90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fighting the Progressive News Machine In Technology Blogs

Has anyone ever noticed how the major technology blogs have a liberal bias?  Well I have and it is more than obvious; for instance, today on Wired, they have another effusive article on Stephen Colbert, they clearly have metro-sexual crushes on him.  Another article today on Wired is about Occupy Comics, which is devoted to the themes and ideas of the Occupy movement.  Now I consider the Occupy movement to be degenerate scum, parasites feeding off of the entrails of a dying superpower, a meme for progressive unthought; foul public poopers and pabulum processors that posses puny putrid protesting pacifist principles.  But I digress.

I did a search on Wired for "Stephen Colbert" dozens and dozens of loving articles appeared.  So my snarky self did a search for "Bill O'Reilly", dozens and dozens of negative articles appeared.  This is a technology blog engaging in partisan politics.  It is clear that on all levels of information that we receive, the progressive left are engaging in indoctrination of us and our children.  Well I say it is time to put our sunglasses on and reveal the slimy reptiles for what they are, we must join the battle!
In this article, the wired author calls the NYT a "relatively mainstream outlet". How many standard deviations left of the mean do you have to be to believe The New York Times is a relatively mainstream news outlet? This extremist, leftist rag has not endorsed a Republican candidate in hers or her parents lifetime. Think about that for a minute, they endorsed Barack Obama twice, Jimmy Carter twice, Michael Dukakis instead of Ronald Reagan, sex predator and chakra releaser Al Gore and John Kerry: North Korea's Darling, JOHN EFFING KERRY. Let that sink in for a few seconds.

If we non-leftists (and I use this term to describe all free market, non statist individualists), are to win, we need to fight the ubiquitous reach of the left, we need media that will compete and win against the leftist media machine that is U.S. media today.  We need this media on every level: sports, technology, fashion, culture, news, etc.  For the sake of freedom and liberty in the world, we non-leftists need to create this alternative media and we need to win, to dominate on every level.  

The things that entertain us, make us laugh, are the same.  Today's leftist media gets to choose what is important, what becomes news.  It is we that need to make these decisions in order to promote free market ideals, freedom and anti-socialism.  Many who read this are already bloggers, we need to up our game, support our own and conquer and dominate the media; we must fight the indoctrination with a devastating campaign of information from a free market perspective.  If not us, whom?

Know Your Parasites...

Obama has a Parasitic Lesbian Worm named after him!

On the Net Effect Of Liberalism To American Cultural Values From An Epistemological Point Of View..

Is Big Media A Form Of Parasite That Is Infecting Our Brains?

Parasite Defined...

AP FACT CHECK: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe

Key assertions by Hillary Clinton in defense of her email practices have collapsed under FBI scrutiny.

FBI director James Comey announced Tuesday that he recommends no charges in the Hillary Clinton email probe. However, Comey said there's evidence that Clinton and her aides were "extremely careless" in the handling of classified information. The recommendation comes days after the FBI interviewed the Democratic presidential candidate about her use of a private email server as secretary of state. C-SPAN

Key assertions by Hillary Clinton in defense of her email practices have collapsed under FBI scrutiny.
The agency's yearlong investigation found that she did not, as she claimed, turn over all her work-related messages for release. It found that her private email server did carry classified emails, also contrary to her past statements. And it made clear that Clinton used many devices to send and receive email despite her statements that she set up her email system so that she only needed to carry one.

FBI Director James Comey's announcement Tuesday that he will not refer criminal charges to the Justice Department against Clinton spared her from prosecution and a devastating political predicament. But it left much of her account in tatters and may have aggravated questions of trust swirling around...

How Venezuela’s experiment with ’21st century socialism’ failed

When a Venezuelan entrepreneur we know launched a manufacturing company in western Venezuela two decades ago, he never imagined he’d one day find himself facing jail time over the toilet paper in the factory’s restrooms.

But Venezuela has a way of turning yesterday’s unimaginable into today’s normal.

The entrepreneur’s ordeal started about a year ago, when the factory union began to insist on enforcing an obscure clause in its collective-bargaining agreement requiring the factory’s restrooms to be stocked with toilet paper at all times.

The problem was that, amid deepening shortages of virtually all basic products (from rice and milk to deodorant and condoms) finding even one roll of toilet paper was nearly impossible in Venezuela—let alone finding enough for hundreds of workers. When the entrepreneur did manage to find some TP, his workers, understandably, took it home: It was just as hard for them to find it as it was for him.

Toilet-paper theft may sound like a farce, but it’s a serious matter for the entrepreneur: Failing to stock the restrooms puts him in violation of his agreement with the union, and that puts his factory at risk of a prolonged strike, which in turn could lead to its being seized by the socialist government under the increasingly unpopular President Nicolas Maduro.

So the entrepreneur turned to the black market, where he found an apparentsolution: a supplier able to deliver, all at once, enough TP to last a few months. (We’re not naming the entrepreneur lest the government retaliate against him.) Theprice was steep but he had no other option—his company was at risk.

But the problem wasn’t solved.

No sooner had the TP delivery reached the factory than the secret police swept in. Seizing the toilet paper, they claimed they had busted a major hoarding...

Morning Mistress


Watch What He Does With This Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle...


Click the speaker on bottom right for sound..

More Fabulous Vines:

Walmart Fireworks Display: INSIDE WALMART!!

The Cheese Of Truth...

Social Justice Warriors Are Pathetic... #Trigglypuff

Nature Shows Us That Safe Spaces Are An Artificial Construct...

SkateBoard Win..

Dog Terrified Of Tuba Sound...

Late Night Creepy...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Girls With Guns

ISIS Is Now Selling Sex Slaves As Young As 12 Over A Cell Phone App

The Islamic State has begun using the encrypted Telegram app to sell off sex slaves captured in and around its territory.

“Virgin. Beautiful. 12 years old … Her price has reached $12,500 and she will be sold soon,” read a sex slave advertisement on the popular app.

An activist within the Yazidi community, a religious minority ISIS accuses of devil worship, shared the advertisement with the Associated Press. ISIS’ radical theology permits its fighters to take non-Muslim women as captive sex slaves. Women from the Yazidi population have been one of the largest victim populations.

The terrorist group is estimated to have around 3,000 women and girls for sale on its sex slave market. ISIS shares databases with its

checkpoints that contain information on sex slaves in order to...

Multiculturism Is Working Great...

More On The Marvels Of Multiculturalism:

SCANDINAVIA’S NEW RELIGION: MULTICULTURALISM - And the rampant rape culture it has produced.

How Cultural Marxism Works...

Sweden’s deputy PM describes the 9/11 Twin Towers terrorist attack as ‘the September 11 accidents’ 

Multiculturalism Is A Lie...





We All Need A Little More Grace...

A Smart Lady Is A Beautiful Thing, Aren't These Ladies Beautiful??