90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Moment Of Serenity - Snowy Trail Towards A New Morning...

A Moment Of Serenity - Dreaming Of Birds..

Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.

A Moment Of Serenity - The Long Train...

Former Trump advisor says he was a victim of bizarre hit-and-run, suggests it was no accident

Former Donald Trump advisor and Florida resident Roger Stone was involved in a hit-and-run accident in Pompano Beach that he claims was no accident at all.

Stone claimed that a car with tinted windows so dark you could not see who was inside rammed his car and totaled it in Pompano Beach. “They just came at us full force. The driver then threw it in reverse and took off,” Stone told CBS4 News.

The former Trump advisor was reportedly on his way to a stop on his book tour when the accident happened.

“Out of nowhere we were T-boned essentially by a late model 4-door what I’m now told was a Pontiac,” Stone said.

Stone told CBS that his vision was a bit blurry, but that he is “bruised but OK.”

The accident was confirmed by a police report. CBS noted that the accident occurred at 10:45 am in Pompano Beach at NW 7th Avenue and 1st Street.

Stone, however, is not listed by name in the police report because he reportedly left the scene before police arrived to take the report. Police took a full 70 minutes to respond to the scene.

To prove he was there, the author supplied CBS with a copy of a receipt from an Uber driver who Stone called to pick him up at the scene of the accident.

CBS also interviewed John Kakanis, the driver of the car that was smashed by the hit-and-run driver. Kakanis is working for Stone during the book tour.

Kakanis said that the car that plowed into his vehicle was a grey, four-door sedan. He also said the accident seemed intentional.

Stone said that he thought the accident was meant to scare him off his...

How To Survive A Bear Attack...

The Art Of Manliness: How To Survive A Bear Attack..

h/t The Art Of Manliness

More Art Of Manliness:

How To Throw A Dynamite Straight Punch..

The Art Of Manliness - How To Properly Shuffle A Deck Of Cards..

Permissible? It Depends...

Hillary Ignores First Olympic Medal Winner In Rifle – Heaps Praise On Losing Muslim American In Hijab

On Trump Taxes...


If This Makes You A Citizen...

List of 18 mass shootings stopped by Armed Citizens

More Evidence EPA Uses ‘Secret Science’ To Manipulate Politics With Alternative Facts

The Environmental Protection Agency and other activists have long used “secret science”—another way of saying fake science or junk science—to justify job-killing regulations, legislation, and massive tax-dollar expenditures.
Don't Miss:
The EPA Porno Watching Guy Is The Second Best EPA Employee Ever, And Deserves A Bonus And An Efficiency Award..
Even as they lobbied against the confirmation of their new boss, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, 15,000 unionized EPA scientists, regulators, policy wonks, and attorneys have been using unverifiable, unrepeatable “scientific” studies to undermine the rights of property owners, businesses, and employees. Just ask coal miners or farmers with ponds on their land just how much they appreciate being “protected” by the EPA.

On several fronts, the EPA seems to be entering into an uncivil war with both congressional oversight committees and President Trump’s choice as EPA administrator. Not since President Reagan faced down the air traffic controllers union has a new president faced this kind of opposition. However, by using fake science to justify their onerous regulations, EPA’s rank and file have gone far beyond what the air traffic controllers tried when they grounded America’s airlines while striking for higher compensation.
Civil ‘Servants’ Wage War on Their Employers

“It’s going to be a blood bath when Pruitt gets in there,” predicted former EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman, who predicted a stand-off between career employees and Pruitt. The EPA’s civil servants claim to fear for their jobs. Many also objected to the president’s...

Teacher quits after Muslim primary school students threaten to behead her, Government does Nothing

These are ten and eleven year olds. What are they learning at home and at mosque? in a Sydney school. Muslim children are taught this hate all over the world. It’s monstrous but you cannot speak critically of this hate-filled, supremacist ideology. Respect it.

One teacher said she was pushed into a corner by several students who then began marching around her chanting the Koran. Many of the students also reportedly spoke of family members fighting in the war in Syria and pupils would walk out mid-way through a lesson to go and pray.

News Corp reports that the woman said her complaints to the NSW Department of Education were simply dismissed. They do not want to appear islamophobic or “racist.”

The West is destroying itself “by its own hand” just as the Muslim Brotherhood project vowed we would do.

Frightened teachers at a Sydney primary school have revealed students are showing signs of extreme radicalisation at a young age, saying they have been traumatised by threats of beheading and other violent behaviour.

Students as young as in Year 5 are making the threats and pressuring peers into reading the Koran at Punchbowl Public School in Sydney’s southwest, the Daily Telegraph has reported.

Documents given to the newspaper reportedly reveal that at least three staff members have taken stress leave, received counselling and been paid compensation after bullying from Islamic students.

Students as young at 11 have apparently threatened to behead teachers at a public school in Sydney’s southwest. Photo: 7 News
One woman reportedly claimed it all got too much for her and she eventually had to quit her job.

She said the final straw was when she received death threats to...

#TrumpsTaxes: The Fart Heard Round The World

Morning Mistress - Going Up....

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Polish Girl Gives Dire Warning to Islam

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Girls With Guns

I Hope That People Will Just Say I Was "Killed By Bears..."

The Dam Government...

The Old Prospector..

An old prospector shuffled into the town of El Indio , Texas leading an old tired mule.  The old man headed straight for the only saloon in town, to clear his parched throat.  He walked up to the saloon and tied his old mule to the hitch rail.

As he stood there, brushing some of the dust from his face and clothes, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other.

The young gunslinger looked at the old man and laughed, saying, "Hey old man, have you ever danced?" 
The old man looked up at the gunslinger and said, "No, I never did dance... Never really wanted to.."

A crowd had gathered as the gunslinger  grinned and said, "Well, you old fool, you're gonna dance now," and started shooting at the old man's  feet.

The old prospector, not wanting to get a toe blown off, started hopping around like a flea on a hot skillet.

Everybody was laughing, fit to be tied.
When his last bullet had been fired, the young gunslinger, still laughing, holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon.

The old  man turned to his pack mule, pulled out a

double-barreled shotgun, and cocked both hammers.  The loud clicks carried clearly through the desert air. 
The crowd stopped laughing immediately. The young gunslinger heard the sounds too, and he turned around very slowly. 
The silence was almost deafening. 

The crowd watched as the young gunman stared at the old timer and the large gaping holes of those twin 10 gauge barrels.  The barrels of the shotgun never wavered in the old man's hands, as he quietly said, "Son, have you ever kissed a mule's ass?"

The gunslinger swallowed hard and said, "No sir...... But.. I've always wanted to."

More Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories:

New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered and colonized America

More Interesting Stories, Amazing or Funny Things CLICK HERE

Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories Collection #2 HERE

...And Just Like That...

Gump On Corrupt Politics...

Pepper Spray Is Illegal In Canada?

Blame Canada? No, Blame Trudeau...

In Canada Syrian Refugees Get $3600 Per Month From The Government, $43,000 Per Year, While The Average Canadian Makes $27,600 Per Year

Veterans Before Illegals...

Here's what the US military really thinks about Obama

Seattle Takes a National Lead in Robbing Landlords of Basic Rights

With a heavy-handed new law that is the first of its kind in the nation, Seattle has set its regulatory crosshairs on landlords, attempting to police their inner thoughts and eliminate the possibility that their decisions could be motivated by "implicit" or unintended bias.

Known as the "first in time" rule, the mandate forces landlords to rent to the first qualified applicant, rather than choosing the best fit from among prospective tenants.

Sponsors contended that this unprecedented restriction is needed because traditional anti-discrimination laws do not protect against unconscious prejudices. Landlords, it was alleged, can't be trusted to make decisions based on their "gut instincts," because there's no way to know whether those instincts are "pure." The only solution is to take away their right to make discretionary decisions altogether – including decisions based on rational, nondiscriminatory considerations.

The new rule has just drawn a lawsuit from a number of mom-and-pop landlords, based on its infringement on constitutionally protected property rights. But its assault on good sense is just as compelling and should serve as a warning to...

The rise of the networked Left

An acrid stench of repression is spreading through America.

Last Thursday, conservative political scientist Charles Murray from the American Enterprise Institute was attacked by a leftist mob at Middlebury College.

Murray was invited to Middlebury by the college’s AEI club. He was to discuss his new book, Coming Apart, which discusses the plight of white working class Americans. Middlebury’s liberal political science professor Allison Stanger was set to ask him questions about his work.

As has been widely reported, a mob of leftist students prevented Murray from speaking. They shouted him down with a stream of epithets that went on without interruption, until Murray and Stanger were spirited out of the lecture hall.

They were brought to another location where they carried out their conversation in front of a camera that was livestreaming to students blocked by the mob from hearing them in person. The mob followed them to the new location and rioted outside the room as they spoke.

The rioters assaulted them as they made their way from the second location to their car. They hurt Stanger in the neck.

The assault continued after the professors entered their getaway car and at the restaurant where they tried to dine at with students.

In the end Murray and his companions were forced to leave town in order to have dinner away from the rioters. Stanger was later treated for her wounds at a local hospital.

The riot against Murray at Middlebury occurred barely a month after right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulis was blocked from speaking at the University of California at Berkeley by a similarly violent mob. The Berkeley rioters...

Goldman Sachs: Almost One Million H-1B Foreign Workers Hold University-Level Jobs Here

Goldman Sachs estimates that almost one million foreign H-1B contract workers are now employed in college-level jobs throughout the United States, even though many media outlets routinely say the federal government approves only 85,000 H-1B visas per year.

Goldman’s February estimate of the huge H-1B population also ignores multiple other visa programs which invite foreign graduates to work in the United States. These other temporary work visas are used to employ an additional 470,000 foreign college graduates in the United States, according to a study released on March 7 by the left-of-center Economic Policy Institute.

The EPI study, titled “Temporary foreign workers by the numbers,” says U.S. companies employ roughly 470,000 foreign professionals via the little-known O, L, J, OPT, and TN visas.

The EPI study estimates that the H-1B population at a much lower level of only 460,000 employees, partly because EPI says many H-1B workers quickly get permanent green cards, which converts them into legal residents, not contract workers.

If Goldman’s estimate of almost one million H-1Bs is combined with the EPI’s estimate of various other skilled white-collar visa programs, then the government data shows that U.S. companies employ roughly 1.4 million lower-wage college-graduate temporary workers in the United States. The imported workers are not immigrants, citizens, legal residents or green card holders, but are supposed to return home after several years.

Companies have used them to fill enough outsourced jobs to fully employ nearly all Americans who graduated from college with skilled degrees in 2015 and 2016. This population of white-collar temporary workers has pushed many established U.S. workers out of jobs, partly because none of the visa programs require that Americans be hired before foreigners.

“I’m working at one of the Home Depot [hardware store] … there’s a lot of people in my position,” said Les, a former New York City technology worker for Disney, Pearson publishing, and other U.S. companies. He was pushed out of the business when...

The Mystery Many Men Go Through..

Morning Mistress - Legs Forever...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Rivers Of Blood: The Islamization Of The West...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Girls With Guns

Is This A Wolf Or A Bear Playing In The Northern Lights?

Stunning Northern Lights

As Long As We Have Faith In Each Other....

10 Disturbing Facts About The Armenian Genocide

2015 marked the hundredth year since the Armenian Genocide began, where it is approximated that 1.5 million of the two million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire lost their lives. The Ottoman Empire’s meticulous cover-up of events, as well as the overwhelming scale of their systematic barbarism, means that the real number will never be known and greatly fluctuates from source to source. Such is the nature of genocide, that the perpetrators wish to eradicate any record of the victimized. From the sources that have survived, we have compiled the following ten disturbing facts about the Armenian Genocide.

10. The Three Pashas Led the Ottoman Empire into War and Enacted the Genocide
The Three Pashas is the collective name given to Talât Pasha, Grand Vizier (the equivalent of Prime Minister); Enver Pasha, Minister of War; and Djemal Pasha, Minister of the Navy; during World War I.

Talât Pasha’s hatred towards Armenians was longstanding. In his memoirs, Danish philologist Johannes Østrup contends that Talât shared his intent for the complete annihilation of Armenians with him as early as 1910. He quotes Talât as saying, “If I ever come to power in this country, I will use all my might to exterminate the Armenians.”

His wish for power came true in 1913, by way of a coup. The following year, the Ottoman Empire entered World War I, and then a year later began the systematic murder of Armenians.

Following the Empire’s defeat in the war, all three fled the country. The new government vilified them as the reason for the Empire’s debilitating participation in the war, and they sporadically acknowledged the Three Pashas for their overwhelming crimes against humanity.

When referring to the massacres that took place under the Three Pashas’ rule, Abdülmecid II, the last Caliph of Islam from the Ottoman Dynasty, is quoted as saying, “They are the greatest stain that has ever disgraced our nation and race.”

9. One of Hitler’s Early Co-Conspirators Was a Witness to the Armenian Genocide
Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter was the German vice-consul in Erzerum at the time of the Armenian genocide. He condemned the Ottoman Empire’s practices in his writings as a policy of annihilation.

Upon his return to Germany, however, he became deeply involved with the Nazi movement, developing a close relationship with Hitler. He was shot and instantly killed during the failed 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, marching with his arm linked to Hitler’s. Hitler would go on to dedicate the first part of Mein Kampf to Scheubner-Richter. While records of their conversations are scarce, it is a likely leap that Hitler was well-versed on Scheubner-Richter’s writings and experiences.

On August 22, 1939, Hitler gave a speech at his Obersalzberg home. It was a week before the German invasion of Poland, and he expressed to his Wehrmacht commanders his wish for the total annihilation of the Poles. Louis P. Lochner, who had sources within the Nazi government, claimed he had been given an original transcript of the speech, which he then published in his 1942 book, What About Germany? It quotes Hitler as saying, “I have put my Death’s Head formations in place with the command relentlessly and without compassion to send into death many women and children of Polish origin and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space we need. Who after all is today speaking about the destruction of the Armenians?”

Although it is a matter of content how much of a direct influence the Armenian genocide was on the Holocaust—the similarities are clear, as well as Hitler’s knowledge of the atrocities.

8. Able Men Were Put to Death and the Remaining Armenians Were Marched into the Desert
The genocide’s starting date is often cited as April 24, 1915, when up to 270 Armenian community leaders were forcefully removed from Constantinople and moved to Ankara. Predating this, the Ottomans had moved all Armenian people in the army to unarmed labor battalions, to make their eventual extermination easier to enforce.

Once all able-bodied Armenian men of the Ottoman Empire were slain, women, children, the infirm, and the elderly were marched into the desert under the guise of resettlement. In total, up to 1.5 million Armenians died in the genocide. At the start of World War I, two million Armenians were living within the Ottoman Empire, meaning three out of four were killed.

Many Armenians died from starvation and dehydration. Females of all ages were habitually raped and left for dead. Mass shootings, drowning, burning, and poisoning were also common. People who managed to cling to life for the entirety of the death march were then placed in concentration camps, where they were massacred.

7.  ISIS Is Blamed for Destroying the Armenian Genocide Memorial Church in Deir ez-Zor
Construction of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Church reached completion in November 1990, and it was consecrated on May 4, 1991. The church was an important pilgrimage site for many Armenians. The greatest massing of...

Do You Ever Wonder?

Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.

This Is.... SO Much Better...

John McCain?

BOMBSHELL: Fox News Sources Say Obama Used Brits To Spy On Donald Trump

While the American Intelligence Community (IC) plays "not us" when it comes to claims that the Obama Administration spied on President Trump (when he was both a candidate and President-elect), Fox News has learned that in order to avoid a paper trail, fingerprints, and pesky little details like the Bill of Rights, President Obama circumvented all of that by requesting the British spy on Trump.

Appearing on Fox News this morning, Judge Andrew Napolitano dropped this bombshell that could finally help to explain a whole lot, including a January 19 New York Times report about the Obama White House looking at intelligence information based on "wiretaps" (their word, not mine).
Here’s part of the Napolitano transcript:
Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn't use the NSA, he didn't use the CIA, he didn't use the FBI, and he didn't use the Department of Justice… He used GCHQ. What the heck is GCHQ? That's the initials for the British spying agency. They have 24/7 access to the NSA database. So by simply having two people go to them and say 'President Obama needs transcripts of...

This Will Blow Your Mind...

A Simple Logic Question That Most Harvard Students Get Wrong

Le Pen: Fake News On The Web 'Could Never Be Worse' Than What's In The Newspapers

In a newly released interview, leading French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen schooled an arrogant news reporter who questioned her suggestion that people find their news on the internet, telling her fake news on the internet "could never be worse" than what the mass media writes in the newspapers.

REPORTER: "You say: 'Turn away from the traditional media, go and find news on the internet!' Aren't you aware that it could be dangerous talking like that?"

LE PEN: "Why?"

REPORTER: "On the internet you can find conspiracy theories, all types of things... it's not necessarily verified information."

LE PEN: "Don't you think that the traditional media have conspiracy theories? I have read a ton of things about Russia intervening in the presidential campaign and other things like that. I mean, there is at least as much fake news in the traditional media as on the internet!"

REPORTER: "But tomorrow all sorts of...

US Delta Force, SEAL Team 6 Prepare To Take Out Kim Jong-Un, Practice Tactical North Korea "Infiltration"

On March 1, the WSJ reported that the options contemplated by the White House in response to recent North Korean acts, include "the possibility of both military force and regime change to counter the country’s nuclear-weapons threat." The review came es amid recent events have strained regional stability including last month's launch by North Korea of a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan, and the assassination of the estranged half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Malaysia.

And, according to a report in Yonhap, said "regime change" may come far sooner than expected: the South Korean website writes that U.S. special operations forces, including the unit that killed Osama Bin Laden, will take part in joint military drills in South Korea "to practice incapacitating North Korean leadership in the case of conflict", a military official said Monday.

The U.S. Navy’s Special Warfare Development Group, better known as the SEAL Team 6, will arrive in South Korea for joint military drills and take part in an exercise simulating a precision North Korean incurion and "the removal of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un", according to the Ministry of National Defense Monday.

The U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six will join the annual Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises between the two allies for the first time, along with the Army's Rangers, Delta Force and Green Berets.

The counterterrorism unit is best known for its removal of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May 2011, known as Operation Neptune Spear. It will be the team’s first time participating in the annual Foal Eagle and Key Resolve exercises, which will run through late April.

The ministry did not say when the SEAL Team 6 will arrive. The Japan Times reported that the American unit boarded the USS Carl Vinson, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, last Friday and are currently training in South Korean waters. The carrier will arrive in Busan Port Wednesday, according to...

ANTIFA Brutally Swarm Free Speech Advocate

ANTIFA = ANTI First Amendment

Morning Mistress - Scooter Siren..

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