90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, August 21, 2017

Marilyn Monroe performing for troops stationed in Korea, 1954.

More Interesting Photos:

One of the oldest photos of the Great Sphinx, from 1880

Remember When Obama Condemned Black Lives Matter?

Me Neither...

Black Lives Matter Terrorists Murder Dallas Cops

Mask of Sorrow

The Back:

Somehow Wikipedia fails to mention that The Gulags are a product of Communism.

I am pretty sure ANTIFA would approve.

Coordinates: 59°35′30.62″N 150°48′43.65″E

The Mask of Sorrow

The Mask of Sorrow (Russian: Маска скорби, Maska skorbi) is a monument perched on a hill above Magadan, Russia, commemorating the many prisoners who suffered and died in the Gulag prison camps in the Kolyma region of the Soviet Union during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. It consists of a large concrete statue of a face, with tears coming from the left eye in the form of small masks. The right eye is in the form of a barred window. The back side portrays a weeping young woman and a headless man on a cross. Inside is a replication of a typical Stalin-era prison cell. Below the Mask of Sorrow are stone markers bearing the names of many of the forced-labor camps of the Kolyma, as well as others designating the various religions and political systems of those who suffered there.

The statue was unveiled on June 12, 1996 with the help of the Russian government and financial contributions from seven Russian cities, including Magadan. The design was created by the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, whose parents fell victim to the Stalinist purges of the 1930s; the monument was constructed by Kamil Kazaev. The mask stands 15 metres high and takes up 56 cubic metres of space.

Quit Glorifying Communism. There Is Nothing Romantic About Life In A Police State

The ghost of Walter Duranty still lives at The New York Times, and it has a perverse sense of timing. Last week, on the anniversary of the construction of the Berlin Wall, the Times continued its bizarre nostalgia series about communist dictatorships with a piece titled “Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism.” The author, Kristen Ghodsee, points to a single, post-reunification study to allege that women under the iron fist of East Germany had “twice as many orgasms” as women in capitalist West Germany.

Highlighting a single “bright spot” of communist life while mostly ignoring its many dangers, indignities, and rights violations would be bad enough. Ghodsee takes it a step further, however, by speculating that the totalitarianism she euphemistically refers to as a “top-down campaign” was actually the secret sauce in the communist’s successful female liberation.

Those comrades’ insistence on government intervention may seem heavy-handed to our postmodern sensibilities, but sometimes necessary social change — which soon comes to be seen as the natural order of things — needs an emancipation proclamation from above.

The leftist ideologue is forever being disappointed. Just as Vladimir Lenin was frustrated with the less-than-revolutionary Russian peasantry, the “oppressed” whom the modern left tries to liberate never seem to quite live up to expectations. Concerned with such frivolities as putting food on the table and spending time with their families, people always fall short of someone else’s vision of liberation.

Even today, women’s choices about work-life balance and the wage “gap” those choices create cause many furrowed feminist brows. Actual women—who in surveys still indicate that their ideal work-family balance is part-time work, despite all the social pressure nowadays against this view—simply aren’t as radical as they “ought” to be when left free to choose their own paths. Ghodsee’s solution, like the GDR’s, is simple: women must be forcibly “liberated” for their own good.

Life Under Communism Was No Love Fest

There is just enough truth in The New York Times article to bolster its radical message. Just as the Roaring Twenties in the United States swept in many changes in women’s social roles, so too the 1920s in the Soviet Union brought a period of genuine sexual libertinism and experimentation, encouraged by the vanguard of communist intellectuals that populated Russian cafes. In the early days after the Bolshevik Revolution, people—especially those far away from the bloody revolution itself—could be more easily forgiven for thinking that communism was going to lead to a happier, more prosperous future, given that most of the twentieth-century examples of its barbarism had yet to occur.

