90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 5, 2021

With Biden’s Illegal ‘Eviction Moratorium’ Democrats Openly Embrace Lawlessness

The pretender knows what he ordered the CDC to do is illegal. He did it anyway to appease the left wing of his party.

An astonishing thing happened this week in Washington that didn’t get much critical coverage from a media establishment loath to criticize President Biden. At the behest of congressional Democrats, Biden flouted the Constitution and broke his oath of office by issuing a ban on evictions that he and his advisers know to be illegal.

By “ban on evictions” I mean the president issued a blatantly unconstitutional decree that renters all across America don’t have to pay rent. If landlords try to evict tenants for not paying rent, they could face criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment.

The eviction moratorium is one of the most important stories of the COVID-19 lockdowns but also one of the least covered, partly because its effects are so diffuse and partly because the left doesn’t want to draw undue attention to its evisceration of property rights under the guise of public health.

But the way all this has gone down illustrates a deeply disturbing reality about the Democrats running the pandemic response in Washington: They’re lawless, and as the pandemic drags on, they’re becoming bolder about it.

The background here is that a nationwide ban on evictions, first instituted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last September under President Trump and renewed under Biden, expired on Saturday. Since then, Democrats in Congress have been agitating for an extension of the ban despite a determination by the U.S. Supreme Court in June that the CDC has no legal authority to do that, as anyone with a passing familiarity of the U.S. Constitution could tell you.

That includes most everyone in the White House. Gene Sperling, who oversees the Biden administration’s rollout of COVID-19 relief, told reporters on Tuesday that the president “has not only kicked the tires; he has double, triple, quadruple checked” the legality of an eviction ban, but the CDC told Biden it was “unable to find the legal authority for even new, targeted eviction moratoriums.”

Indeed, the notion that a federal agency tasked with the control and prevention of infectious diseases could simply by fiat impose an “eviction moratorium” on the entire country, effectively nationalizing housing, is shocking and outrageous. Biden himself knows this. At a press conference on Tuesday, he said that “the bulk of the constitutional scholars say it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster.”

It sure isn’t. But later that same day he did it anyway. The next day, White House press secretary Jen Psaki came out and lied to reporters’ faces about the moratorium, claiming it wasn’t an extension of the old ban but a brand new one, “a more limited moratorium that was going to be impacting and helping areas that were hardest hit by...

The Trials And Tribulations Of Testes Thwarted By Terrible Talented Tomboys....


I've got big balls
I've got big balls
They're such big balls
And they're dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
(But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

And my balls are always bouncing
My ballroom always full
And everybody comes and comes again
If your name is on the guest list
No one can take you higher
Everybody says I've got
Great balls of fire


Israel’s Director of Public Health Stuns TV Viewers with Statement that 50 Percent of New COVID Cases Are Among Fully Vaccinated

As of its most recent July 27 update on COVID vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States carries this statement:
“Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant.”
That statement stands in stark contrast to what the Director of Public Health Services in Israel told television viewers of the CBS program, Face the Nation, on Sunday, reporting that 50 percent of new infections in Israel are from fully vaccinated people.

The Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was the exclusive vaccine used to inoculate the broad population of Israel. It was also one of the two most highly-administered vaccines in the United States, with Moderna’s mRNA vaccine being the other. As of July 12, only 12.8 million people in the U.S. had been vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine versus 146 million people in the U.S. that were fully vaccinated with either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, both of which require two doses.

Israel has been closely tracking the effectiveness of the vaccine over time and publishing its studies. These reports have critical implications for health policy in the U.S. – particularly when it comes to the need to protect oneself against waning immunity by wearing a proper mask.

On Sunday, Face the Nation included interviews with both Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) who is also the Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, as well as Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Director of Public Health Services in Israel.

Even though the COVID-19 vaccines were administered at roughly the same time in both countries (beginning in December of 2020 and expanded in January of 2021 and thereafter) Fauci parroted the view of the CDC, which differs dramatically from the facts on the ground in Israel.

When Face the Nation host, John Dickerson, asked Alroy-Preis about her biggest concern from the “uptick in cases because of the Delta variant,” she said this:

“…we are seeing about 50 percent of the people who are infected right now are vaccinated, fully vaccinated individuals. And so that is obviously of concern.”

If half the people becoming infected in Israel are fully vaccinated individuals, it stands to reason that the U.S. should be seeing a similar outcome in more heavily populated areas of the U.S. In fact, according to the CDC’s own data, in an outbreak in July in Barnstable County, Massachusetts (Cape Cod) 469 cases were detected among Massachusetts residents, with 74 percent of those fully vaccinated.

But despite this mounting evidence that there is serious waning protection against infection from the vaccine over time, Dr. Fauci told Face the Nation viewers this:

"Emergencies" Have Always Been The Pretext On Which The Safeguards Of Individual Liberty Have Eroded


More Hayek:

REVEALED: Chinese Communists Subsidized Trips For Western Journalists For Over 25 Years – CNN, NPR, WaPo, NYT, Reuters, ABC, NBC & More.

Several Chinese Communist Party-linked groups – including the regime’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs – have subsidized trips to China for American journalists in an effort to “enhance” their understanding of U.S.-China relations since the 1990’s, The National Pulse can reveal from recovered webpages deleted by program sponsors.

Among the outlets sending journalists to participate in the trips are The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Public Radio (NPR), CNN, Reuters, POLITICO, and more.

The “China-United States Journalism Exchange” is sponsored by the New York-based East-West Center, All-China Journalists Association, and the Better Hong Kong Foundation. Inaugurated in 2010, the program expanded upon a 1996 initaitive “supported” by the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that granted free trips to China for journalists from mainstream American media outlets.

The effort is closely tied to the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), a foreign influence group operating under the Chinese government’s United Work Front Department.

The United Front, according to the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission, aims “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition” to the Chinese regime and “influence foreign governments and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies.”

In practice, CUSEF has sponsored trips to China for mainstream corporate media outlets in exchange for “favorable coverage.” As revealed through Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings with the Department of Justice, the group’s explicit goal of the trips is to “effectively disseminate positive messages to the media, key influencers, and opinion leaders, and the general public.”


Sponsors of the “China-United States Journalism Exchange” are also closely tied to CUSEF, as American journalists participating in the trips have also repeatedly met with CUSEF Founding Chairman Tung Chee-Hwa.

Members of CUSEF’s Board of Governors – including Ronnie Chan and Daniel Fung – are also on the board of...

Secret Identity Of Lloyd J. Austin... Darth Stupid....


We Are So F*cked

Dr. Drew: Vaccine Passports Are New Form of “Segregation” For Black Communities

Majority of African-Americans haven’t taken COVID shot, according to CDC.

Pointing out that the majority of black people in the United States have not yet had a COVID vaccine, Dr. Drew asserted that vaccine passports which ban the unvaccinated from venues like bars and restaurants are a new form of “segregation.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci said the United States could be “in trouble” if more unvaccinated people don’t take the shot, citing the threat of the delta and lambda variants.

“What we’re seeing, because of this increase in transmissibility, and because we have about 93 million people in this country who are eligible to get vaccinated who don’t get vaccinated — that you have a significant pool of vulnerable people,” said Fauci.

Health officials in the United States appear to be following the model of European countries by intimidating unvaccinated citizens into getting the jab by threatening them with the prospect of being ostracized from basic lifestyle activities.

However, as Dr. Drew noted on Twitter, this two tier society of the jabbed and the jabbed-not will disproportionately discriminate against African-Americans.

“The CDC reported today that only 28.4% of the black community have received the Covid vaccine,” wrote Drew. “With states like CA and NY mandating vaccine passports to enter restaurants and businesses, the black community would be most affected by this modern day segregation.”

Drew didn’t provide a link to the source of his claim that only 28.4% of black people have received the COVID vaccine.

The actual number appears to be higher according to the latest data, although it does confirm that, “As of August 2, less than half of Black and Hispanic people have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose in the vast majority of...

First autopsy of dead person vaccinated for Covid found to contain spike proteins in every bodily organ

Researchers from Germany have conducted the world’s first-ever postmortem study on a corpse that prior to death had been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). They found that every single organ of the now-deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins due to the jab.

About one month prior to his death, the 86-year-old man had received his first dose of a Fauci Flu shot. He later became infected with Chinese Germs and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.

It was already too late, though. The man’s body was overtaken by Trump Vaccine spike proteins that ate up his vital organs and left him for dead. According to reports, the man had received a “lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine BNT162b2 in a 30 ?g dose.”

“On that day and in the following 2 weeks, he presented with no clinical symptoms,” reads a paper about the case that was published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.

“On day 18, he was admitted to hospital for worsening diarrhea. Since he did not present with any clinical signs of COVID-19, isolation in a specific setting did not occur. Laboratory testing revealed hypochromic anemia and increased creatinine serum levels. Antigen test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 were negative.”

By day 25, the man finally tested “positive” for Chinese Germs

It took all the way until day 25 for the man to finally test “positive” for the Fauci Flu. Just one day later, he died in the hospital of kidney and respiratory failure caused by the vaccine.

Researchers later found that the patient’s entire body had become overrun with high viral RNA loads, also known as vaccine-induced spike proteins. The man was clearly killed by the jab.

“In summary, the results of our autopsy case study in a patient with mRNA vaccine confirm the view that by first dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity can already be induced, while sterile immunity is not adequately developed,” the study concluded.

While it was discovered that the lethal injection did trigger an immune response inside the man’s body, it did absolutely nothing to stop the spread of the virus or the spike proteins that caused his organs to fail.

What this all shows, of course, is that the Vaccines are doing more harm than good – if they are doing any good at all. They also appear to be accelerating the spread of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #736

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1436

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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