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Monday, May 20, 2019

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Junior Senator Mitt Romney Congratulates Justin Amash for Endorsing Trump’s Impeachment

Romney referred to Amash as “courageous.”

"Republican" Junior Senator and failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney congratulated Justin Amash for endorsing the impeachment of President Trump, speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday.

Curiously, Romney expressed praise for Amash’s decision to call for impeachment while declining to endorse it personally. He told Tapper that he “had reached a different conclusion” than Amash had, leaving the Michigan libertarian the only federal Republican legislator to take a stance in support of removing Trump from office.

Tapper presented Romney with a hilariously “softball-style” interview on his segment on CNN, outright worshipping the Utah Senator when he claimed that he was someone who “personally conducted himself according to a certain set of moral and ethical principles throughout his entire life.” He went on to goad Romney to critique the President from a moral high ground.

related: Timeline: Mitt Romney’s History of Backstabbing Donald Trump

In reality, Romney made millions of dollars by destroying countless American jobsduring his tenure at Bain Capital. He was in charge of eliminating and outsourcing jobs at American companies, sending them to China and India where executives could utilize cheap labor.

Romney doesn’t appear to be the only liberal Republican to frame his politics from a sense of personal financial interest, however. Reports have surfaced detailing Justin Amash’s business relationship with Chinese companies. Amash received more than $1 million from a Michigan family business heavily dependent on Chinese imports.

Progressives throughout the entire Democratic Party have swiftly jumped onto a bandwagon to endorse Amash’s “courageous” call for...

Gowdy: FBI has Papadopoulos transcripts that are potential ‘game-changer’

Former Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said he is aware of potentially game-changing evidence in the FBI’s Russia probe regarding George Papadopoulos, the former Trump campaign adviser.

During an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Gowdy indicated he has seen FBI transcripts related to Papadopoulos that contain potentially exculpatory information on the question of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

“If the bureau’s going to send in an informant in, the informant’s going to be wired, and if the bureau is monitoring telephone calls, there’s going to be a transcript of that,” Gowdy told host Maria Bartiromo.

Gowdy continued:
“Some of us have been fortunate enough to know whether or not those transcripts exist. But they haven’t been made public, and I think one in particular is going — it has the potential to actually persuade people. Very little in this Russia probe I’m afraid is going to persuade people who hate Trump or love Trump. But there is some information in these transcripts that has the potential to be a game-changer if it’s ever made public.”

The FBI officially opened its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign July 31, 2016, after receiving information from the Australian government regarding Papadopoulos. A top Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, claimed Papadopoulos told him during a conversation May 10, 2016, that he heard Russia might release information on Hillary Clinton close to the campaign.

As part of its investigation, the FBI used a longtime informant, Stefan Halper, to make contact with Papadopoulos. He paid Papadopoulos $3,000 and flew him to London in mid-September 2016 under the guise of writing an academic paper on Mediterranean energy security issues.

Halper, a former Cambridge professor, was accompanied by a woman he claimed was his assistant. But the woman, who used the alias Azra Turk, was actually a government investigator. Papadopoulos claims during meetings in London, Halper and Turk asked him if he knew of or was involved in Russian efforts to obtain Clinton emails. Papadopoulos said he denied having any knowledge of the matter.
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A month after Papadopoulos’s trip, the FBI obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against Carter Page, another Trump campaign aide. The surveillance warrant mentioned Papadopoulos as well. It is unclear if the application for the warrant includes any information gathered by Halper, who also established contact with Page.

Gowdy, who served on the House Intelligence Committee, said he and Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe have seen the potentially exculpatory documents. He said he hopes the public will one day get to review it.

“If you have exculpatory information and you don’t share it with the court, that ain’t good. I’ve seen it, Johnny [Ratcliffe] has seen it. I’d love for your viewers to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #627

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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