90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Make Your Communities And Towns Lovely And Lovable, For Without Love, Who Will They Inspire To Fight For Them?

More Wrath:

Politeness Never Defeated An Existential Threat...
You Came To The Wrong Colony...
Should We Sacrifice Our Civilization For Strangers?
Someday, ... Your Kind Will Pray For A Man With A Sword...
Napoleon Smacks Down Obama...
The Inferior Man Argues About His Rights...
He Who Saves His Country Does Not Violate Any Law...

COULTER: When Liberals Club People, It’s With Love In Their Hearts

Apparently, as long as violent leftists label their victims “fascists,” they are free to set fires, smash windows and beat civilians bloody. No police officer will stop them. They have carte blanche to physically assault anyone they disapprove of, including Charles Murray, Heather Mac Donald, Ben Shapiro, me and Milo Yiannopoulos, as well as anyone who wanted to hear us speak.

Even far-left liberals like Evergreen State professor Bret Weinstein will be stripped of police protection solely because the mob called him a “racist.”

If the liberal shock troops deem local Republicans “Nazis” — because some of them support the duly elected Republican president — Portland will cancel the annual Rose Festival parade rather than allow any Trump supporters to march.

They’re all “fascists”! Ipso facto, the people cracking their skulls and smashing store windows are “anti-fascists,” or as they call themselves, “antifa.”

We have no way of knowing if the speakers at the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally last weekend were “Nazis,” “white supremacists” or passionate Civil War buffs, inasmuch as they weren’t allowed to speak. The Democratic governor shut the event down, despite a court order to let it proceed.

We have only visuals presented to us by the activist media, showing some...

Whoever Would Overthrow The Liberty Of A Nation Must Begin By Subduing The Freeness Of Speech...

More Benjamin Franklin Quotes:

By Failing To Prepare, You Are Preparing To Fail...

Soros-Funded Groups AstroTurf DACA Protests at White House

Protests demanding an Obama-created amnesty program for young illegal aliens remain intact were sponsored George Soros-funded by open borders groups.

United We Dream and CASA, two Soros-funded pro-immigration groups, were behind the rally outside the White House where illegal aliens demanded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program be kept in place by the President Trump Administration.

In 2010, Soros’ Open Society Foundation gave United We Dream a total of $75,000. In 2015, the open borders organization CASA thanked Soros’ Open Society Foundation for their funding and support.

At the protest, more than 25 open border activists were arrested by Metro Police outside of the White House, according to...

Proof Leftists Want To Destroy America...

We Are Replacing Our Institutions with Something “Darker, More Rigidly Conformist”

The leftists will never stop. If you give them something they want, they will demand more and the road to oppression will continue without end. They want to destroy our free speech, our freedom of religion, our right to own guns, our Constitution, our military and police forces, our separation of powers, our two-party system, our history, our rule of law. Statues have little to do with what is going on right now.

The removal of confederate statues is only a path to destroy our institutions. It’s an iconoclastic movement by the leftists no different from that of Mao, Lenin, the Taliban. This is not about the confederacy, it’s Saul Alinsky-ites and leftists taking us down to gain power and control.

We can now see where it is headed and we had better speak up now. Why not build monuments to notable minorities like George Washington Carver and Harriet Tubman?

The Congressional Black Caucus on Capitol Hill want the confederate statues in the Capitol removed. “We will never solve America’s race problem if we continue to honor traitors who fought against the United States in order to keep African-Americans in chains. By the way, thank god, they lost,” Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond (D-La.) told ABC News.

Unfortunately, the CBC is very far left and while they have a good point about statues representing these men, they are part of our history. That’s almost besides the point. If it would stop at confederate statues in public places, it would be one thing, but it will not.

Lee is among the 10 Confederates whose statues remain in the Capitol, lionizing a slaveholding era and sparking calls this week from some House Democrats to rid the building of their likenesses.

Politico subtly suggests it’s only white racists who want to keep the symbols, which they have made more important than they ever were: But the protesters weren’t waving the stars and stripes. America’s resurgent...

Every Record Has Been Destroyed Or Falsified, Every Book Rewritten......

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, 1984.

...Nothing exists except an endless present in which the leftist media is always right....

Paying Protesters To Destabilize the U.S.

Wealthy leftists engage professional grievance hustlers to pay protesters to destabilize and destroy America. And people are standing by watching like a train wreck in slow motion, waiting for someone else to do something.

At anti-Trump protests during the election, protesters admitted they answered ads on Craigslist and were getting paid to protest Trump. The protests are largely paid for by George Soros, MoveOn.org, reclusive billionaire Jonathan Lewis, and pushed by David Brock at Media Matters for America. I’ve been writing about this for several years.

