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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Obama treats officers at memorial for slain Dallas cops to lecture about bigotry & gun control

I didn’t watch President Obama’s address at a memorial service for the murdered police officers in Dallas as it happened, but I did see it later. Obama’s address started out OK, then inevitably spiraled into an agenda-driven lecture, which is the very predictable reason I didn’t go out of my way to watch the speech live in the first place.

Five officers are dead, and so apparently Tuesday’s memorial service was considered an appropriate time for airing some blue-related grievances:

President Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial service for five slain Dallas police officers, saying bigotry remains a problem in police departments across the U.S. While paying tribute to the fallen officers for sacrificing their lives to protect anti-police protesters from a sniper, Mr. Obama also called on law enforcement agencies to root out bias that he said is contributing to...

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Girls With Guns

I Will Work To Get These People Out Of Public Office...

Cars At A Huge Gas Station - Los Angeles, 1948

More Interesting Photos:

One of the oldest photos of the Great Sphinx, from 1880

Who Is Hillary Most Proud Of Making Enemies With?

She is a danger to the American people and the entire world.

Epic Submarine Battle - Live Action!

The Prez Lie Dispenser...

White House Petition To Recognize Black Lives Matter As Terrorists Nears 100,000 Signatures

A citizen-led web petition calling on the federal government to officially recognize Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization is approaching 100,000 signatures, the minimum threshold for a response from the White House.

The petition, created on the official White House petition site a day before the deadly massacre of police officers in Dallas, Texas by black supremacist Micah Xavier Johnson, has gathered considerable momentum over the weekend, and at its current rate will...

Trump Pulls Ahead Of Crooked Hillary In New Florida Poll and Holds Significant Lead With Latinos and Hispanics…

A new poll released from JMC Analytics in Florida shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton 47% to 42%, and leading with Hispanic voters 49% to 36%.
latinos for Trump 2

Read More HERE


Armed unmanned aerial systems (more commonly known as “drones”) have gained worldwide attention for their use on battlefield that range from Afghanistan to Syria, with China’s CH-3 and CH-4 joining the fight in locales like Iraq and Nigeria. But these drones have been built around a winged airplane design, requiring a substantial logistical footprint, including a lengthy runway, to operate from. They also can fly above targets, but can’t perch and stare or enter real or urban canyons.

Enter helicopter drones, an area where the field is headed, including in China. In June 2016, an unmanned V-750 helicopter UAV successfully fired anti-tank missiles at targets. Jointly developed by Weifang Tianxiang Aerospace Industry Co.Ltd., Qingdao Haili Helicopters Manufacturing Co. Ltd and certified by Chinese aviation authorities in 2014, the 750kg V-750 drone is used by both civilian and military users. In its current configuration, the armed version of the V-750 can carry at least two 50kg anti-tank missiles, such as the HJ-9 and HJ-10, or rocket pods, and has a range of...

Morning Mistress