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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

That's Why We Voted For Him... Jackass...

LIMBAUGH: CNN Is The 'Consigliere' For The Obama Legacy And The Democrat Party

A New Twist in Seth Rich Murder Case

With U.S.-Russia tensions as dangerously high as they’ve been since the worst days of the Cold War, there is potential new evidence that Russia was not behind a hack of the Democratic National Committee, although Congress and the U.S. mainstream media accept the unproven allegation of Russia’s guilt as indisputable fact.

The possible new evidence comes in the form of a leaked audiotape of veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh in which Hersh is heard to say that not Russia, but a DNC insider, was the source of the Democratic emails published by WikiLeaks just before the start of the Democratic National Convention in late July 2016.

Hersh said on the tape that the source of the leak was former DNC employee Seth Rich, who was murdered on a darkened street in a rough neighborhood of Northwest Washington D.C. two weeks before the Convention, on July 10, 2016. But Hersh threw cold water on a theory that the murder was an assassination in retaliation for the leak. Instead, Hersh concurs with the D.C. police who say the murder was a botched robbery.

Mainstream news outlets have mocked any linkage between Rich’s murder and the disclosure of the DNC emails as a “conspiracy theory,” but Hersh’s comments suggest another possibility – that the murder and the leak were unrelated while Rich may still have been the leaker.

In dismissing the possibility that Rich was the leaker, mainstream media outlets often ignore one of the key reasons why some....

Fix Our Wounded Warriors Before Any Talk Of Paying For Elective Sex Change Operations...


HARNETT COUNTY, NC (WRAL) – A Spring Lake has been charged with second-degree murder following a shootingWednesday night.

The Harnett County Sheriff’s Office said deputies responded to 13729 N.C. Highway 210 at about 7 p.m. and located a man inside the home with a gunshot wound to the upper body.

Lionel Esquivel Mercado, 63, of Newton Grove, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Raul Vargas Santana, 45, of 13729 N.C. Highway 210, was charged in connection with the shooting. He was...


You had to know that it was only a matter of time after Arizona Senator John McCain announced that he would be pushing for immigration reform when he makes his triumphant return to Washington next month.

McCain is as close to a shadow president as there has ever been and now that he has brain cancer, an already love-struck media is treating him as though he can walk on water and heal lepers.

After McCain saved Obamacare and saddled struggling Americans with crushing premium increases, all of the Never Trumpers from the GOP primaries have begun to slither out from under the rocks that they had been hiding under to take on the POTUS.

Now, lo and behold, there has been a Marco Rubio sighting.

The dashing young Cubano who had once been anointed as the savior of the Republican party has been largely missing after getting humiliated by then candidate Trump who beat him like a dog in his home state of Florida but now the coast is clear for all of the cowards to take their shots and Rubio is one of them.

The Miami motor mouth is drawing a line in the sand that the immigration bill backed by Trump will...

Morning Mistress

No Whites Allowed

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Myths About Fracking

Monday, August 7, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Tuesday Weld
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

New Slogan For Democrats In 2018...

..And got away with it.....so far...

Seth Rich Murder Update: The Curious Case of Former CEO of the DNC Amy Dacey

In Times Of Change, The Patriot Is A Scarce Man...

RNC Chair: Republican Voters Demand Congress ‘Support This President’

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel said that GOP voters overwhelmingly want Congress to support President Donald Trump and the legislative agenda he campaigned on in 2016.

McDaniel noted during an interview Monday on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that mail the RNC receives from Republican voters across the country each day expresses a high degree of “frustration” with the inability or unwillingness of GOP lawmakers to pass the president’s legislative agenda. With the 2018 midterm elections coming around the corner, the RNC chairwoman warned Republican members of Congress who have refused to support Trump’s agenda are ripe for...

I Would Never Mysteriously Commit Suicide....

The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool

We Sure Dodged A Bullet!!

This Woman Is A Criminal

Monday Morning Truth...

I Don't Like Mondays:

Wise Words For A Monday Morning...

Yeah, I'd Sing Too...

Case Of The Mondays.....

Calls to Shut Down Free Speech at Google After Employee Questions PC Monoculture

A letter was sent to employees at Google this weekend titled, “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber”. It states that Google Is Too Politically Correct, and now the author is being attacked and there are calls to shut down free speech at Google.

The piece was written by an unnamed male Google engineer and is being called a ‘Manifesto’ by the media and by spokeswomen at Google. The author’s name has been redacted because of threats made against him.

There is an uproar over the 3,300 page ‘manifesto’ stating biological differences might explain the lack of diversity between men and women in hiring. At the same time, he pushed back on social engineering.

“Distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership,” he wrote.

There is a new vice president of diversity Danielle Brown who was perhaps the impetus for the document.

Basically, the author is saying there’s too much PC; all opinions should be valued since no one has all the answers; social engineering based on gender and race is a bad idea; there are biological differences between...


Arizona Senator Jeff Flake opened his big mouth to suggest that Republicans rebel against President Trump and saw his poll numbers plummet in his home state of Arizona.