But the reality of life in the Warsaw Pact was decidedly different than the picture Ghodsee paints in her column. My father, who grew up in Communist Poland, describes the women he recalls, married in their 20s and 30s, as “exhausted,” spending most of their time outside of working hours standing in lines and feverishly combing contacts to scrape together the bare necessities for...

It's Monday Again? The Circle Continues...

I Don't Like Mondays:

Monday Morning Truth...

Wise Words For A Monday Morning...

Yeah, I'd Sing Too...

Case Of The Mondays.....

FBI reportedly accepts new evidence with possible link to DB Cooper

The FBI has reportedly accepted new evidence that could be linked to the famous D.B. Cooper case that has stumped investigators for decades.

The New York Daily News reported Sunday that unnamed private investigators described the evidence as “an odd piece of buried foam,” which may have been used in Cooper’s parachute. The evidence was found in a mound of dirt in the deep Pacific Northwest mountains nearly two weeks ago.

The evidence was turned in Friday to the FBI’s Ventura County office by acclaimed Cooper sleuth Tom Colbert, a Los Angeles TV and film producer.

“Well, after six years of gathering information with a 40-member cold case team, I’m ecstatic that they are considering this,” Colbert told Fox News during an interview last week, referring to the FBI.

In 2016, the FBI announced that it was no longer investigating the enduring mystery of the skyjacker known as D.B. Cooper, nearly 45 years after he vanished out the back of a Boeing 727 into a freezing Northwest rain wearing a business suit, a parachute and a pack with $200,000 in cash.

Calling the investigation one of the longest and most exhaustive in the agency’s history, the FBI Seattle field office said at the time that it was time to focus on other cases.

The agency said it would preserve evidence from the case at its Washington, D.C., headquarters, but it doesn’t want further tips unless people find parachutes or Cooper’s money.

In 1971 — the night before Thanksgiving -- a man calling himself Dan Cooper, wearing a black tie and a suit, boarded a Seattle-bound Boeing 727 in Oregon and told a flight attendant he had a bomb in a briefcase. He gave her a note demanding ransom.

After the plane landed he released the 36 passengers in exchange for $200,000 in ransom money and parachutes. The ransom was paid in $20 bills.

The hijacker then ordered the plane to fly to Mexico, but near the Washington-Oregon border he jumped and was never seen or heard from again.

Nine years later a boy found a rotting package full of $20 bills near the Columbia River on the same border. The $5,800 matched the ransom money serial numbers.

The FBI has never ruled out the possibility that the hijacker was killed in the jump -- which took place in a rainstorm at night, in rough wooded terrain. The hijacker's clothing and footwear were also unsuitable for a rough landing.

Over the years the most lasting image of Cooper, who became somewhat of a legend, may be the...

A Warning to Trump and the Nation

The coup against President Trump has been developing for months and can be seen on the nightly news. Yet few talk about what it really means for the country and what can be done to avert this fate. Fortunately, we have the bulwark of the Constitution and protracted process inherent in the rule of law. But the urgency and clarity of mind to prevail and prevent the ouster of the President can certainly be heightened by grasping the goals and temperament of the power brokers who seek his destruction and the subsequent reordering of the country.

Suffice it to say that removal of Trump without sufficient cause would likely have dramatic and lasting repercussions. At a minimum, the power brokers involved in a successful coup would feel entitled to a big role in reordering the nation. At the other end of the spectrum, a more dramatic maximum type response could come in the form of a civil uprising of armed constituencies that voted for Trump, who might well feel there is no other recourse from the fundamental betrayal of the ballot box and disenfranchisement by their government.

Among the power brokers, first there are the globalists and open borders advocates that understandably fear President Trump, who is serious about the integrity of U.S. borders, limitations on immigration, the strengthening of national sovereignty. This is a disparate group that includes the sanctuary city movement operating in most major cities nationwide; George Soros and his Open Society Institute and his Soros Foundation network of more than two dozen organizations that include MoveOn.org and Democracy Alliance; radical nativist and Latin American immigration activist groups like La Raza; and establishment corporate business executives such as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his open borders organization FWD.us, Disney CEO Bob Iger, who, in late 2014 fired and replaced 250 American IT engineers with lower-paid IT workers from India, and many other corporate executives, like Iger, who are affiliated with the immigration-expansionist group, Partnership for a New American Economy.

