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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What's Happening In South Africa?

South Africa | Apartheid & the Future

Oldest examples of hunting weapon uncovered in South Africa

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Republican Wins In Georgia! Trump Wins In Georgia!!

Republican Karen Handel Defeats Democrat Jon Ossoff in Georgia Special Election

SANDY SPRINGS, Georgia — Republican Karen Handel has won the special congressional election in Georgia, fending off a strong challenge from Democrat Jon Ossoff in the heavily Republican House district, according to a projection by NBC News.

Handel’s victory in the closely fought contest, which drew national interest and was the most expensive House race ever at over $50 million spent, comes as good news for President Donald Trump. Democrats had promoted the contest as a referendum on the president.

With over 80 percent of the vote counted, Handel lead Ossoff 52 percent to 48 percent in a race that many expected to be much closer. Handel had 116,182 votes to Ossoff's 105,170 ballots.

"Democrats from coast to coast threw everything they had at this race, and Karen would not be defeated," said House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Democrats will call the outcome a moral victory, and note they've exceeded expectations in every special election this year. But it doesn’t change the fact that they’re 0-4 for congressional races, even after spending millions of dollars and and whipping up a hyper-motivated base.

Rarely, if ever, has a single congressional race attracted this much attention or been freighted with so much meaning.

Girls With Guns

JUSTIFIED – Dash Camera Video Of Philando Castile Shooting Released; Dispels Lies

Sorry, We Can't Reveal Our "Anonymous" Sources.....

Tips For Reading Washington Post Stories About Trump Based On Anonymous Leaks

SJW's Invade Lord Of The Rings...Insanity Ensues...

Social Justice Warrior Mentality Meets The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy...

Rogue Planet Confirmed Orbiting Around ‘Eye of Sauron’

Collectivist Fishing Expedition...

BOMBSHELL: New independent report suggests murder of Seth Rich not random or a robbery, possible ‘hired killer’

Breaking news out of Washington, D.C. where The Profiling Project — an “all-volunteer group of current and former George Washington University forensic psychology graduate students and instructors” has just released a report on the murder of Seth Rich. Here’s the executive summary with the bombshell suggestion that a “hired killer” was possibly behind the crime:

The Story Of Sergeant Stubby, The Hero Dog Of WWI

Sergeant Stubby (1916 or 1917 – March 16, 1926) was a dog who was the official mascot of the 102nd Infantry Regiment (United States), assigned to the 26th (Yankee) Division. He served for 18 months and participated in seventeen battles on the Western Front. He saved his regiment from surprise mustard gas attacks, found and comforted the wounded, and once caught a German soldier by the seat of his pants, holding him there until American soldiers found him. Back home, his exploits were front page news in major newspapers.[2][3][4]
Stubby has been called the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only dog to be nominated for rank and then promoted to sergeant through combat,[5] a claim having no official documentary evidence, but recognized in connection with an exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution.[5][2][3]
Sgt. Stubby is the subject of an upcoming animated film, scheduled for release in April 2018.

General George S. Patton’s dog on the day of Patton’s death on December 21st, 1945..

I Call Myself American....

Democrats Block Witnesses from Testifying in House Intel Probe

House Democrats are continuing to block testimony from about a dozen witnesses who sought to appear before the intelligence oversight panel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Congressional officials said one of the key witnesses, former informal adviser to the Trump campaign Carter Page, was scheduled to testify at a closed hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

But Democrats on the committee blocked the testimony, asserting they needed more time to prepare.

"He's the guy that many Democrats have been pointing to as the supposed mastermind and you would think they were interested hearing his story," said one Capitol Hill official.

Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the committee's Democratic leader, did not respond to emails seeking comment on the blocked testimony.

Schiff has asserted in the past that evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign is "more than circumstantial," contrary to other intelligence and congressional oversight members who have said there is no evidence.

On Sunday, Schiff appeared to back off his earlier comments somewhat. Pressed on ABC News to explain the nature of the evidence of collusion, the lawmaker said: "Well, I think there is evidence. I can't go into the particulars of our closed investigation. But I also think there is also evidence of obstruction. But in both cases, I would say,...

Delingpole: Trump Is Western Democracy’s Last Man Standing Against the Green Terror

Donald Trump is the only leader left in the world defending Western democracy against eco fascism.

Don’t just take it from me. Read this Belgian philosopher, Drieu Godefridi, interviewed in the French liberal newspaper Contrepoints and translated here by Friends of Science Calgary.

He believes that the Paris climate agreement was a global socialist plot which the U.S. was absolutely right to escape:
[President Trump] perfectly grasped the essence of the Paris Agreement, which is to redistribute the wealth of the West to the rest of the world – he expressly declared it on the Lawn of the White House, on June 1st, 2017 when making the American exit from Paris official. In so doing, he has stopped the formidable internationalist socialist machinery that was in the process of being set up. In other words, he has refused to validate the third-world moral intuition, and the scientific pretext that gave birth to the Paris Agreement.

Environmentalism, argues Godefridi, is just another facet of the left’s ongoing war against democracy:
What we have been seeing for the past two decades, in the areas of climate, gender theory, immigration and terrorism, and so on, is that activist minority ideologues have confiscated democratic debate.

What makes it so especially dangerous is that unlike, say, gender theory – which everyone knows to be made-up leftist nonsense – climate change has a superficial scientific plausibility capable of fooling people who ought to know better. But really, it’s just another mask for...