This is not a good sign for a man up for reelection next year and rumblings that Trump would be encouraging a primary challenge make Flake’s loose tongue look like a fatal error that could be a career killer.

Outside of California which boasts Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, there is no state with two worst U.S. Senators than Arizona. Fortunately for America, John McCain is on his way out due to brain cancer and Flake may beat him out the door.

So, what’s a man to do? Why not hit the Sunday morning shit shows like NBC’s Press the Meat Meet the Press and try to get your anti-Trump message out to a national audience:

Morning Mistress

Immigration in America 101

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

I Hope You Can Speak Chinese

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Girls With Guns

Pence slams Fake New New York Times story about 2020 bid as 'disgraceful and offensive'

Vice President Pence on Sunday dismissed a New York Times story saying he and other top Republicans are running shadow campaigns to defeat President Trump in 2020, calling the report “disgraceful and offensive.”

“Today's article in the New York Times is disgraceful and offensive to me, my family and our entire team. The allegations in this article are categorically false and represent just the latest attempt by the media to divide this administration,” Pence said in an official White House statement.

The Times story published Sunday suggests Pence...

MAGA! U.S. Trade Deficit Slashed Just Like Trump Promised

The Trump administration is engaged in one success after the other. Many Americans have no idea, though, given the Establishment Media’s obsession with pushing the phony Russia/Trump story.

One had to really search for proof of the good news being created by POTUS Trump – but it’s there. Here is a tidbit grudgingly put out there today by ABC News:
US trade deficit narrowed to $43.6 billion in June

The Commerce Department said Friday that the trade gap slid 5.9 percent in June to $43.6 billion.

Exports of goods and services rose 1.2 percent to $194.4 billion, the highest amount since December 2014 on higher foreign demand for American...

Open Borders, Never-Trumper, Traitor Jeff Flake Is Suffering In The Polls...

This scumbag is also one of the immigration gang of eight that includes him, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham and Crybaby Chucky Schumer...

Republican Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake’s approval rating is at a drastically low number in his home state after he has continued to bash President Donald Trump according to a new Democratic Poll.

The left leaning polling group, Public Policy Polling (PPP) found only 18 percent approve of the job Flake is doing. Meanwhile 62 percent disapprove and 19 percent are not sure how they feel about him. These numbers come after Flake has continued to criticize Trump throughout his presidency and refused to endorse him during the 2016 presidential campaign.

If the 2018 mid-term election were held today, just 31 percent of respondents said they would support Flake’s re-election bid, compared to...

RUSH: Obama Opened Up Expansion Of Government, But NOT The Economy

RUSH: Now, folks, there’s one thing here that I need to point out. There hasn’t been any major legislation that you would think would have any impact on the economy. And yet, there are several aspects of the economy which are growing left and right, and Trump went through some of the reasons last night. He didn’t sign on to Trans-Pacific Partnership. He did okay the Keystone pipeline and the other pipeline. There have been all kinds of new jobs.

We got more jobs coming downtown pike with Foxconn building the factories they’re gonna build in southeastern Wisconsin. Today two automobile manufacturers from Japan announced they are going to open new plants in the United States. Trump taking us out of the Paris climate accords. There have been a number of steps regarding regulation and other things that the president has been able to do by way of executive action and executive order, which have resulted in already measurable economic growth.

And it is happening. And as you heard Jim, our first caller, say,

Why is Trump still supporting McMaster?

Every day it becomes clearer why former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn was unmasked and the early target of a series of illegal leaks targeting Team Trump. Flynn was an unabashed critic of President Barack Hussein Obama and someone who would take a bullet for Trump in any political battle. He had to be dispensed with and someone less loyal to Trump and more accommodating to the “resistance” put in his place.

That man was to be General H.R. McMaster, and the story of how he got to be President Trump’s National Security Adviser speaks volumes about his true loyalties. As journalist Caroline Glick notes in a recent article:

… there is the issue of how McMaster got there in the first place. Trump interviewed McMaster at Mara a Lago for a half an hour. He was under terrible pressure after firing Flynn to find someone.

And who recommended McMaster? You won’t believe this.

Senator John McCain. That’s right. The NSA got his job on the basis of a recommendation from the man who just saved Obamacare.

Obviously, at this point, Trump has nothing to lose by angering McCain. I mean what will he do? Vote for Obamacare?

President Trump has expressed his continued support for McMaster, even after a letter McMaster sent to Benghazi liar and serial unmake Susan Rice was revealed in which McMaster said he was perfectly fine with a person who should be a target of her very own special prosecutor retaining her security clearance. As Fox News Politics reported on August 5:
President Trump gave H.R. McMaster a vote of confidence after the national security adviser's rivals seized on a letter McMaster sent to his Obama predecessor Susan Rice giving her continued...


Derek Harvey was a man who saw things coming. He had warned of Al Qaeda when most chose to ignore it. He had seen the Sunni insurgency rising when most chose to deny it.

The former Army colonel had made his reputation by learning the lay of the land. In Iraq that meant sleeping on mud floors and digging into documents to figure out where the threat was coming from.