The second group of power brokers in the coup attempt are those in the political establishment -- liberal politicians, bureaucrats, and deep state operatives in Washington, as well as media professionals who carry the former’s water and promote their views. Because these are the people who are in essence “the swamp in Washington," they are directly threatened by Donald Trump. People in this second group are largely corrupted by power, access to power and...

This Week in Stupid

Morning Mistress

Say Goodbye To Your History

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Proof The Media Is Lying About The Boston Free Speech Rally

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Girls With Guns

Watching CNN For News Is Like....

Trick Question Right?

Jeff Flake Stars In: SWAMP THING!


The Trump administration has ended Operation Choke Point, the anti-fraud initiative started under the Obama administration that many Republicans argued was used to target gun retailers and other businesses that Democrats found objectionable.

Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told GOP representatives in a Wednesday letter that the long-running program had ended, bringing a conclusion to a chapter in the Obama years that long provoked and angered conservatives who saw Choke Point as an extra-legal crackdown on politically disfavored groups.

"All of the department's bank investigations conducted as part of Operation Chokepoint are now over, the initiative is no longer in effect, and it will not be undertaken again," Boyd wrote in the letter.

The letter was addressed to Jeb Hensarling and Bob Goodlatte, the chairmen of the Financial Services and Judiciary Committees, respectively. Their staffs confirmed they received the letter.

The Republicans had written last week to Attorney General Jeff Sessions for confirmation that the program was over so that businesses that might be targeted could breathe easy.

After the Obama Justice Department began Operation Choke Point in 2013, Hensarling and other conservatives accused them of denying the constitutional rights of businesses like gun dealers and payday lenders by targeting them for scrutiny under the program, cutting off their access to the banking system under the guise of investigating fraud and money laundering.

The GOP said companies were still wary that they could lose access to the banking system, and needed clear guidance from the Trump administration that...

NAACP, leftist celebs want you to boycott the NFL until ‘oppressed’ Kaepernick gets signed

NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick blames racism for his continued unemployment.

And the NAACP, leftist celebrities, and famed retired cop Frank Serpico are rallying to get this “oppressed” multi-millionaire a job. Moreover, they’re calling for a boycott of the NFL until Kaepernick gets signed.

Spike Lee — who directed the film “White Men Can’t Jump” — tweeted an announcement for a forthcoming rally outside the NFL headquarters in New York.

The rally, which is scheduled for August 23, is to protest what race-baiting moonbats consider the NFL’s blackballing of Kaepernick.

In true Hollywood fashion, Spike Lee merely paid lip service to social justice, noting that he doesn’t have...

A Moroccan Muslim refugee who targeted women killed two in stabbing attack in Finland

HELSINKI/TURKU, Finland (Reuters) - Finnish police said on Saturday that an 18-year-old Moroccan man, arrested after a knife rampage that killed two people and wounded eight, appeared to have targeted women and that the spree was being treated as the country's first terrorism-related attack.

The suspect arrested following the attack on Friday after being shot in the leg by police in the city of Turku had arrived in Finland last year, police said. They said they later arrested four other Moroccan men over possible links to him and had issued an international arrest warrant for a sixth Moroccan national.

Finnish broadcaster MTV, citing an unnamed source, said the main suspect had been denied asylum in Finland. The police said only that he had been "part of the asylum process".

The case marks the first suspected terror attack in Finland, where violent crime is relatively rare.

"The suspect's profile is similar to that of several other recent radical Islamist terror attacks that have taken place in Europe," Director Antti Pelttari from the Finnish Security Intelligence Service told a news conference.

