt Republicans. “Right now, our institutions are among the critical few that stand between the America we love and the abyss,” the memo stated. “We must protect and defend our democratic values. We will not back down. We will only move forward.”

WND founder Joseph Farah referred last week to the 49-page memo as a blueprint “revealing how George Soros operatives, including David Brock, were there at the genesis, the planning stages, with their hands on the ignition key, of the most concerted, well-funded, diabolical attack on free speech in the history of America.”

The document “was nothing short of a plan to turn Google, Facebook and other social media into hyper-partisan Democratic Party activists, promoters, cheerleaders, and off-the-books donors in an effort to turn the country into a...

Mueller Concocts A New Plan To Keep The FBI Leadership Out Of Jail...

Scorned FBI Lover Lisa Page Torched Cheating FBI Partner Peter Strzok; “Lisa is on a Warpath”

FBI: Hillary Clinton Emails Discovered In Child Sex Ring Investigation

The FBI discovered a trove of Hillary Clinton emails during a child sex ring investigation, according to FBI whistleblower John Robertson.

Agent John Robertson was assigned to the Anthony Weiner case – a top Democrat married to Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

During his investigation of Weiner’s computer John discovered thousands of Hillary Clinton emails and blew the whistle on the Comey-McCabe and Strzok cover-up of evidence.

John Robertson will go down in history who saved children from predators and saved a nation from Deep State criminals.

BREAKING: Meet the man who changed course of history:FBI agent JOHN ROBERTSON. Working Weiner sex-crime case, this unsung (& before-now unidentified) hero discovered trove of Clinton emails & blew whistle on the Comey/McCabe/Strzok cover-up of the evidence.

Paul Sperry wrote about John Robertson at The Federalist.

One career FBI special agent involved in the case complained to New York colleagues that officials in Washington tried to “bury” the new trove of evidence, which he believed contained the full archive of Clinton’s emails — including long-sought missing messages from her first months at the State Department.

RealClearInvestigations pieced together the FBI’s handling of the massive new email discovery from the “Weiner laptop.” This months-long investigation included a review of...

There Is A Cleansing Needed In The FBI And Department Of Justice...


Pirro On Political Correctness...

All Charges Dropped Against Three New Mexico ‘Jihadi’ Suspects

A district judge dismissed all charges against three of the five individuals allegedly involved in the death of a child that authorities found at a “jihadi” compound in New Mexico.

Lucas Morton, Subhanna Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahhaj were charged with child abuse after authorities found the remains of the 3-year-old in August. The child, who lived in Georgia, was reported missing by his mother months earlier, reported KOAT Action News.

Additional charges stem from 11 other children who were found at the compound in squalid conditions. At least one of the children was being taught to handle firearms in preparation of a mass shooting, according to The Washington Post.

District Judge Emilio Chavez dropped all of the charges against Morton, Subhanna Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahhaj after appearing in court on Wednesday because...

Arrest of Iranian Spies in U.S. Just ‘Tip of the Iceberg,’ Lawmaker Warns, Spies Stationed Across US is a Result of Obama-Era Payouts

It’s common knowledge Iran actively recruits from the press corp. They know where their sympathizers live.

The recent arrest of two Iranian agents alleged to have been running spy operations on U.S. soil is just “the tip of the iceberg” in terms of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to conduct intelligence operations in America that could result in a terrorist attack, according to a leading lawmaker and U.S. officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about the matter.

Following the arrest of two Iranian individuals charged with spying on Jewish and Israeli facilities in the California area, Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) told the Free Beacon it is likely Iran has stationed multiple regime-tied agents in the United States to conduct intelligence operations.

While the arrest of the two Iranians was met with shock in the press, Roskam said he was not surprised by the arrests, which have unearthed concrete evidence of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to foment discord across the globe, including on American soil.

“This is the tip of the iceberg,” Roskam said in an interview. “This is not a surprise and this is a result of the Iran regime getting financial support from the Obama administration in the Iran deal.”

Iran has been emboldened by the lack of international repercussions on its malevolent behavior and may have increased its intelligence operations in America in the years since the landmark nuclear deal, he said.

Iran is “acting with impunity, that deal emboldened them,” Roskam said. “This is an unmasking of that. Unfortunately it’s all too predictable. Give a malevolent regime huge amounts of cash with no restraining influence and this is what happens.”

The Trump Justice Department announced last week it had arrested two Iranians and charged them with spying on behalf of the hardline regime, a discovery that has refocused attention on the Islamic Republic’s global spy operations.

Lawmakers and experts have been warning for some time that Iran has stationed what some described as “sleeper cell” agents across the United States. These agents are believed to operate with impunity and could lay the groundwork for a large-scale terror attack on American soil.

The two Iranian individuals—identified as Ahmadreza Mohammadi-Doostdar, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen, and Majid Ghorbani, an Iranian citizen and resident of California—were formally charged by the Trump administration “with allegedly acting on behalf of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran by conducting covert surveillance of Israeli and Jewish facilities in the United States, and collecting identifying information about American citizens and U.S. nationals who are members of the group Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK),” an Iranian opposition group that promotes regime change in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #364

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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