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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Guns Don't Kill People...

However, The Second Amendment Is Designed To Protect The First Amendment..
Got that assholes?

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

The National Hispanic Survey, a nationwide poll found, after extrapolating their results, that as many as 2 million illegal alien Hispanics vote in the U.S.

President Trump has announced he will appoint a task force on voter fraud headed by Vice President Mike Pence. They won’t get much cooperation. The President says he wants the investigation to focus on inaccurate voter registration rolls, which are maintained by the states and the District of Columbia.

“It is a fact and you will not deny it, that there are massive numbers of non-citizens in this country who are registered to vote,” White House adviser Stephen Miller told ABC News. “That is a scandal. We should stop the presses.”

The press went wild and condemned the administration for floating a “conspiracy theory”.

The ignored Hispanic survey was conducted in June 2013 by McLaughlin and Associates to gauge the opinions of “It is a fact and you will not deny it, that there are massive numbers of non-citizens in this country who are registered to vote,” White House adviser Stephen Miller told ABC News. “That is a scandal. We should stop the presses.”

The Washington Times reported:
Of the randomly selected sample of 800 Hispanics, 56 percent, or 448, said they were non-citizens, and of those, 13 percent said they were registered to vote. The 448 would presumedly be a mix of illegal immigrants and noncitizens who ...

Nigerian Migrant Arrested for Stabbing Female ‘Refugee Helper’ to Death

A 27-year-old Nigerian migrant has been arrested in Switzerland after murdering a 22-year-old asylum home worker in Germany and then fleeing the country.

The Nigerian was arrested Tuesday at a train station in the Swiss city of Bern after a Europe-wide arrest warrant was issued for him after he fled Ahaus where the murder occurred. Chief prosecutor Martin Botzenhardt said, “Only yesterday, the prosecutor’s office ordered the European-wide call for arrest on the basis of the existing national arrest warrant. Today’s arrest of the suspect in Switzerland is a quick success,” Swiss paper Blickreports.

“The prosecutor’s office in Münster has initiated the formal extradition request,” said Botzenhardt. “The murder commission will not question the suspect until after his arrival in Germany.”

According to police, the 27-year-old savagely stabbed his victim, identified as Soopika P., repeatedly in the head, neck and upper body. The young woman was left with no chance of survival.

German tabloid Bild reports Soopika was well known in Ahaus and was popular. One of her friends told the paper, “Many knew her, she was a really nice girl. Because her own family comes from India and she has very good English, she has been involved in refugee aid.”

The motive for the crime was likely sexual desire as authorities noted the asylum seeker had repeatedly tried to...

Heads Will Roll: Jason Chaffetz Requests Official DOJ Investigation Into Illegal Leaks Of Flynn-Russia Calls To The Press

Heads are about to roll, can you feel it? House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz along with Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) have submitted a letter to the Justice Department's inspector general, Michael Horowitz, requesting a formal investigation into both the surveillance and subsequent leaks of classified communications "of or regarding" former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn - citing the highly inappropriate release of information.
Generally, collection activities by intelligence agencies are classified, as are the products that result from those activities. This is to ensure the continued integrity of the sources and methods used. Therefore, it seems probable that the fact that an intelligence agency monitored the call, if it did, as well as any recording of the call, would also be classified.
Chaffetz and Goodlatte's letter cite "serious concerns" about mishandling of classified information, stating the release of which would, by definition, "have grave effects on national security."

In a discussion with Fox's First 100 Days, Chaffetz also made clear that he's concerned about both the Flynn leaks and President Trump's conduct, following a letter the congressman to...

Media: We Are The Champions SUPERcuts!

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Hey This is Library REMIX

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Girls With Guns

This Head Chopper Needs A Better Translator...

Ahmed, It's Behead Those Who Insult Islam, Silly!
But keep those facial expressions, they are perfect!

Remember The Chattanooga Massacre...

You Are The Most Beautiful Ship In The World...

*Amerigo Vespucci is the mapmaker who named America.

More Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories:

New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered and colonized America

NBC News Gets Destroyed By Patriots Owner When They Try To Discredit President Trump

The corrupt, leftist mainstream media is trying everything they can to bring down President Trump and install a radical leftist regime. They are liars, resist their propaganda and rest assured that President Trump is looking out for the good 'ole U.S.A.

Leftist Fantasy Vs. Reality...

That Awkward Moment When...

California Dreaming Is Now California Whining. 
California Dreaming Is Now Looking For A Red State To Move To While Not Realizing That You Are The Asshole.

Let all refugees into Oscars unvetted or you are all bigots! Actor challenges fellow celebs in open letter

Actor Robert Davi has a message for Hollywood hypocrites: Don’t just talk the talk. Walk the walk!

Davi slammed virtue-signaling celebrities like Meryl Streep, Chelsea Handler and Robert DeNiro for opposing President Trump‘s executive orders limiting illegal immigration and calling for extreme vetting of refugees from hotbeds of Islamic terrorism.

Hollywood elites have trashed Trump as a racist for prioritizing national security while remaining safely cloistered behind their lavish gated mansions.

In an open letter posted on Breitbart (see below), Davi challenged Hollywood liberals who oppose Trump’s policies to invite illegal aliens and unvetted refugees to the Academy Awards and Oscars after-parties without security detail. If they refuse to extend the invitation to these needy folks, then they’re racist!

