90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, August 6, 2021

Totalitarians To The Left Of Me, Fascists To The Right....

On Red Pill Hesitancy...


taste "the red pill" (men's rights documentary by a feminist)

Is The China Virus Mutating To Help The Democrats Or Are The Democrats Mutating The Truth To Help Themselves?

Promises In The Dark Are Just Lies To Get What You Want....

Reports: White House Considers Withholding Federal Money to Pressure People to Take Vaccine

The White House is reportedly considering withholding federal dollars to private business as part of its latest push to get more Americans to take the coronavirus vaccine.

“If the Biden administration goes forward with the plans, it would amount to a dramatic escalation in the effort to vaccinate the roughly 90 million Americans who are eligible for shots but who have refused or have been unable to get them,” the Washington Post reported.

“The effort could apply to institutions as varied as long-term-care facilities, cruise ships and universities, potentially impacting millions of Americans, the Post continued, “according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations.”

The White House issued a statement to Fox News neither confirming nor denying the Posts‘ report.

“As we always are, the administration is discussing a host of different measures we can continue to boost vaccinations across the country,” the White House said. “Any reported ideas under consideration are in early conversations and pre-decisional. There are no imminent policy decisions as to preview at this time.”

Georgetown University’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law Lawrence Gostin told Fox News the federal government would be right to leverage the power of the purse to push those who are exercising their freedom of choice to become vaccinated.

“I think wisely using the federal spending power is absolutely right,” said Gostin.

The Biden administration’s obsession with vaccinating Americans with a vaccine that is not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved comes as the establishment media has rung the alarm that not all Americans are complying with...

Things Didn't Quite Work Out For This Carjacker....

 More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

The Kid Lived But Who Died?

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Animated Gif Collection #9 -OR-Out Of Control Bus -OR-
Animated Gif Collection #10 -OR- How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air
Animated Gif Collection #11 -OR- Man That Must Have Hurt
Animated GIF Collection #12 -OR- This Is Brutal
Animated Gif Collection #13 -OR- This Guy Was Inches From DEATH!
Animated Gif Collection #14
Animated Gif Collection #15
Animated Gif Collection #16 -OR- Make It Rain!
Joe Biden Fights Dementia -OR- Amazing Gif Collection #18
Bull Ride -OR- Amazing Gif Collection #19
Pickup Truck Gets Unexpected Passenger -OR- Amazing Gif Collection #20
Motorcycle Explodes In Collision With Truck -OR- Amazing Gif Collection #21

Stunning! New Floyd Case Exhibit Confirms Witness Coercion

On July 29, District Court Judge Peter Cahill, the presiding judge in the trials of the four Minneapolis police officers indicted for the death of George Floyd, ordered the release of an exhibit memorandum that reveals a miscarriage of justice and criminal coercion of a witness.

Dr. Roger Mitchell, the former deputy mayor and medical examiner of the District of Columbia and now the Chief of Pathology at Howard University Medical School, a traditional Black medical school, boldly intimidated and coerced Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker into changing critical conclusory language in his autopsy report on the death of George Floyd.

The exhibit is a written summary of Mitchell’s commentary and some admissions of coercion that he volunteered to Minnesota Attorney General Office prosecutors in November 2020. Mitchell’s perfidious conduct is discussed in this excellent article by Jack Cashill.

Dr. Andrew Baker, an experienced and well-regarded Chief Medical Examiner for Hennepin County, conducted an autopsy on Mr. Floyd on May 26, 2020, the day after his death and reported later that day, “The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation or that excessive force was used in the restraint performed by the officers led by Officer Chauvin.

Three days later, on Friday May 29, prosecutors elaborated on the cause of death in posting their initial complaint against Derek Chauvin. According to the complaint, “The full report of the [medical examiner] is pending but the [medical examiner] has made the following preliminary findings. The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”

The autopsy did show, however, that Floyd had severe heart disease, coronary artery disease, and an enlarged heart from high blood pressure. These conditions put Mr. Floyd at risk for sudden death from cardiac arrhythmia -- abnormal ineffective lethal heartbeat.

Before you proceed, think about that: Baker’s initial clean impression, without corrupting pressures, was that Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers were in no way responsible for George Floyd’s death.

Without a diagnosis of asphyxia, the State could not prosecute the officers for murder. That is why Dr. Roger Mitchell was so critical in this tale of intimidation -- and why this exhibit memorandum is so important. It reveals a naked attempt by Roger Mitchell to bully Dr. Baker into a conclusion that would enable a second-degree murder prosecution of the police officers.

