90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, February 17, 2017

George Washington University girls rifle at the Lincoln Memorial, February 2, 1927

More Interesting Photos:

This is the first known photo of a human being.

The Trump Revolution Will Not Be Televised

By Lloyd Marcus
Folks, take a deep breath. That unusual faint sweet aroma in the air is called “freedom.” It is coming back. For eight years, even those who are politically clueless subconsciously felt their freedoms slipping away. Americans instinctively knew that publicly expressing religious beliefs, principles and traditional norms once considered mainstream could cost them everything today.

My wife Mary's mentor, the late Mary Kay Ash of MK Cosmetics said, “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” In other words, the leader sets the tone.

Unarguably, President Obama set a you-had-better-keep-your-mouth-shut and go-along-with-political-correctness tone for America. We all knew and felt it. Obama used the IRS, DOJ, and EPA, to economically and politically beat the crap out of and even jail anyone with the cojones to oppose him leading the Left's mission to fundamentally transform America.

This is the reason why the Left is losing their minds over Trump winning the presidency. Freedom, folks! The Left thought they would have us in mental and emotional chains for at least four more years under President Hillary.

Trump's election ushered in a new tone for America. Feeling emboldened, people are pushing back against the tyranny of political correctness by just saying, “no”. But you will not hear this widely reported in the leftist-controlled mainstream media. Panicked, the Left is desperately and frantically...

You And Sharia Law!!

WOT! No Bacon!

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon - This Blog's Radical Muslim Repellent

Donald Trump Celebrates Epic Press Conference; Thanks Rush Limbaugh

President Donald Trump celebrated the results of his epic press conference at the White House, thanking those who said nice things about it.

“Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday,” he wrote on Twitter. “Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy!”

Mainstream media appeared bewildered after Trump bantered with them for an hour and 17 minutes in the East Room of the White House, repeatedly criticizing reporters for their hateful tone towards his administration and their obsession with his campaign’s communication with Russia.

Although many Washington D.C. Republicans were reportedly appalled by the press conference, talk radio’s Rush Limbaugh praised the free-wheeling press conference in which Trump engaged the media head on.

“This was one of the most effective press conferences I have ever seen,” Limbaugh said on his show immediately after the event. “The press is going to hate him even more after this.”

Trump took questions from 17 different reporters, including many of...

You Will Never See Refugees From America...

Even Leftists Don't Leave The Country, They Just Move To Red States And Then Continue Their Voting Rampage...

On a ‘day without immigrants,’ President Trump puts thousands of AMERICAN coal miners back to work

Talk about two Americas.

February 16 marked an interesting juxtaposition of two competing worldviews in the country these days. On the one hand, illegal immigrants and their supporters eschewed work to stage a “day without immigrants” in an effort to show how the country would apparently grind to a halt if they were deported. On the other, President Trump signed a key, much-needed piece of legislation designed to put thousands of coal miners back to work.

Shockingly enough, it seems like America would in fact survive without illegal immigrants. Even the New York Times admits that “cities did not grind to a halt, and for most people, the action registered as an inconvenience — a longer wait for lunch, a favorite restaurant closed, a bus driver who wasn’t there.”

And yet…

The REAL Reason The Leftist Media Dislikes President Trump...

Surprise! There’s hope for meaningful H-1B reform

The myth of a STEM crisis

The Bureau for Labor Statistics says the United States graduates well over 100,000 STEM students annually. And wages for U.S. workers in computer and math fields have largely stagnated since 2000, as STEM workers struggle to find employment and many companies, including IBM and Symantec, lay off thousands of STEM workers.

“If there was really a STEM labor market crisis, you’d be seeing very different behaviors from companies,” says Ronil Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University who has testified before Congress on this issue. “You wouldn’t see companies cutting their retirement contributions, or hiring new workers and giving them worse benefits packages. Instead, you would see signing bonuses, you’d see wage increases. You would see these companies really training their incumbent workers. None of those things are observable,” Hira says. “In fact, they’re operating in the opposite way.”

American workers first

President Trump recently waded into the melee. While details remain sketchy, a leaked draft executive order vows to overhaul the program. The proposal reads in part:

Our country’s immigration policies should be designed and implemented to serve, first and foremost, the U.S. national interest. Visa programs for foreign workers … should be administered in a manner that protects the civil rights of American workers and current lawful residents, and that prioritizes the protection of American workers—our forgotten working people—and the jobs they hold.
Many will applaud that goal. Critics of H-1B visas, like the IEEE, argue the program has evolved into “a pipeline for a few big companies to hire cheap labor.” Tech giants like Amazon, Apple, Google, Intel, and Microsoft are among the top 20 H-1B employers, but Indian outsourcing firms Tata, Infosys, Wipro, and Cognizant receive the vast majority of H-1B visas issued. The U.S. Customs and Immigration Service says Indian nationals accounted for 70.9 percent of all H1-B visa beneficiaries in 2015.Hira points out that the median wage for H-1B workers at outsourcing firms was less than $70,000, while Apple, Google, and Microsoft paid their H-1B employees more than $100,000. That suggests those companies are genuinely going after highly skilled employees, while outsourcers are recruiting less expensive talent, he said.

“However, while Indian companies take the brunt of the blame for bringing in foreign tech workers, the majority of all Fortune 500 companies use these outsourcing firms on work projects and are direct beneficiaries of the H-1B visa system,” points out Forbes. Companies like Disney, FedEx, and Southern California Edison contract with these outsourcers, and all too often, their American workers end up training H-1B visa-holding replacements who work for below-market wages.

One InfoWorld reader, who wished to remain anonymous to protect his job, referred to the “H-1B carnage” among American IT workers in the Midwest. “Everyone thinks I am crazy for staying in technology,” he wrote. “Tons of American IT worker parents, displaced by cheaper foreign visa workers, advise their kids to avoid programming and technology as a career. They are happy to see the changes from ...

Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Drunk Driving Wreck That Killed Man, 66

An illegal immigrant named Elizabeth Vargas-Hernandez, age 35, was arrested for allegedly driving while under the influence of alcohol and causing a wreck that left a Noblesville, Indiana, man dead.

Vargas-Hernandez didn’t have a license to drive, either.

She was booked into Marion County Jail on charges of operating a vehicle while intoxicated causing death, and of knowingly or intentionally operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license.

And – she never should have been in this country in the first place.

From the Indy Star:
“In addition to the charges she faces in Marion County, jail records indicate that she also is being detained on behalf of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Jail records say she is originally from Mexico.
“The driver of the vehicle in the ditch, 66-year-old David Kriehn, was ejected from his car as it rolled several times. He was rushed to St. Vincent Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
“Vargas-Hernandez, who was driving an SUV, was unhurt. There were three passengers with her in the SUV who were checked and released by medics at the scene, police said.
“Vargas-Hernandez struck the back of Kriehn’s vehicle, causing it to slide off the road and overturn several times before resting in the ditch, police said. The SUV also overturned and came to rest upside down on the right shoulder.
“Court documents say troopers at the scene smelled alcohol on the breath of Vargas-Hernandez after the crash. Her eyes appeared to be watery and bloodshot, and she did not have a driver’s license.
“When asked how much she had to drink, Vargas-Hernandez said ‘just a little bit,’ court documents said. A preliminary breath test administered at the scene indicated that she had a blood-alcohol level of 0.11 percent, court documents said. The legal limit in Indiana at which a driver is presumed intoxicated is 0.08 percent.
“As the trooper drove Vargas-Hernandez to Eskenazi Hospital to conduct a blood draw, she said that she has been living in the United States illegally for about four years and that is the reason she did not...

MORE FAKE HATE: Muslim Arab Osama Nazzal Arrested for Painting “F*ck Arabs” on Garage Door

Officials arrested Osama Nazzal for painting a swastika and “f*ck arabs” on an Arab family’s garage door.

The Toledo Blade reported:
Authorities say charges have been filed in connection to a graffiti incident on the garage door of an Arab family in Lucas County.
Sylvania Township police say Osama Nazzal, 28, of Toledo, was charged with criminal damaging in connection to the incident.
On Jan. 10, the Sylvania Twp. home of Souheir Eltatawi had been spray-painted with a swastika and derogatory phrase that read, “Expletive Arabs.”

A local family finds their home used as a canvas for hateful graffiti, watch the story coming up on @NBC24WNWO news at 5&6

Morning Mistress - From Behind...

Disney / Google / WSJ Attack On PewDiePie Backfiring Spectacularly - Generation Z Now Woke

PewDiePie is a Swedish web-comedian and performance artist - with over 53 Million subscribers who know he isn't a racist. He's got the largest online audience in history, comprised mostly of post-millennial "Generation Z" - and his also-popular girlfriend Marzia has 7 million subscribers. PewDiePie has made tens of millions of dollars from his channel, yet he's remained humble and real throughout his ascent to internet greatness. The problem? He came out as a Trump supporter during the election, and the MSM has been gunning for him ever since.

I'm sure you're aware of what happened over the last week; PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, made a few anti-Semitic jokes meant to trigger sensitive SJW's, and immediately had his ass handed to him by Disney and Google after the soon to be failing Wall St. Journal made a national issue out of the 27 year old's antics. The WSJ also cobbled together a hit-piece video accompanying their report, which spliced together out of context footage of PewDiePie doing Nazi stuff. It's been dismantled.

Kids love the guy. They know PewDiePie. So the fact that corporate media thought they could simply gang up and wave a magic wand branding Kjellberg a Nazi was ham-handed and presumptuous. As if WSJ, Disney, Google, Salon, Slate, and the rest of the queued up MSM hit-squad could convince kids and their parents that a guy who's been speaking directly to them, unfiltered and genuine - is Hitler reincarnate.

In the world of influence, PewDiePie has a lot of power. He's also woke - meaning, he doesn't buy the SJW / bleeding-heart narratives which have driven much of America's easily offended sensitive youth to retarded hysterics. PewDiePie is quite frankly un-poisoning the minds of hyper-sensitive kids raised on kneejerk identity politics; the untriggering of America if you will. PewDiePie was a threat to the MSM.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Girls With Guns

Americans Remain Optimistic About Donald Trump And The Future

The percentage of Americans who think the country is on the “right track” continues to remain above 45 percent – a level of optimism that was never experienced during the entire Obama Administration.

For the third week in a row – ever since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the number of Americans who say the country is on the “right track” has been at 45 percent or higher. That’s a ten-point jump from two weeks prior, when Barack Obama still occupied the White House.

In fact, according to the Rasmussen Poll, throughout much of Obama’s eight years, the “right track” “wrong track” numbers have been dismal. They were mired in the high 20 percent to low 30 percent, only jumping above 40 percent one time in late 2012.

That was after Obama’s second election, when America still had hope that President Obama could turn things around.

But that 41 percent fell to the mid-30s, then to the 20s by September 2013. By October 2013, they fell as low as 13 percent.

How times have changed.

Trump supporters boycott Meetup after company creates #Resist groups, makes its (extremist) politics known

Meetup, the site that helps people organize get-togethers like hiking trips and cooking classes, is taking a very solid political stance in the face of the new administration’s policies here in the U.S. – a move that has angered Trump supporters, who are deleting their accounts and calling for a boycott. While Meetup’s platform is open to anyone on both sides of the political spectrum, the previously apolitical company has taken upon itself to seed the site with 1,000 #Resist meetup groups, and has emailed its 30 million members to alert them of that fact.

In the email, the company says that the site will always welcome people with different beliefs, but after Trump’s executive order aimed at blocking people “on the basis of nationality and religion,(likelihood of breeding terrorists - Fixed that for you.) it reads, Meetup says it felt a duty to spark more civic participation.

The message states there are now 1,000 #Resist groups on the site, which are meant to serve as local hubs for those who want to take action on behalf of “democracy, equality, human rights, social justice, and sustainability.”

In addition, the email included a link users could click to find a #Resist meetup locally.

The company, like many others today, had been struggling as to how it wanted to approach the situation in the U.S. with regard to the Trump administration and its controversial (awesome) policies. Trump’s actions have led to protests and the organization of a “Resistance” movement (funded by George Soros) which is now more actively engaging in politics at federal, state and...

Donald Trump Trashes Corrupt Media in Epic-Long Press Conference

President Donald Trump went head-to-head with the media in a lengthy press conference, accusing them of covering the first weeks of his administration unfairly.

“The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t talk about [it], we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people,” Trump said during his press conference in the East Room. “We have to talk to find out what’s going on, because the press honestly is out of control.”

Trump said he wanted to take his message “straight to the people,” as the cable news programs ran his entire hour and seventeen minute press conference live.

The president went back and forth with network and cable news reporters representing news companies that have spent the majority of their energies disparaging the president and his performance during the first weeks of his presidency.

Trump specifically cited CNN for their negative coverage of his administration.

“I watch CNN, it’s so much anger and hatred, and — just the hatred,” he said, calling the...

Accommodate YOUR Beliefs?!!??

Tough Choices For A Hypocrite...

10 Illegal Alien Facts:

More Info:

Germans Are Buying Weapons At Unprecedented levels To Combat SHOCKING Growth of MIGRANT RAPE of Girls And Women...

California Naval Base, Becomes Refuge for Hundreds Of Illegal Alien Children As Deluge Of Children Continues

Examples of Serious Crimes of Illegal Aliens

The Stranger By Virtue Of His Alien Cast Had To Be An Enemy...

Illegal Alien Mexicans Can Vote Easier In American Elections Than They Can In Mexico...


Illegal alien raped, murdered his own mother in Florida

Illegal alien charged with raping a man in Florida

Illegal Alien Beat And Raped A 93 Year Old Beloved Grandmother Who Later Dies, Family Devastated

New York City Invests $18 Mil to Help Illegal Aliens Get Jobs

An Uneven Playing Field...

Rewarding Illegal Behavior Leads To More Illegal Behavior...

13 Year Old Girl Kidnapped And Raped By Ten Illegal Immigrants

We've Tried Amnesty Before And It Did Not Work...

Support Legal, Lawful Immigration


Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims

Dad Whose Son Was Killed By One Of Obama’s Illegal Aliens Demands An Explanation, Again

America’s Top Model Contestant Murdered by Illegal Alien..

Flood of lawsuits to follow wave of illegal aliens?

Discover The Networks: Marxist LUIS GUTIERREZ - The Face Of Illegal Alien Amnesty...

Illegal Alien Raped, Murdered Pre-School Teacher


Illegal Alien Here For One Month, Has Already Raped a 10-Year-Old Girl

Illegal Alien (on parole) Charged With Kidnapping and Raping 12-year-old Girl in North Carolina

I Support President Donald Trump

If the lying media thinks they can sway my opinion after they played swooning cheerleader to the atrocities of the Obama administration for eight years, they have another thing coming. 

All they do is deepen my resolve to support President Trump while they multiply my revulsion of the filth and slime that they the propagandist media are.