Davi, the proud son of LEGAL immigrants, said Hollywood should lead by example and show the rest of the world that they do more than utter empty words. To prove ...

Lead Story: Top House Dems again show off their ‘fake news’-spotting skills

After the resignation of Michael Flynn as President Trump’s National Security Adviser, House Dems held a press conference that featured in part Elijah Cummings followed by Nancy Pelosi both citing a tweet from a fake Flynn Twitter account as proof the “scandal” runs deep. Here’s Pelosi dialing the “fake news” amp up to eleven:

Too bad she’s not as skeptical of...

Super Hero, Library Man, Defeats Antifa SJW Snowflakes With Four Powerful Words...

He Swoops In Like A Butterfly And Stings Like A Bee! 
Super Hero Library Man Saves The Day!

Morning Mistress - Leftist Body Shaming Edition...

Trigger Warning Below!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Abolition is Retardation: The Electoral College Rant

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Girls With Guns

Only Lunatics Want More Lunatics..

Hitting A Truck At High Speed... BAD IDEA.

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

The Kid Lived But Who Died?

Graphical Campaign Stop Comparison: Trump Vs. Clinton

Hard Working High Energy Trump, Defeats Crooked Hillary...

The New Puritans...

A Garden Must Have Fences...

We Reap What We Sow...

More Wrath: 

To Destroy A People, You Must First Sever Their Roots...

..Sacrifice A Civilization For Strangers...

Culture Always Has Natural Character And Roots...

This Pretty Much Sums Up Today's Politicians...

All Liberty Is Rooted In Strength. All Bondage Is Rooted In Weakness...

Evil Preaches Tolerance Until It Is Dominant...

The Politician Is Probably The First Ruler In All History Who Runs No Risks By The Act Of Ruling...

The Truth Is Like A Lion...

Liberals Have Ravaged America...

Napoleon Smacks Down Obama...

Black Lives Matter Leader Says White People Have ‘Recessive Genetic Defects’

The co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, Yusra Khogali, says that white people suffer from “recessive genetic defects,” according to a report from the Toronto Sun.

In a private Facebook post from 2015 obtained by the Toronto Sun, Khogali said that “white ppl are recessive genetic defects. this is factual.”

“White ppl need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves. black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to,” she continued.

Khogali bases her theory on the idea that “white people have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production.”

She argues that melanin is linked to high levels of fertility, strong bones, and the strength of the nervous system, making black people the “first and strongest of all...

GOP Rep. Messer: Keep Child Tax Credit Away From Illegal Immigrants

Rep. Luke Messer called on President Donald Trump to keep illegal immigrants from being allowed to be counted on the child tax credit on income taxes.

The Indiana Republican made the request in a news release Monday.

"Most Americans are astonished to learn that each year billions of taxpayer dollars are given out to people who are in our country illegally," Messer's news release read. "This is just one example of how our broken tax and immigration systems continue to incentivize immigrants to come here illegally. It's long past time to change it.

"The program is wrought with fraud."

The credit is a benefit for families of low or middle-range incomes. Under current laws, taxpayers are not required to have Social Security numbers to claim the credit, but they can only get the credit for children who are...

Obama And George Soros Combine Forces To Incite Violent Resistance To Trump Agenda..

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, “We’re not backing down.” Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy, it’s drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.

Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Why We Need THE WALL: A Rant

Monday, February 13, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Rule 5 Superbowl Sunday
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Political Correctness Is Intellectual Dishonesty..

And Censorship Plain And Simple.

How To Deport And Save Taxpayer Money...

How To Deport 11 Million Illegal Aliens And Not Spend A Penny

It Is Better To Be A Warrior In A Garden...

Than A Gardener In A War - Sun Tzu

Equip, Practice, Prepare.

The New Three Stooges...

Waters Thinks Putin Is Attacking Korea.
Warren Thinks She Is Pocahontas.
Pelosi Thinks Bush Is Still President.

Who Are The D.I.L.D.O.S.?

The Antifa - Anti First Amendment, Totalitarian, Authoritarian, Collectivist, Fascists...

Joy Villa’s Album Sales EXPLODE 18,106,633% Within Hours Of Wearing Make America Great Again Dress

A Star Is Born At The Grammys

Within a matter of hours of wearing the now famous Make America Great Again dress, Joy Villa’s album I Make the Static has skyrocketed in the sales ranking on Amazon. Previously the album was ranked #543,202 on Amazon and now it is currently ranked #3.

The top 3 albums under the ‘Movers & Shakers’ categories all belong to Joy Villa.

Her album I Make the Static is currently a better seller than both Lady Gaga and Beyonce.

Morning Mistress - Is She Happy To See Me Or Is That Just CAMELTOE!

How Obama Obliterated Hillary: A Rant


Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Will winning the lottery make you happy?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Girls With Guns

Let's All Flash Mob Mexico!

I wonder if La Raza Will Support Us?

The Intolerance Of The Burka...

The Burka classifies women as chattel.
It is the definition of anti-individualism.
It removes her right as an independent, sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to her own life.

  1. (in general use) a personal possession.
    • LAW
      an item of property other than real estate.