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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Microsoft Head Says Rise Of Killer Robots Is ‘Unstoppable’

A new global arms race? Forget nukes, it’s killer robots. Any nation or terrorist group with a screwdriver can join the melee to build killer robots. To the Technocrat mindset, it’s a much more efficient way to destroy things and kill people. ⁃ TN Editor

The rise of killer robots is now unstoppable and a new digital Geneva Convention is essential to protect the world from the growing threat they pose, according to the President of the world’s biggest technology company.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Brad Smith, president of Microsoft, said the use of ‘lethal autonomous weapon systems’ poses a host of new ethical questions which need to be considered by governments as a matter of urgency.

He said the rapidly advancing technology, in which flying, swimming or walking drones can be equipped with lethal weapons systems – missiles, bombs or guns – which could be programmed to operate entirely or partially autonomously, “ultimately will spread… to many countries”.

The US, China, Israel, South Korea, Russia and the UK are all developing weapon systems with a significant degree of autonomy in the critical functions of selecting and attacking targets.

The technology is a growing focus for many militaries because replacing troops with machines can make the decision to go to war easier.

But it remains unclear who is responsible for deaths or injuries caused by a machine – the developer, manufacturer, commander or the device itself.

Smith said killer robots must “not be allowed to decide on their own to engage in combat and who to kill” and argued that a new international convention needed to be drawn up to govern the use of the technology.

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Adam Schiff Performs Fake Conversation Between Trump and Ukraine President

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) performed an entirely made-up conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his opening statement at a committee hearing Thursday morning.

The White House released a transcript of a phone call between Trump and Zelensky on Wednesday, but Schiff made up and fabricated his own own transcript that he read at the hearing, which sought to create a quid pro quo that Democrats have accused the president of making.

“This is the essence of what the president communicates,” Schiff began.

“We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from YOU though. And I’m going to say this only seven times so you better listen good,” Schiff read from his fabricated conversation.

“I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it,” he continued.

“On this and on that. I’m gonna put you in touch with people and not just any people,” he continued, affecting an accent meant to resemble Trump’s. “I’m going to put you with the attorney general of the United States, my attorney general Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him.”

“And I’m gonna put you in touch with Rudy, you’re gonna love him, trust me,” Schiff said, still avoiding any real quotations from the transcript. “You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways. And by the way don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I’ve asked.”

Schiff said of his made-up conversation, “This is in sum and character what the president was trying to communicate.”

Republican lawmakers slammed Schiff for making up the conversation entirely, instead of going off the transcript of what was actually said between Trump and Zelensky.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) called the statement “fiction”:

While the chairman was speaking, I actually had someone text me, ‘Is he just making this up?’ And yes, yes he was. Because sometimes fiction is better than the actual words or the text. But luckily the American people are smart. They have the transcript, they’ve read the conversation, they know when someone is just making it up.

After Turner’s scolding, Schiff said his “summary of the president’s call was at least meant to be in part parody.”

He added, “The fact that that’s not clear is a separate problem in and of itself. Of course the president never said, “If you didn’t understand me, I’m going to say it seven more times.’ My point is, that’s the message the Ukrainian president was receiving in not so many words.”

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) accused Schiff of being intentionally misleading.

“I think it’s a shame that we started off this hearing with fictional remarks — the implication of a conversation that took place between a president and foreign leader, putting words into it that didn’t exist, they’re not in the transcript. And I would contend that they were intentionally...

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HYPOCRITES: Here’s What Democrats Thought About Impeachment in 1998

An inquiry into impeachment proceedings that would inevitably be a failure for Democrats is underway, but actually impeaching President Donald Trump is unlikely to be their real goal anyway. One of the few sane 2020 contenders, Tulsi Gabbard, warned that impeach would would “tear apart the country,” and perhaps that is the real goal. Or at least to turn impeachment proceedings into yet another aimless investigation to dig up dirt on Trump following the anti-climatic end of Robert Mueller’s special counsel.

It’s a partisan witch hunt – and without a hint of irony – many of those Democrats pushing for impeachment today were decrying an allegedly partisan witch hunt against Bill Clinton when it was him being impeached.

Jerry Nadler
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler is the chief hypocrite in the unfolding impeachment saga. When it was Bill Clinton’s impeachment, he warned that “This partisan coup d’etat will go down in infamy in the history of our nation.”

Nadler also seemed to think that impeaching a president for lying under oath was “lowering the standard of impeachment.”
If that was the case then, what does he think his proceedings are?
Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi’s tone also changed drastically on impeachment.

Speaking on the House floor in December 1998 she told us that “Today the Republican majority is not judging the president with fairness, but impeaching him with a vengeance.”

She added “In the investigation of the president, fundamental principles which Americans hold dear – fairness, privacy, checks and balances – have been seriously violated and why? Because we are here today because the Republicans in the House are paralyzed with hatred of President Clinton… Until the Republicans free themselves of that hatred, our country will suffer.”

John LewisWhen it was his party being drawn into a mess, John Lewis correctly realized that impeachment proceedings interfere with the government’s ability to do much else. “[Instead of discussing impeachment] We should be standing here debating the future of social security. We should be standing here debating health care. We should be standing here debating...

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LAKEWOOD, NJ (The Asbury Park Press) – A 50-year-old township man was arrested Thursday on charges that he sexually assaulted two people, including a 9-year-old girl, authorities said.

Cirino “Flocka” Dominguez-Salazar is facing charges of aggravated sexual assault, three counts of sexual assault, attempted aggravated sexual assault, attempted sexual assault, attempted criminal sexual contact and endangering the welfare of a child, according to a news release from the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office.

Police began investigating Dominguez-Salazar in mid-October after a victim told police that she had been sexually assaulted by him multiple times, beginning when she was 9 years old, according to the Prosecutor’s Office.

Detectives later identified a second person who also allegedly had been victimized by Dominguez-Salazar around the same time as the other victim, authorities said. The release did not say when the sexual assaults allegedly occurred.

Dominguez-Salazar was held Saturday in the Ocean County Jail to await a detention hearing where a judge will decide whether he will stay in jail pending prosecution of...

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Democrats IMPLODE After Ukraine Hoax Crumbles: Trump Is ‘Un-American,’ and ‘Danger to Our Democracy’

Democrat lawmakers are suffering public meltdowns following the release of the transcript detailing President Trump‘s phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Wednesday, claiming that the president betrayed the U.S. and calling him a “cheat,” “un-American,” and “danger to our Democracy.”

Trump authorized the release of the unredacted transcript of his conversation with Zelensky, which was published Wednesday.

As noted by Republican lawmakers, the absence of quid pro quo or violation of law makes the whole Ukrainian “scandal” a nothing-burger.

Breitbart.com reports: However, Democrats across the board are proclaiming that the transcript implicates the president, falsely attributing Trump’s “favor” – a reference to made in regard to CrowdStrike – to Hunter Biden.

“#UkraineTranscript is @realDonaldTrump’s version and he admitted to betrayal,” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) assessed. “America is too great of a country to be led by such a cheat. #ImpeachTrump”

“Spoiler alert: President Trump attempted to bribe and extort a foreign leader for political gain,” far-left “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) said.

“This—and so many other infractions he’s committed against our Constitution—is why it’s time to #ImpeachTrumpNow,” she added: