90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, March 20, 2017

Leftists Be Like...

American workers replaced by imported foreign workers with H-1B visas - 60 minutes





Migrants Will Impoverish Western Nations And Take Away Their Civility Forever...

Vote for survival.

To Truly Beat The Bureaucrats, Trump Needs To Shut Their Agencies Down

Do Republicans really think that fewer than 5,000 appointees can win against 2.8 million federal employees who have a vested interest in absolutely nothing changing?

If there is to be real change in our form of government, the Trump administration needs to avoid the fatal flaw of previous Republican administrations: choosing to play the game by the Left’s rules.

Nearly every Republican administration makes some changes, but mostly lightly exfoliates the elephant of the State. These are temporary gains at best, small pauses in the seemingly inevitable march of government dominance. Most Republicans don’t seem to understand what we are up against, that the game is rigged against smaller government.

We have to view our government through system dynamics, the study of understanding nonlinear behavior in complex systems. Such systems, like vast government bureaucracy, include loops that reinforce certain actions and results. These loops act similarly to compounding interest, starting slowly, over time accelerating, then finally exploding in size, all the while strengthening themselves.

So we have to look at and understand our modern form of government, which made a dramatic shift in the early twentieth century, as “The System” filled with...

It Is Time To Join The Battle...

Trump Admin Releases Details About Border Wall

The southern border wall will be physically imposing, hard to penetrate, and aesthetically pleasing from the northern side. These are just a few of the requirements, according to a solicitation for bids the federal government posted online Friday.

President Donald Trump has ordered construction for the border wall and his recent budget proposal to Congress includes $2.6 billion toward the construction of the wall. The president has previously estimated that the endeavor will cost $12 billion in total. Responses to the Customs and Border Protection solicitation for bids are due on March 29. Contract winners will be based on sample walls built in San Diego.

Below are the requirements for the “big, beautiful wall.”:


BROWNSVILLE, TX (The Brownsville Herald) – A 23-year-old undocumented immigrant is behind bars for causing the death of another driver after allegedly driving his vehicle against traffic Thursday night in Brownsville.

According to authorities, officers were called to the 4000 block of Boca Chica Boulevard shortly after 8 p.m. to respond to reports of an accident involving three vehicles.

Brownsville police report Marving Andres Resendiz Zumaya was driving eastbound against traffic in a white Ford F150 when he struck the front end of a Ford Ranger driven by a 79-year-old man who was...

Absolute Proof President Trump Did Not Mock A Disability...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

This Woman Is A Hero...

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Girls With Guns

CNN Confirms Against Their Will, The Story Of British Intelligence Passing Trump Communications To U.S. ...

The Difference Between A Welfare State And A Totalitarian State Is A Matter Of Time..

More Ayn Rand:

Collectivism Requires Brute Force..

A Government Is The Most Dangerous Threat To Man's Rights...

How To Know When Your Nation Is DOOMED!

The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels

Paris: Muslim migrants block freeway, attack cars, burn tires and assault Police.

We Need To Help These People...

..help them move back to Mexico...

Watch what happens at 0:25, when two trapped swans notice two humans. The swans knew the humans were their last hope, so they asked them for help!!

Our Country Is Under Siege By The Leftist Media...

They are actively promoting civil unrest, and seemingly want to go to war with Russia.
What should we do with traitors?

"The Safety Of Our Citizens Must Always Come First"

- Donald Trump Quotes

Democrats Love Socialism...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Girls With Guns


It Is Time To End Birthright Citizenship...

The recent national debate about the impact of illegal immigration on America is needed and welcomed.

Each year, 10 percent of all births or almost 400,000 children born are to those who are unlawfully in the United States. Given the more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the country today, this number is likely to continue.

The Debate Over Birthright Citizenship, Explained in 90 Seconds

These children automatically receive many of the same rights and privileges as United States citizens despite their parents’ illegal status. Birthright citizenship bestows on these individuals billions of dollars in federal benefits each year in the form of Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, refundable tax credits, nutrition and housing assistance, and eventually work authorization. Of course, taxpayers foot the bill.

Birthright citizenship also rewards illegal immigrant parents. It all but guarantees that they will never be deported. And the parents indirectly reap the government benefits going to...

Illegal Aliens Commit Crimes At A Higher Rate Than The General Population.

For some reason our Federal Government hides Illegal crime statistics to the taxpayers.
This allows fake news outlets like CNN and MSNBC to claim that Illegal Aliens commit crime at a lower rate than the general population. This simply defies logic and common sense.

Here are some statistics you can use: http://www.usillegalaliens.com/impacts_of_illegal_immigration_crime_summary.html

Trump gets the job done! Immigration judges sent to border areas to speed criminal illegal deportations

President Trump has promised to deport criminal illegals, and he is taking steps to follow through on that promise.

In fact, twelve U.S. cities with high populations of illegal aliens charged with crimes are about to receive some federal help getting rid of them.

Two administration officials have confirmed to the New York Post that the U.S. Justice Department plans to speed up illegal immigrant deportations by temporarily reassigning immigration judges from around the country to the following cities: Los Angeles; New York City; San Francisco; Miami; New Orleans; Baltimore; El Paso, Texas; Bloomington, Minnesota; Harlingen, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; Phoenix, Arizona and Imperial, California.

Aspects of the plan are still under review, including who and how many judges will be reassigned.

In addition to the two officials, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department’s Executive Office of Immigration Review has also confirmed the identification of the twelve cities, the Post reports.

In a reversal of an Obama-era policy that only prioritized deportations of illegals convicted of “serious” crimes, Trump’s policy is to eject illegal immigrants with pending criminal cases, whether or not they...

Defund The National Endowment For The Arts To IMPROVE Art...

When artists make art that people want to buy, art will improve.
When artists are funded with no expectation of the results, their art reflects their narcissistic self loathing that results in the spiral of who can make the most outrageous and shocking pieces.
Without government funding, the emperor has no clothes.

Trump Administration May De-fund Piss Christ And The Lefties Are Going Nuts!

Terrorist Attack In Paris, Radical Muslim Terrorist Killed...

The suspected attacker killed at Paris’ Orly airport on Saturday after trying to wrestle away a soldiers weapon was a 39-year-old who was known to police for robbery and drug offences, the prosecutors’ office said.

Prosecutors did not disclose the man’s name, but said he was born in 1978 and had nine unspecified infractions on his criminal record.

The prosecutors’ office, which has taken over the investigation, said the suspected attacker was not listed on the government’s database of terrorist suspects.

France maintains a database, known as the "S'' list, of people considered a potential threat to national security, which includes people suspected of plotting terrorist acts.

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the attacker, whom he did not identify, assaulted three Air Force soldiers who were patrolling the airport. He said the soldier who was attacked managed to hold on to her rifle and the two soldiers she was with opened fire to protect her and the public.

No one else in the busy terminal was hurt, but thousands of travelers were evacuated and flights were...

Denying Sweden's Muslim Immigrant Problem is Bullshit

Morning Mistress - Fab Abs..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

SJW's assault black guy to limit his speech?

Friday, March 17, 2017

Girls With Guns

The History Of An Irish Ballad..

We’ll Fight for Uncle Sam, performed by David Kincaide A song popular among Union Irish soldiers during the American Civil War, set to the melody of “Whiskey in the Jar”.

This is Irish Super-group Thin Lizzy's Remake of the Original Classic - A version I played often in the Jukebox    

Here is Metallica's Remake of Thin Lizzy's version:

And this is what I imagine what the original song must have sounded like:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thin Lizzy Reminiscing

Saying "Death To America" Is Easy ...

A Bad Deal

How To Lose Your Camera At 150 MPH

More Amazing Animated Gifs:

Someone Messed With The Wrong Dude..

Kim Kardashians BIG Christmas Special...

Donald Trump's Not So Secret Request...