The Latest Faux Protests

Leftist Activists demanded Monday that the American Museum of Natural History in New York City take down its statue of ‘racist’ Theodore Roosevelt. Apparently “the statue is seen as an affront to all who pass it on entering the museum, but especially to African and Native Americans.”

Marching around the museum in a fit of self-righteous rage, protesters carried signs that read “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” “DECOLONIZE THIS MUSEUM,” and “ABOLISH WHITE SUPREMACY,” the Daily Wire reported.

“A stark embodiment of the white supremacy that Roosevelt himself espoused and promoted,” pontificated the group of protesters in a statement.

Denying the History of the South

Leftist activists continue to demand that southern states take down statues of Confederate figures. Some argue that Confederate war monuments shouldn’t be funded with taxpayer dollars. Others say these monuments are a part of American history, and whether it’s positive or negative history, they should be treated as such. Leftists on the other hand, have instead determined that it’s fine to...

This Nationwide Program Is Teaching Millions of Students to Become Leftist Snowflakes

Parents beware: A program called Challenge Day that applauds a culture of victimhood is planting the leftist agenda into young minds under the guise of anti-bullying education.

The program uses the power of peer pressure and groupthink to impress upon high school students the idea that everyone is a victim.

Challenge Day is no small initiative. According to the program’s website, it has been held at more than 2,200 high schools nationwide and reached millions of students.

Challenge Day purports to teach tolerance and acceptance, yet nearly every member of its board of directors and Global Leadership Council is politically left of center.

Of the 17 members of Challenge Day’s board of directors, 15 openly support leftist leaders and causes, and two have an unknown affiliation, according to Federal Election Commission records and personal social media accounts. Of their 22-person Global Leadership Council, 17 of the members support leftist leaders and causes.

This is an organization that preaches diversity but is not politically diverse itself.

The most concerning member of Challenge Day’s global governing board? The former “green-jobs czar” under President Barack Obama, Van Jones.

While Jones was in jail after a mass arrest, according to the East Bay Express, he said, “I met all these young radical people of color—I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of.’”

When in high school, I myself participated in Challenge Day. At 16 years old, I was a junior at Grosse Pointe North High School, a public school outside Detroit.

I was asked to step forward if I were ever called a bad kid, tried to run away, isolated myself, was made fun of by someone I trusted, or felt as if I were treated differently because of my...

Black Teens Bludgeon White Man To Death With Hammers In Ferguson

Remember when this was huge news and President Obama was forced to disavow Black Lives Matter?

Neither do I.

Zemir Begic was a teenager when he and his family fled Bosnia in the aftermath of a bloody civil war. In America, he found work, friends and love before a pack of thugs beat him to death with hammers on a city street in St. Louis as his terrified fiancee watched early Sunday.

Begic, his wife of six months and a friend were surrounded by a group a teenagers who began banging on it with hammers, according to authorities and witnesses. When Begic stepped out of his car to confront them, the teens pounced on him, pummeling him with the hammers and leaving him fatally injured. He died hours later at St. Louis University Hospital.

“The last thing he did before he actually died was pull me out of the way and put himself in front of me, basically giving up his life for me,” Begic's fiancee, Arijana Mujkanovic, told KSDK.

The attack occurred in southwest St. Louis, just 20 miles from Ferguson, where a police shooting of a black man and a grand jury's subsequent decision not to indict the officer sparked violent riots. Police have said the murder of Begic, 32, does not appear to be racially motivated, and have arrested three teens and were looking for one or possibly two more. The married immigrant was driving his car when the teens approached at a traffic light and began striking it with hammers, prompting him to get out and confront them, according to police.

The attack has left St. Louis's 70,000-member Bosnian community reeling and calling for more police protection.

“We come from Bosnia because we were getting killed and our homes and families were getting destroyed,” Denisa Begic, his 23-year-old sister, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “Never in my life did I think he would get murdered.”

On Monday evening, Robert Mitchell, 17, was charged as an adult with first-degree murder and armed criminal action in the death, KMOV-TV reported. Mitchell turned himself in late Sunday after 15- and 16-year-old suspects were taken into custody. Despite the proximity to the racially-charged Ferguson incident, which has generated national headlines, police insist there is no...

Morning Mistress

Protesters attacked Charlottesville driver’s car with baseball bat

So it looks to me like the city revoked the legal permit to assemble, the illegal assembly of leftists protesters was allowed to continue, this guy starts driving home, gets caught in the middle of violent protesters who begin attacking his car with weapons, and he panics and guns it, hitting a car from behind and killing the girl standing in between two cars taunting the second car.

They violently attack his car again after the accident, he again panics and he backs up out of there at high speed.

See video HERE

But I could be wrong...