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Sunday, August 7, 2016

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Iranian nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri executed for treason after Hillary Clinton emails confirm he was a paid U.S. informant

Hillary Clinton's willful negligence killed a valuable American operative.

An Iranian scientist who provided the US with information about the country's nuclear programme has been hanged for treason, the government has confirmed.

Shahram Amiri was executed for giving "vital information to the enemy", a judiciary spokesman said.

Amiri disappeared in Saudi Arabia in 2009 and resurfaced a year later in the US, where he claimed to have been abducted and interrogated by the CIA.

He subsequently returned to Iran and was given a long prison sentence.

News of his execution emerged on Saturday, when Amiri's mother said the body had been handed over with rope marks around his neck.

On Sunday a spokesman for Iranian judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, told reporters: "Through his connection with the United States, Amiri gave vital information about the country to the enemy,"

From hero to traitor

Amiri, who was born in 1977, went missing after taking a pilgrimage to Mecca.

After reappearing in the US in 2010, he said he had been kidnapped and put under "intense psychological pressure to reveal sensitive information".

However US officials at the time said Amiri had defected of his own accord and provided "useful information".

Timeline of a disappearance

Human Carbon Dioxide Emissions - Should You Be Worried?

Fossil fuels are responsible for less than one half of one percent and possibly as low as one tenth of one percent of all carbon emissions. The ocean is the number one carbon emitter, and natural land emission is number two.  Was this information easy to find? No. The dishonesty of the radical leftist websites that attempt to create climate hysteria will not put it as plainly as this. Obfuscation is their goal. They will publish the numbers in oddly disparate places as to create barricades to the truth.

Carbon is not a pollutant, carbon is the elixir of life. In the 20th century, Star Trek's Enterprise went off in search for carbon based life forms; In the 21st century, anti-enterprise low life carbon based life forms boldly go where no deadly socialist has gone before.

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Girls With Guns

The Best Defense For Rape?

An Officer And A "Legalman"

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The Shocking Mystery Of How These Nine Hikers Died Is Still Unsolved...

How The Iran Hostage Transfer REALLY Went Down...

I shamelessly plucked this image from HERE

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Barack Obama's Ronald Reagan Moment...

It Came From the Depths Of HELL!!!

The First Presidential Portrait Of Bill Clinton Was NOT Approved...

What Hostage Transfer?

PROOF OBAMA LIED=> US Iranian Hostage Abedini Says Iran Held Plane on Tarmac Until Ransom Plane Arrived (VIDEO)

Military K9 Trainer’s Facebook Post About Hillary Clinton Goes Viral – What a Monster!

Eric Bonner, a former K9 trainer with the US military, shared about his brief encounter with Hillary Clinton on Facebook.
Bonner says he’s not voting for Hillary.
After reading his Facebook post you will know why.
This is not the first time Hillary’s been accused of abusing and berating military and secret service personnel. She has a long history of telling the military to “get f*cked.”

Former U.S. Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne released a book in June detailing Hillary Clinton’s violent and abusive behavior.

Hopefully, more men and women like Eric Bonner will come forward before the November election and keep this monster out of the White House.

Here’s the transcript in case something happens to the post:
“I’m not Voting for Clinton. 
It has nothing to do with her views. It really doesn’t even matter about all the laws she broke.
It’s because She actually talked to me once. Almost a sentence. But first, some background.
Being a K9 handler in the Military I got to do a few details involving Distinguished Visitors. Mostly Generals, DOD Officials, and Secretaries of Defense. I was lucky enough to pull two awesome details.
GW looked at me, said “Man, who’d you piss off” high fived me, and continued on. I was climbing down from a catwalk I stood on for 4 hours with nothing but Dust and a radio to keep me company. The radio died early on. It was pretty sweet.
Obama, as he was walking out to his plane in Turkey, said “What the hell kind of dog is that?!” In reference to Suli.
One of my Last details was for Hillary when she was Secretary of State. She was in Turkey for whatever reason. I helped with sweeps of her DV Quarters and staff vehicles. Her words to me? “Get that Fucking dog away from me.” Then she turns to her Security Detail and berates them up and down about why that animal was in her quarters. For the next 20 minutes while I sit there waiting to be released she lays into her detail, slamming the door in their faces when she’s done. The Detail lead walks over apologizes and releases me. I apologize to him for getting him in trouble. His words “Happens every day, Brother”
Hillary doesn’t care about anyone but Hillary.”

From GatewayPundit

Wall Porn: Hadrian’s Wall - circa 122 A.D.

Around 122 A.D., the Emperor Hadrian ordered the construction of a stone barrier to protect Roman Britain from the Picts and the other “barbarian” tribes that inhabited northern England and Scotland. 

The result was “Hadrian’s Wall,” a 73-mile rampart that stretched from the Solway Firth on the western coast to the mouth of the River Tyne in the east. 

The wall was roughly 10 feet wide and 15 feet tall and was dotted with forts manned by frontier troops. Gates spaced one mile apart allowed the garrison to control movement in the region—the wall may have even been used to levy taxes—and defensive towers and ditches protected against raids from the north. 

Though briefly decommissioned in the 140s in favor of a more northerly barrier called the Antonine Wall, Hadrian’s Wall was later reoccupied and remained an imposing symbol of Roman power until their withdrawal from Britain in the early 5th century. 1,600 years of deterioration and looting for building materials have since reduced it to a fraction of its original size, but many portions still exist today and are among England’s most visited historical sites.

Morning Mistress