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Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Way Things Ought To Be...

The Leftist Media And The Democrats Have A Surprise Waiting...

Capitalism Is The Cure For Poverty...

Seth Rich Was Awake And Alive When The Cops Found Him...

Tomi Lahren On Leftist Fake News..


Morning Joe Mocks Maxine Waters to Her Face About Her Impeachment Fixation

The panelists of "Morning Joe" poked fun at Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) during her appearance Thursday when she made yet another pronouncement that President Trump was headed for impeachment.

Since Trump's inauguration, Waters has repeatedly called for Trump's impeachment and...

Slain DNC official contacted WikiLeaks?

The young Democratic National Committee official rumored to have leaked DNC documents to WikiLeaks and who was murdered in the nation’s capital last year was, just as previously claimed, in touch with Julian Assange’s document-dumping hacktivist group, media reports confirm.

This raises the possibility that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the DNC’s computer servers – assuming those actually took place. And if Russia didn’t hack the DNC, then the left-wing conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin launched cyber-attacks on the DNC to help Donald Trump win the election – and that Trump knowingly colluded with the Russians in those attacks – is undermined.

Despite the mass media hysteria, there is still no publicly available evidence the Trump campaign somehow worked with Russia to affect the election result. Sources in newspaper articles are never identified. There is not a scintilla of proof of improper conduct. All we have is the alleged say-so of faceless CIA spooks like Evan McMullin whose motives are questionable.

Retired Washington homicide detective Rod Wheeler made the explosive claim that the late DNC staffer Seth C. Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks yesterday to Fox News.

On Sean Hannity’s TV show Wheeler said the unidentified federal investigator who gave him the information “came across [as] very credible. When you look at that, with the totality of everything else that I found in this case, it’s very consistent for a person with my experience to begin to think, ‘Well, perhaps there were [sic] some email communication between...


A Washington, D.C. lobbyist is offering the largest reward in D.C. history for the unsolved murder of Seth Rich, a Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer gunned down over the summer.

Attorney Jack Burkman is offering $105,000 of his own money for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. The D.C. Metropolitan Police is offering a $25,000 reward, and WikiLeaks announced it is also offering $20,000 for any information that leads to a conviction in the murder of Rich.

Rich, 27, was the voter expansion data director at the DNC, according to Roll Call; he was employed for two years. Rich also worked on a computer application to help voters locate polling stations.

According to police reports, officers patrolling the Bloomingdale neighborhood heard gunshots at around 4:20 a.m. on the morning of...

Morning Mistress

Investigator Says Evidence Showing Deceased DNC Staffer Seth Rich Was Emailing With WikiLeaks

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Seth Rich Story Changes Once Again

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Fate Of Comey Under A Clinton Presidency...

This Septic Tank Diver... Still Cleaner Than The News Media...

This Is The Second Dumbest Person In Congress...

"I Know Why Seth Rich Had To Die"

"Seth Rich" Fits Into Redacted Hillary Clinton eMails...


"Seth Rich" Fits Into Redacted Hillary Clinton eMails...


Bill O’Reilly Lands A Spot With Glenn Beck’s Radio Show

Bill O’Reilly is taking Glenn Beck up on his offer to join The Blaze team.

O’Reilly announced on his podcast Tuesday that he and Beck reached an agreement for the ousted Fox News personality to appear on Beck’s radio show every Friday.

“It’s a good outlet for me to, you know, discuss things back and forth with Beck,” the former “Factor” host stated. “We don’t agree on everything, but it’s very lively.”

Just last week, Beck — whom Variety reports O’Reilly described as...

Justice For Seth Rich..


Putin Trolls Leftist Media, Ready To Give Transcript Of Conversation Between Trump And Lavrov To Congress

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he is prepared to hand over records of President Donald Trump’s meeting with Russian officials earlier in May.

The Russian leader announced that he can provide the House and Senate with transcripts of a conversation between Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, reports the Associated Press. Trump is alleged to have shared highly sensitive intelligence about an ISIS plot to attack commercial aviation during the talks.
Related: Did Donald Trump Promise This To Putin?
Putin said that “political schizophrenia” has gripped Washington following revelations about Trump’s alleged intelligence disclosure and subsequent anonymous sourced reports that the president encouraged then-FBI director James Comey to close the bureau’s investigation into former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn.

Some intelligence officials believe the...

5 Times The Obama Administration Leaked Classified Information

Democrats have short memory spans. As the mainstream media teams up with the political Left to take down Donald Trump’s presidency, it’s worth maintaining some perspective on White House "scandals" as reported by the self-proclaimed gatekeepers of truth.

Much of the self-righteous indignation directed against President Trump is grounded in hypocrisy. When Democrats cry wolf over Trump unduly influencing law enforcement, one can’t help but think of the egregiously corrupt and highly partisan Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch Justice Departments. When Democrats whine about Trump’s "unsympathetic" immigration policy, one can’t help but wonder where the voices of opposition were during former President Bill Clinton's State of the Union speeches.

Now as the MSM goes berserk over reports of Trump allegedly revealing classified information from an ally to Russia, let’s take a trip down memory lane and recall the countless times that former President Obama, the bejeweled darling of the Left, did something that Democrats are now calling "treasonous," "unpatriotic," and "traitorous."

Here are five times the Obama administration leaked classified information:

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Samantha Bee's Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Girls With Guns

BUSTED: Sources Confirm NatSec Advisor H. R. McMaster & His Deputy Dina Powell Are Leaking To The Anti-Trump Media

Two separate National Security Council sources have confirmed that National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster and Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell have been leaking negative material about President Donald J. Trump to their allies in the anti-Trump media, GotNews can exclusively report.

“It’s very hard when your boss, the President, and your boss, the NSC advisor, see the world so differently,” says one staffer, who opposes regime change in Syria.

Staffers on the National Security Council describe a culture of intimidation, especially for those who didn’t come in under McMaster and support the Trump campaign’s commitment to put America First.

“It’s like the Bush years never ended,” notes one staffer who didn’t come in under McMaster. “I didn’t sign up for this shit and the American people didn’t vote for it.”

The staffer also doubts that Democrats are to blame for withholding security clearances, especially for those with ties to General Michael Flynn. The Pentagon under Secretary Mattis has been working with Senator John McCain to deny security clearances over the fictitious Russia investigation.

Senator John McCain was working with his long-time political ally...

21 Men Rules That Women Should Know...

Only Racists Believe In White Privilege...

Ivy League Student Claims Classroom ‘Trauma’ After Professor Refuses to Acknowledge White Privilege

Leftists Love Violence...

Media Ignores Soaring Left Wing Hate Crime, Focuses On Fewer ‘Far-Right’ Events

Why Do So Many Millenials Support Socialism?

Dress For Stupidness..

Learn something new every day!! Found on the internet:


Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich Reportedly Contacted Wikileaks Before His Death

The Fishing Expedition...

Clever Bird Goes Fishing

Tips For Reading Washington Post Stories About Trump Based On Anonymous Leaks

On May 10, the Washington Post‘s Philip Rucker, Ashley Parker, Sari Horwitz, and Robert Costa claimed:

[Deputy Attorney General Rod J.] Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey and that the president acted only on his recommendation, said the person close to the White House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

But the “person close to the White House” who made the claim without using his or her name was contradicted by none other than Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein himself. The next day he said, “I’m not quitting” when asked by reporters. “No,” he said to the follow-up question of whether he had threatened to quit.

On May 10, Ashley Parker wrote:
Last week, then-FBI Director James B. Comey requested more resources from the Justice Department for his bureau’s investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, according to two officials with knowledge of the discussion.

The story was based on anonymous sources, naturally, and noted “The news was first reported by the New York Times.” If true, it would support a narrative that Trump had fired Comey not due to his general incompetence but because he was trying to thwart a legitimate and fruitful investigation. Anonymous sources again had something very different to say from people whose comments were tied to their names, who all denied the report. The Justice Department spokeswoman immediately responded that the claim was false, and...

Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich Reportedly Contacted Wikileaks Before His Death

Seth Rich was fatally shot in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C. on July 10, 2016—he was a 27-year-old employee of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Police said, at the time, the neighborhood was plagued by robberies and suspected that as a motive. Although Rich’s watch strap was torn, nothing had apparently been taken from him. According to police, he died from two gunshot wounds to the back.

Rich’s girlfriend told NBC Washington, “There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything…They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life.”

The murder stoked Hillary Clinton “conspiracy theories,” suggesting Rich was...

Morning Mistress

Intense Speech From Kyle Chapman #BasedStickMan #Boston

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

#Boston Tuff Guy Talks Hilarious Smack To #Antifa Ninjas

Monday, May 15, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Heroes Vs. Zeroes..

At A Campus Near You...

Micheline Bernardini, modeling the first modern bikini. July 5, 1946

More Amazing Photos:

Camels and burning Kuwaiti oil fields that had been blown up by retreating Iraqi troops, 1991.

Amazing Photos Collection #1
Amazing Photos Collection #3
Amazing Photos Collection #4
Amazing Photos Collection #5
Amazing Photos Collection #6 -or- Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, circa 1935
Canal Street, New Orleans, circa.1910 or Photo Collection #7

This Is What Happened When A Guy Tried To Rob This Badass Car Detailer...

You're Fired!


Judicial Watch: "FBI's Comey Is Complicit In Clinton Email Scandal"

Graphic Display Of Islamic Role In Humanity

I can quote statistics, death tolls, frequency of attacks, quote verses, but this pretty much sums it up. Bleach Please.

The Monolithic Media's Pavlovian Response To Mass Murder...

Case Of The Mondays.....

It's Monday?


Larry Klayman, President of Freedom Watch and the founder of Judicial Watch, wrote an open letter calling for former FBI Director James Comey to be indicted for obstruction of justice.
Klayman accused Comey of burying evidence from a whistleblower he worked with that may verify POTUS Trump was surveilled by the Obama administration.

The following is an excerpt from Klayman’s open letter:
As I explained in the below embedded radio appearance at www.raffradio.com, where I exchanged views with the talented host, Franklin Raff, it is Comey himself, along with his staff, that deep-sixed their claimed investigation of Dennis Montgomery, a NSA/CIA whistleblower who came forward over two years ago, under grant of immunity, with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information and then provided sworn testimony to FBI Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, showing that the intelligence agencies had not only “wiretapped,” in the form of unconstitutional surveillance, Trump, his associates and his family, but also other prominent Americans such as...