Don’t take my word for it. Here is how the Minnesota prosecutors summarized their meeting with Dr. Mitchell in the memorandum:

The Leftist Media Establishment Is Attacking DeSantis But:



‘New rule?’ Only kids wearing masks at White House photo op, Biden finds little girl to breathe on

As President Joe Biden signed a bill awarding congressional gold medals to police officers who responded to the January 6 Capitol riot, children were in attendance for a photo-op and they were strangely the only ones wearing masks outside.

The masks were not the only odd thing at the ceremony.

Biden singled out and called over a little girl while he was preparing to sign the bill, getting close and personal with the child as he did so. Many noted the child looked extremely uncomfortable, with social media comments reacting to the “creepy” and “uncomfortable” visual.

The whole scene was strange and disturbing. Evidently, the confusing mask mandates at the White House are still ever-changing. It appears the children were wearing masks because they are still too young to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and the adults did not wear masks because they have already been inoculated.

Tom Elliott of Grabien Media astutely tweeted, “New rule: Only kids need to wear masks outside.” That appears to be the case right now.

On July 29, the President referred to new CDC guidelines that urge mask-wearing indoors: “The CDC recommends you wear a mask when you’re in public and indoors, like work or in a grocery store. That’s true for both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Why? Because even if you’ve been fully vaccinated and protected from severe illness from COVID-19, you could have the Delta Variant in your system and spread it to someone who isn’t vaccinated.”

He added, “We need to wear masks to protect each other and to stop the rapid spread of this virus as we work to get more people vaccinated.”

However, people were reportedly not told to wear masks outdoors and that includes children. As for the edict indoors, sometimes officials are wearing masks, and sometimes they aren’t adding to the overall confusion and a “do as I say, not as I do” atmosphere in...

This Person Has Been Marked Safe From Andrew Cuomo Today:


Gonna tell My Grand Kids This Was Andrew Cuomo....

Former Staffer Accuses Gov. Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment

Swedish Professor Says 5 Shots of COVID Vaccine May be Necessary

FDA already preparing to approve 3rd “booster shot” for September.

While many people have bragged about being “fully vaccinated” after taking two COVID-19 jabs, a Swedish professor says that as many as five shots may be needed to combat falling immunity.

“We don’t know how long the vaccine protects against serious illness and death,” said Karolinska Institute Professor Matti Sällberg. “This means that you pick the safe before the unsafe.”

Numerous European countries are planning a 3rd round of COVID “booster shots” in September, and the FDA also indicated that vaccinated individuals will be given another shot in the fall.

However, Sällberg suggests this probably won’t be enough and that “recurring shots” will be necessary.

“After receiving the second dose, the immune response slowly subsides. Within a year, many may have lost their protection. We do not know yet, but if you get a third dose, it will be activated again,” he said. “Biology says that a fading immune response is not unlikely. Then it’s time for a third, fourth, maybe fifth dose”.

One wonders whether Sällberg holds a conflict of interest given that he is also chairman of the board at vaccine company SVF.

Meanwhile, in Israel, a doctor warned that “the effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out” and that “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people.”

Dr. Kobi Haviv also chillingly pointed out that 95% of the patients in hospital with the most severe symptoms are vaccinated.

The meme below is already coming true, and with vaccine passports seemingly on the way, people will have to keep taking recurring vaccinations simply to maintain access to basic lifestyle activities.

Whether vaccine side-effects or the hassle of continually having to return for more jabs will put some people...

This is One Way To Slow Down The Scourge Of Tyranny And Totalitarianism....


We need To Make Government Small And Afraid Again...

American Medical Association, Descending Into Wokeness, Calls for Eliminating Sex on Birth Certificates

Another formerly serious institution in America has gone woke.

The American Medical Association, a professional association and lobbying group for physicians and medical students, issued a report in June calling for eliminating biological sex on birth certificates.

The policy change is being promoted on WebMD social media, which is why it’s suddenly garnering more attention.

The American Medical Association’s formal statement on the matter is filled with woke jargon and pregnant with left-wing ideological views.

“Designating sex on birth certificates as male or female, and making that information available on the public portion, perpetuates a view that sex designation is permanent and fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity,” Dr. Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, chairman-elect of the AMA’s board, said. “This type of categorization system also risks stifling an individual’s self-expression and self-identification and contributes to marginalization and minoritization.”

This from someone whose website describes her as a board-certified doctor of internal medicine in Atlanta and adjunct associate professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.

So, is this about individual “self-expression” or science?

The AMA did not suggest stripping biological sex from the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth, which relays information to the government for statistical purposes. Instead, this change would apply to the birth certificate, which also includes information about...