90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Biden Releases New Book!: The Audacity of Grope...

It Wasn't Kavanaugh, It Was Joe Biden!

Watch: Fmr. Obama Official SQUIRM After Being Asked About Obama’s Role in Trump Investigation

Former Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama, Ben Rhodes seemed visibly uncomfortable in a recent interview where he was asked about the Obama administration’s “involvement” in the Trump-Russia investigation and the anti-Trump dossier.

PJ Media’s Nick Ballasy sat down with Rhodes and asked him if the Department of Justice would find anything linking the Obama administration to the origins of the investigation into President Trump.

“No, no, look…look, I cannot be clear enough about this. We didn’t even know there was an FBI investigation of Trump. I didn’t. President Obama didn’t, like, we don’t…we actually abided by the firewalls between – if there were any investigations that took place, those decisions were made in the Justice Department, in the FBI, not in the White House,” he said.

“They will find nothing that suggests there was any political or White House involvement in any of that. Literally, I learned about the FBI investigation of Trump as a private citizen in the frickin’ Washington Post. Like, so, like this, you have to understand, we actually abided by the longstanding practice of the White House not getting involved in that kind of stuff,” he continued.

Dan took to Twitter to react to Rhodes’ comments, writing, “With the exception of the suspicious Aug FBI text ‘the White House is running this,’ the suspicious Sept ‘POTUS wants to know everything’ FBI text & the suspicious Oct text where the FBI & CIA are coordinating their message for a WH meeting, Ben thinks there’s nothing to see here.”

When Ballasy brings up the anti-Trump dossier by Christopher Steele, Rhodes quickly interjects, “We had nothing to do with that, nothing.”

“I saw it, uh, I heard about it at the very end when, you know, in January of 2000 um…2017, like, we weren’t involved in commissioning the dossier like....

U.S. combat veteran and muslim convert, sought to bomb a "Freedom Loving Americans" Rally

A U.S. Army veteran planned to detonate improvised explosive devices at several Southern California locations to cause "mass casualties" in a terror plot thwarted by law enforcement officials.

Mark Stevens Domingo, 26 of Reseda, in the San Fernando Valley, was arrested Friday night after he took delivery of what he thought was a live bomb from an undercover law enforcement officer posing as bomb maker. He was charged with attempting to provide materiel support to terrorists.

According a federal affidavit, "after considering various attacks — including targeting Jews, churches and police officers — Domingo decided to detonate an IED at a rally scheduled to take place in Long Beach this past weekend. As part of the plot, Domingo asked his confederate — who actually was cooperating with the FBI as part of the investigation — to find a bomb maker, and Domingo last week purchased several hundred nails to be used as shrapnel inside the IED."

"Domingo said he specifically bought 3-inch nails because they would be long enough to penetrate the human body and puncture internal organs," the affidavit states.

Prosecutors alleged Domingo sought retribution for the New Zealand mosque attack and said he was willing to become a martyr. "There must be retribution," he posted online, according to the federal criminal complaint. He also allegedly expressed allegiance for the Islamic State group.

"America needs another vegas event …(to) give them a taste of the terror they gladly spread all over the world," he allegedly wrote, referring to the massacre at the Route 91 concert.

The FBI saw the posts and used an informant to begin a series of meetings with him. During these discussions, he alleged talked about targeting "Jews, police officers, churches and a military facility." A law enforcement source told the Los Angeles Times he also considered attacking the Santa Monica Pier.

He talked about drive by shootings using a modified AK-47 style rifle, authorities allege. But he ended up targeting a rally in Long Beach.

The development comes less than 48 hours after a gunman opened fire inside a San Diego County synagogue, killing one woman and wounding several others in what law enforcement officials are investigating as an anti-Semitic hate crime.

Southern California has been the scene of several terror incidents, including one by a prison-based terrorist group that targeted the U.S. government and supporters of Israel.

In 2005, Kevin James founded Jam'iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh, or JIS, inside a California prison and led a conspiracy to attack Los Angeles International Airport, several Army recruiting centers and the Israeli Consulate in L.A. The group planned to stage attacks on political targets with the proceeds of gas station robberies, investigators said. Authorities said they learned of the potential plot when Torrance police investigating the robberies found lists of targets and other information at one suspect's apartment in South Los Angeles.

Three years before that, a gunman killed two people at the busy LAX ticket counter of El Al Israel Airlines.

And in 2015, Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, entered a holiday gathering for county employees at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino and, using rifles purchased by a friend, killed 14 people and injured 22 others.

Authorities alleged that Farook and a friend had plotted additional terror attacks targeting students at a nearby community college and drivers on the 91 Freeway.

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #607

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, April 29, 2019

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

A Socialist Economy Will Give You More Vacation Time!!!

Imagine all the extra time you will have to scavenge the garbage bins for food!!

The Socialist Diet Plan That Really Works!!

The first ever “champion” of a pie eating contest was an unnamed 6-year-old boy. In 1916, he managed to scarf a 10-inch pie in 15 seconds.

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One of the oldest photos of the Great Sphinx, from 1880

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Libertarians Party For Hate Speech In New York City

Last Thursday night down on Bleeker Street in Manhattan, the libertarian entertainment company We The Internet gathered to throw a bash celebrating its latest mini-documentary, and the launch of its “The Funny Thing About Hate Speech” tour. The 15-minute film, “5 Reasons We Need Hate Speech,” is a full-throated defense of free speech that is well-produced, very clever, and often quite funny. Both the documentary and the party were hosted by Lou Perez, We The Internet’s jocular impresario whose straightforward and aw shucks style cuts straight to the heart of the matter.

The party in a downtown club space was fun and festive, a gathering of free thinkers and iconoclasts. Reason magazine’s Nick Gillespie was there (yes, he wore a leather jacket), and former American Civil Liberties Union head Nadine Strossen and author Zachary Wood joined Perez for a panel discussion. Among the questioners from the audience was journalist Jesse Singal, who appears in the film.

The documentary is now airing on YouTube and is linked below. The reasons it discusses for why we need hate speech, or more specifically need to not ban hate speech, are not particularly new. They focus mostly on how such bans not only make hate speech stronger, but that defining hate speech always winds up as a slippery slope that captures at its bottom a much wider range of speech than was ever intended.

What makes the film special, and is true of much of We The Internet’s work, is how difficult it is to pin down politically. Indeed one of the central focuses is European and to a lesser extent American efforts to criminalize or ban criticism of Israel.

In one of the film’s more humorous moments, Perez is on his way to interview a pro-Palestinian group at Fordham University that had been denied the right to organize. Before he arrives, he receives an email from them, explaining that in light of his previous controversial work, they were declining the interview. The irony was amazing. Those demanding free speech were declining this opportunity to engage in free speech.

While We The Internet is not conservative, and Perez insists the group attacks all sides, in this case the libertarian value of free speech overlaps considerably with...