90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Girls With Guns

Speak Softly, And Carry A Loaded Gun...

Replace Police With Neighborhood Watches...

Neighborhood Watches Make You Turn White.
No Matter.

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Inappropriately Awkward...

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Tasered - An Anonymous Tale Of Discovery...

CNN Guest: Not Wanting To Be Raped And Robbed Is White Privilege

Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender said Americans ought to check their privilege when they voice concerns over the inevitable anarchy that comes from the removal of community law enforcement.

“Do you understand that the word dismantle our police free also makes some people nervous? For instance, what if in the middle of the night my home is broken into? Who do I call?” CNN’s Alisyn Camerota asked Bender on CNN Monday.

“Yes, I mean I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors – and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege, for those of us for whom the system is working,” Bender said. “I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality.”

Last week, Americans already bore witness to that reality when minority neighborhoods lived through rioters burning down businesses in a fit of rage following the death of George Floyd in police custody.

looks like a war zone.

What about the black people who have no grocery store now?

No pharmacy. No gym. No restaurants. Nothing. Everything is burned to the ground.

Don’t those black lives matter, too?

Now they’re destroyed.

16.5K people are talking about this

Still, the Minneapolis City Council announced Sunday it had a veto-proof majority to disband the city’s police force protecting nearly half a million people. Democratic Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey declared his opposition to...

How Do You Make A Leftist Cry?

Simply Report Good News For America And Americans...

Report: Antifa Hunted Down, Rounded up and Arrested By FBI in Texas

You can run, but you can't hide terrorist

The Antifa terrorists have a giant bullseye on their backs now that President Trump has said they will be designated a terror org.

And bad luck is already catching up to them, especially in Texas, where a whole mess of those commies were hunted down, rounded up and arrested.

The incident occurred in one of the most liberal cities in Texas. Prosecutors in Travis County, Austin, Texas, charged three Antifa protesters looting a Target store.

The alleged looting took place during George Floyd protests on May 31 in the Texas capital city.

From Breitbart
Fox 7 in Austin reported the militants were arrested and charged with burglary, looting, and property damage at the Target store in Capitol Plaza. The Travis County District Attorney charged the Antifa terrorists following an investigation by the Austin Police Department and the FBI. Officials said the lo0ters caused losses of $20,000 in property damage and stolen goods as a result of that incident.

The local Fox affiliate wrote: “The DA says the three arrested are known members of a local anti-governmental group which is self-identified as a communist/socialist ANTIFA group. All three are from Austin.”

During a recent interview, AG Barr said that he’s created a full-scale terror task force to go after these anti-American jihadists.

In addition, APD Chief Brian Manley made it perfectly clear that acts of...

All Gun Control Arguments Are Now Beyond Moot.

I Can Get Behind This Kind Of Gun Control...

This Nicely Summarizes My Thoughts On Gun Control...

Tucker: Psychiatric Drugs, Social Alienation, Broken Families, War On Men More Relevant Than Gun Control

How Gun Control REALLY Works...

CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama

Who wanted Gun Control?

Bad Guy With A Guns After Gun Control Legislation..

New Study Demolishes Almost Every Gun Control Myth

This Is What I Think Of Gun Control...

George P. Bush says he’s voting Trump: He ‘is the only thing standing between America and socialism’

George P. Bush, the son of Jeb Bush, says he’s voting for Trump because “he’s the only thing standing between America and socialism.”

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush says he’s voting for President Trump because “Trump is the only thing standing between America and socialism.”

George P. Bush is the son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the nephew of former President George W. Bush, who announced that he’s voting for Democrat Joe Biden.

In a statement to the the Texas Tribune, George P. — whose mother is a Mexican immigrant — said he’s voting for President Trump because he doesn’t want the United States to devolve into a socialist hellhole.

Moreover, Bush said Trump is the only candidate who can revive the U.S. economy,

“Trump is the only thing standing between America and socialism,” George P. Bush said. “Even in a global pandemic where we have had to take unprecedented measures to protect public health, the economy is already returning. It’s clear, America and Texas will continue to be stronger than ever.”

President Trump reacted by thanking Bush. He tweeted: “Thank you, George, great honor!”

The New Minneapolis Police Emerges...

Forced apologies and public shaming for doctrinal deviation sweep American culture

Chinese Red Guards, mouths masked against flu germs on orders of Chairman Mao, address passing crowds in the Cultural Revolution, Jan. 18th 1967

'It’s a project to force people to adopt a civic religion directly contrary to their knowledge of the world,' says S.T. Karnick, editor of The American Culture web site.

It’s never been more complicated to say “I’m sorry” in the town square.

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees learned that after saying he would “never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America.”

Teammate Malcolm Jenkins issued a fiery response. And he was far from alone.

"And it's unfortunate because I considered you a friend,” Jenkins said. “I looked up to you. You're somebody who I had a great deal of respect for. But sometimes you should shut the f--- up.”

Brees didn’t, though.

"I am sorry,” he posted on Instagram. “And I will do better. And I will be part of the solution. And I am your ally. And I know no words will do that justice. "

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Even Brittany Brees, the quarterback’s wife, apologized on his behalf.

Later, Drew Brees took President Donald Trump to task after Trump said he shouldn’t have apologized in the first place. The veteran quarterback still received death threats for his comments.

It’s only the latest example of a broadly held, previously uncontroversial opinion that suddenly had to be recanted and publicly atoned for. Consider actor Mario Lopez’s 2019 comments saying a three-year-old child shouldn’t be able to dictate his or her own gender.

The “Saved by the Bell” alum quickly apologized once the...

Georgie Porgie Puddin' Pie, Paid The Trolls And Made Them Riot..

Arrest George Soros