The police said they were investigating possible links to Thursday's deadly van attack in the Spanish city of Barcelona.

Both of those killed in the Turku attack, and six of the eight who were wounded, were women, the police said. The two who died were Finns, and an Italian and two Swedish citizens were...

Morning Mistress

The Violent Left EXPOSED!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Leaving the Left - My Red Pill Story

Saturday, August 19, 2017

If You Watch Game Of Thrones, This Will Be Funny...

No sir I did not see you playing with your dolls sir!

Girls With Guns

Coming To A Sanctuary City Near You...

Can't Die In A Protest...

This Is Jean Hilliard.

10 People Who Survived Your Worst Nightmares

Keep Making Space For The New Trump Statues...

The Last Frontier For Gun Control: Washington Court Rules In Favor Of Seattle’s “Gun Violence” Tax

Two years ago, the president of the Seattle City Council offered a rather ludicrous proposition. He wanted Seattle to place a new tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition within the city limits. Ammo would cost an additional 2-5 cents per round, and a firearm would cost an extra $25. But what was even more absurd than the tax itself, is what the money would be going toward. The tax was supposed to pay for gun violence prevention programs and research.

The way City Council President Tim Burgess explained it, this “gun violence” tax would help offset the costs the city pays to treat gunshot victims. Essentially, it was a tax levied on responsible law abiding gun owners, to pay for the actions of violent criminals.

Despite how utterly stupid that sounds, the proposal passed. However, it didn’t have the desired effect. To the surprise of no one who actually understands the relationship between private firearm ownership and crime rates, the violent crime rate in Seattle has dramatically increased since the tax was put in place. It also brought in only a small fraction of the revenue that the city council was expecting. In short, the tax was a total failure.

So it’s no surprise that the tax has faced a lawsuit over the fact that Washington has a law that prevents municipalities from regulating firearms. Unfortunately, the Washington Supreme Court recently ruled against the lawsuit on the grounds that taxes aren’t the same as regulations, and cities are well within their right to levy sales taxes.

Regardless of whether the court’s decision was right or wrong, it certainly sets a dangerous precedent. As an...

This Sign Offends ME!!

Morning Mistress

West Wing Reads

"President Trump announces move to elevate Cyber Command"

- Thomas Gibbons-Neff in The Washington Post

The Washington Post reports President Trump has directed that Cyber Command will become its own unified military command – a move aimed to “strengthen cyberspace operations and bolster U.S. defenses.” The President said on Friday that the “elevation of United States Cyber Command demonstrates our increased resolve against cyberspace threats and will help reassure our allies and partners and deter our adversaries.”
Click here to read more.


In more good economic news, CNBC reports on yesterday’s Labor Department announcement that “the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to near a six-month low last week,” a further sign of strength in the nation’s jobs market.


In The Washington Times, the Cornwall Alliance’s E. Calvin Beisner praises President Trump’s recent executive order on infrastructure, saying it “should save billions of dollars directly by streamlining and expediting the permitting process for infrastructure projects” and help spur “more and safer” infrastructure projects.


USA Today contributor and former Bush Defense Department official James S. Robbins writes that President Trump “was fully within a time-honored intellectual tradition when he denounced ‘both sides’ that were rioting in Charlottesville,” saying “the proper response is not to condemn one group of radicals over another but to see all of them as a direct threat to constitutional government.”


The New York Times reports alt-left group ‘Antifa’ is growing in numbers in their battle to fight white supremacists. The Times writes, “members of antifa have shown no qualms about using their fists, sticks or canisters of peppery spray to meet an array of right-wing antagonists whom they call a fascist threat to American democracy.”

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

John Stossel vs. Noam Chomsky on Venezuela

Friday, August 18, 2017

Black Educator: I Believe White People Are Born Into Not Being Human..

Girls With Guns

...We Laugh At Honor And Are Shocked To Find Traitors In Our Midst..

- C. S. Lewis

More C. S. