90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Mike Pence In Mike Pence Adventures...

I Don't Think She Got A Chance To Use The Hammer...

Hong Kong: Muslim Migrants Harass Citizens - They Fight Back

This is the only way to deal with savages.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Caught Speaking In Russian Tongue...

ISIS puts to death a high Russian officer

The Islamic State published on Twitters Tuesday an 11-minute video clip depicting the beheading of a Russian intelligence officer who was taken prisoner. The release was timed for Russia’s Victory Day which commemorates the WWII victory over the Nazis. The victim is identified on the ISIS clip as...

Under Socialism, Even Comedy Has To Be Redistributed...

WATCH: Netanyahu Slams ‘Fake News’ CNN, New York Times Over Hamas Charter

The Hill reports: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu borrowed a line from President Trump on Sunday, referring to CNN, The New York Times and other outlets as “fake news.”

Netanyahu was upset with reporting by the two news groups about a new political document from the Palestinian group Hamas. “Ever wonder what fake news is?” Netanyahu asked in a social media posting. “Last week, headlines in CNN,...

BOMBSHELL: Report says Comey’s testimony that Huma Abedin forwarded emails to Anthony Weiner was not true

One of the biggest headlines out of last week’s testimony by FBI Director James Comey at a Judicial Committee oversight hearing was on how Huma Abedin was allegedly caught forwarding thousands of emails, some of which were classified, to a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner. But according to ProPublica, Comey’s testimony was inaccurate:

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Has France Just Crossed The Rubicon?

Morning Mistress

Vive le Fallujah - A Rant

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Death of Pepe

Monday, May 8, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Cinco De Mayo
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

U.S. helicopters dump machine gun fire into the tree line to cover advancing South Vietnamese ground troops in route to attack a Viet Cong camp eighteen miles north of Tay Ninh. March,

More Interesting Photos:

One of the oldest photos of the Great Sphinx, from 1880

Coincidence Or Not?

The IRS And The Most Unbelievable Coincidence Ever...

Fighting Commies Is Always Harder When They Get To Determine Their Own Branding..

Maxine Waters at MTV Movie Awards 2017 - Hailed as Social Justice Warrior Hero

The Real Opposition Is The Media...

Immigrant Asylum Seeker Threw Woman out of Window, Broke Her Legs When She Refused Sex

An asylum seeker who has settled in Germany has been accused of throwing a woman out of a window and breaking both her legs because she refused to have sex with him.

The man, identified only as Dawit A., is 34 years old. His country of origin is not known though it is believed to be in Africa (Eritrea). He arrived in Germany in 2014.

It is claimed he drank alcohol at the refugee center where he lives in the town of Bensheim, southern Germany, before threatening the woman – identified as Tirhas and also thought to be of African origin – with a broken bottle.

Frankfurt State Court heard Tirhas visited Dawit’s room in July 2016 with another couple for dinner.

She alleges he later turned violent, made her lie down, asked if she had ‘another man’, then threw her from the window. She fell 15ft onto concrete below.

The prosecution said he became angry because he wanted sex and she refused him.

The court was also told Dawit is currently being investigated for allegedly harassing another woman and...

North Korea Prepping EMP Catastrophe Aimed At U.S. Homefront

TEL AVIV – While the international community and news media focus on North Korean missile tests and the country’s nuclear program, one expert warned on Sunday that North Korea may be secretly assembling the capability to take out significant parts of the U.S. homeland via an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack.

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and is the chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission.

Speaking on this reporter’s talk radio program, Pry pointed to two North Korean satellites that are currently orbiting the U.S. at trajectories he says are optimized for a surprised EMP attack. “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” is broadcast on terrestrial radio on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM in Philadelphia and online.

Pry was referring to the KMS 3-2 and KMS-4 earth observation satellites launched by North Korea in April 2012 and February 2016 respectively.

He warned: “They are positioning themselves as sort of a nuclear missile age, cyberage version of the battleship diplomacy in my view. So that they can always have...

BREAKING: Confirmed: Head of ISIS In Afghanistan Killed In Raid By 50 U.S. Special Ops, 40 Afghan Commandos

U.S. and Afghan officials revealed Sunday that the head of ISIS in Afghanistan, Abdul Hasib has been confirmed dead as a result of a joint U.S. and Afghan operation carried out on April 27th. The raid was carried out by 50 U.S. Army Rangers which are part of Army Special Operations and 40 Afghan commandos.

A Pentagon spokesperson previously said that Hasib was most likely killed but there has been no confirmation until now.

Hasib’s predecessor, Hafiz Saeed Khan was killed in a U.S. drone strike.