It was hard to imagine anyone better qualified to serve as President Trump’s top Middle East adviser at the National Security Council than a man who had been on the ground in Iraq and who had seen it all.

Just like in Iraq, Harvey began digging at the NSC. He came up with a list of Obama holdovers who were leaking to the press. McMaster, the new head of the NSC, refused to fire any of them.

McMaster had a different list of people he wanted to fire. It was easy to make the list. Harvey was on it.

All you had to do was name Islamic terrorism as the problem and oppose the Iran Deal. If you came in with Flynn, you would be out. If you were loyal to Trump, your days were numbered.

And if you warned about Obama holdovers undermining the new administration, you were a target.

One of McMaster’s first acts at the NSC was to ban any mention of “Obama holdovers.” Not only did the McMaster coup purge Harvey, who had assembled the holdover list, but his biggest target was...

FOIA Dump Reveals Collusion Between Lynch, FBI And Media To Bury Bill Clinton Meeting

Back on June 29, 2016, Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, tried to convince us that the following ‘impromptu’ meeting between herself and Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport, a private meeting which lasted 30 minutes on Lynch’s private plane, was mostly a “social meeting” in which Bill talked about his grandchildren and golf game. It was not, under any circumstances, related to the statement that former FBI Director James Comey made just 6 days later clearing Hillary Clinton of any alleged crimes related to his agency’s investigation.

But, according to a new DOJ FOIA dump just released by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), it looks increasingly as if nothing reported about this “social meeting” between Lynch and Clinton was grounded in fact…shocking, we know.

First, the new FOIA documents seemingly confirm that the FBI and DOJ simply lied in response to the ACLJ’s initial FOIA request filed back in July 2016. Here is what the ACLJ was told at the time after sending requests to...

Morning Mistress

Challenging Your "Masters"

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Brad Thomas on Trump: "The media is missing it, the market isn't."

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

Mayor Of Disappearing Island Faces Al Gore And Shuts Down Global Warming Claim

James “Ooker” Eskridge is the mayor of a town on an island disappearing in the Chesapeake Bay, but rather than see it as evidence of global warming, he used it to shut down Al Gore’s narrative that the seas are rising because of climate change. Eskridge faced the climate warming alarmist during a CNN town hall on global warming. “I’m a commercial crabber,” Eskridge said, “and I’ve been working the Chesapeake Bay for fifty-plus years. And I have a crab house business out on the water. And water level is the same it was when the place was built in 1970.” -- “I’m not a scientist but I’m a keen observer, and if sea levels rises are occurring,” he asked, “why am I not seeing signs of it?”

“Our island is disappearing,” he explained, “but it’s because of erosion and not because of sea level rising, unless we get a seawall, we will lose our island.” -- “But, back to the question,” he said, “why am I not seeing signs of the sea level rising?” -- “What do you think the erosion due to, mayor?” Gore asked. “Wave action, storms,” he responded. “Has that increased, any?” Gore asked. “Not really,” Eskridge said. “So you’re losing the Island even though the waves haven’t increased,” Gore said. “Yes,” Eskridge replied, “this erosion has been going on since...

The American Republic Will Endure...

Then It Becomes Time To Drain The Swamp!!

Guns Don't Kill People.... Hillary Does...

Solving The Age Old Question: Can You Use Scot Towels As A Rifle Suppressor?

Uh.. No, No.

Watch This Metal Foam Annihilate an Armor-Piercing Bullet...

There Was A Time When The U.S. Government Understood That Guns Protect Against Tyranny


The world is witnessing a political mutiny that is unprecedented in the annals of American history. Donald Trump was duly and overwhelmingly elected President of the United States on Tuesday November 8, 2016. He received the votes of almost 63 million Americans, the highest total ever for a Republican Party presidential candidate. Through a remarkably targeted campaign, he won electoral votes in 31 states, destroying his opponent in the Electoral College. For any other President, his opponents would have given him a “honeymoon,” and allowed his administration to get started and implement his agenda.

Trump has been the subject of an unrelenting and unparalleled number of deceitful attacks from his disgruntled opponents

Unfortunately, these traditional American political norms do not apply to Donald Trump. Despite his legitimate victory, Trump has been the subject of an unrelenting and unparalleled number of deceitful attacks from his disgruntled opponents. Immediately after his victory, a sinister network of deep state operatives, Obama holdovers in the bureaucracy, “Never Trump” Republicans, Democrats, and biased liberals in the media joined forces to achieve one goal, overturning the election results.

The reason this corrupt cabal is trying to invalidate the will of the American people is that President Trump’s agenda is a severe threat to their livelihoods. The “sultans of the status quo” view the President’s plan to put “America First” and “Drain the Swamp,” as a call to political arms and a battle for...

Morning Mistress

Al Gore's Movie Renamed: "An Inconvenient Ruse"

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

One YouTube Algorithm to Rule Them All

Friday, August 4, 2017

Girls With Guns

Leftists Are Not "Pro-Woman".....

Martin Bashir Apologizes to Sarah Palin for Vile Slur: My Words ‘Brought Shame’

The Real Crime In Washington DC....