BOMBSHELL: Fox News Sources Say Obama Used Brits To Spy On Donald Trump

No, It Wasn't Obama's House - Mysterious house explosion rattles Washington, DC suburb (VIDEO)

A house explosion that shook the Washington, DC suburb of Rockville, Maryland could be felt miles away. Authorities are still looking for the man who lived at the house, which was supposed to be auctioned off.

The first reports of an explosion came about 12:38 am on Friday, and calls were received from suburbs several miles away, Montgomery County fire officials said. It took 75 firefighters about 20 minutes to subdue the blaze that followed the explosion.

Pete Piringer, spokesman for Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service, described the damage to the house as “catastrophic.”

“It’s just a pile of debris; it’s just a pile of bricks. There’s not anything left of the house,” he told reporters. “There is collateral damage to several nearby homes.”

Rescue crews accompanied by search dogs were still looking for the home’s sole occupant as of Friday morning, Montgomery County Fire Chief Scott Goldstein said. Utility crews that showed up to turn off power and gas to the destroyed home said there was no indication the explosion was caused by a gas leak.

“There is no concern about a gas involvement in...

The Hypocrisy Of Rabid Environmentalists...

Logic Puzzle: Birds Of The Same Feather...

A Lot of People Accused Trump of Not Paying His Taxes

A Group Of Baboons Is Called A Congress...

Monkey Vs. Man...

Bananas And Monkeys

Freedom Is Eating Steak Well Done With Ketchup

There really was a liberal media bubble, Nate Silver reports, and the only thing wrong with his assertion is that it's in the past tense. The lack of diversity among journalistic ranks—even the sort of racial and sexual diversity championed every day in the pages of the Washington Post and New York Times—makes it easy for consensus to form and harden into unshakable groupthink. The media is a crowd without wisdom. There is hardly any variety of opinion, independence of mind is mocked and ostracized, and reporters increasingly are twenty- and thirty-year-olds living in either New York City or D.C. who are addicted to Twitter, where they out-snark each other to determine who can assume the best pose of knowingness. "As a result," Silver concludes, "it can be largely arbitrary which storylines gain traction and which ones don't. What seems like a multiplicity of perspectives might just be one or two, duplicated many times over." Perspectives that Donald Trump is an oaf or Hitler or an oafish Hitler and Republicans are, in a word, awful.

The remarkable thing is the bubble did not pop or even tremble after the election was over and the unthinkable had occurred. Instead it hardened into a shell, an impenetrable dome of the sort that walls off Chester's Mill, Maine, in the novel by Stephen King. We moved effortlessly from a world in which Brexit would not happen and Donald Trump could not win to a world in which Putin colluded with Trump's henchmen to influence the election and the Trump presidency was on life support after only 50 days. The hysteria and mob-like denunciations that greet every utterance of this president, each step taken by his team, have become routine. What has been normalized in these first two months is not Trump but the paranoid bad faith imputed to him.

In Washington under Trump even so rudimentary an activity as eating has become politicized, weighted with aesthetic and class significance, put under the jurisdiction of social arbiters who declare what is woke and what is haram. "Actually, How Donald Trump Eats His Steak Matters," proclaims...

Woman Aged 90 was ‘Raped and Strangled’ by Teenage Immigrant in Germany

A 90-year-old woman in Germany was dragged into a courtyard and violently raped by a teenage immigrant, a court has heard.

The 19-year-old Spanish-Moroccan man is alleged to have asked the woman for money while she was visiting a church in Dusseldorf.

Prosecutors claim he confronted the elderly woman in St Lambertus Church and shouted ‘Money, money!’ at her.

When she said she did not have any money to give him, the man allegedly dragged her outside and carried out the appalling attack before strangling her and pulling her hair. She survived the ordeal and was hospitalized.

The alleged attacker is also said to have stolen the key to her house and written down her address, although there is no evidence that he ever broke in.

The man is accused of rape, bodily harm and...

Morning Mistress - Did You Knit That Yourself?

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Capture the Flag | He Will Not Divide Us - THE MOVIE


Shia Labeouf's 3rd attempt at #HeWillNotDivideUs Gets Defeated In Less Than 2 Days!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Girls With Guns - Nice Bazookas!