The 90 troops were dropped by helicopter into Nangarhar Province, close to where the U.S. MOAB, or “mother of all bombs,” was dropped on April 13. Upon landing the Rangers were met with heavy fire and called in air support from drones, Apache helicopters, F-16s and an AC-130. Gen. John Nicholson said in a statement that “This successful joint operation is another important step in our relentless campaign to defeat ISIS-K in 2017,” and continued, ‘This is the second ISIS-K emir we have killed in...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Girls With Guns


Ever since the Republican-led House passed “phase one” of the American Health Care Act last Thursday, liberals have been hyperventilating over the fate of the allegedly “vulnerable” government dependants who compromise the bulk of the Democrat base.

Case in point:


— Cher (@cher) May 4, 2017

While the AHCA may conceivably screw over some real victims — though I highly doubt it will — I got a hunch that the majority of the “victims” slated to be hurt by its passage are among the lazy, good-for-nothing schlubs who believe that those of us who work hard and...

Man stabbed and robbed by trio yelling ‘MS-13’: cops

A 45-year-old man told cops he was stabbed and robbed in Queens by a trio of men who shouted the name of the notorious MS-13 gang, police sources said Sunday.

The victim was leaving a check cashing spot at 90th Street and Roosevelt Avenue in Jackson Heights around 7 p.m. Saturday when the three attackers approached him and yelled “MS-13” before stabbing him once in the back and robbing him of $600, the sources said.

The trio took off, and the victim was taken to Elmhurst Hospital for non-life-threatening injuries, according to the sources.

Cops believe MS-13 is behind the brutal beating and slaying of four young men in Recreation Village Town Park in...


Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Girls With Guns

NYT Cheers Rise Of Orwellian Censorship Algorithms

The U.S mainstream media celebrates the Orwellian future being imposed on Western “democracy” by hailing the algorithms that conveniently purge opposition “misinformation” from the internet, labeling them “fake news” in the process.

Those who peddle in “real news” are upset with those who mascaraed as real sources of information, and want to amend the Constitution to impose their style of “democracy” on the world.

The New York Times is cheering on the Orwellian future for Western “democracy” in which algorithms quickly hunt down and eliminate information that the Times and other mainstream outlets don’t like, reports Robert Parry.

Just days after sporting First Amendment pins at the White House Correspondents Dinner – to celebrate freedom of the press – the mainstream U.S. media is back to celebrating a very different idea: how to use algorithms to purge the Internet of what is deemed “fake news,” i.e. what the mainstream judges to be “misinformation.”

The New York Times, one of the top promoters of this new Orwellian model for censorship, devoted two-thirds of a page in its Tuesday editions to a laudatory piece about high-tech entrepreneurs refining artificial intelligence that can hunt down and eradicate...

New Strategy: When Your Ideas Are Indefensible, Throw A Tantrum...

The Freedom To Oppress Oneself...

Texas Governor Greg Abbott On Government's First Duty...

Two Days After Winning Leadership Award, Illegal Immigrant Student Suggests Celebrating Cinco De Mayo By ‘Beating The S*** Out Of White People’

An illegal immigrant student at the University of California, Berkeley, suggested “beating the shit out of white people” Thursday.

Juan Prieto, an English student at UC Berkeley, made the remark on Twitter two days after receiving Berkeley’s Robert J. and Mary Catherine Birgeneau Recognition Award for Service to Undocumented Students.

“Let’s celebrate 5 de Mayo by going to Dolores Park and beating the shit out of white people, in the spirit of La Batalla de Pueblo,” tweeted Prieto, who later locked his Twitter account. The illegal immigrant student referred to a battle in Mexico in which the Mexican army defeated French...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of the Late Night

Top 10 Feminist Fails of 2016

Friday, May 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

San Francisco Sheriff Who Defended Sanctuary City Status Defeated In a Landslide

San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi looks like he’ll be updating his resume after suffering a landslide loss in his re-election bid last night. Mirkarimi was in office when Kate Steinle was shot and killed by Francisco Sanchez, a five-time deported illegal alien. It set off a national debate about sanctuary cities, San Francisco becoming one of them in 1989. In July, Mirkarimi defended the policy, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper that the policy makes the city “safer.” Nevertheless, there were other reasons why Mirkarimi was booted. His tenure was dotted with controversy, one of them, as Katie mentioned, being a domestic abuse charge from 2012 (via Fox News):

Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, 54, was defeated by Vicki Hennessy, a former sheriff's official who had the endorsement of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and the sheriff deputies association. As of early Wednesday morning, Hennessy had received 62 percent of the vote to just 31 percent for Mirkarimi.

Mirkarimi was the subject of national criticism after Mexican illegal immigrant Francisco Sanchez allegedly shot and killed 32-year-old Kate Steinle on San Francisco's waterfront July 1. Sanchez had been released from...

This Is How You Know When You Are Right...

This Is What You Get For Littering Ahole....

..and don't go throwing lighted cigarettes into small confined spaces...

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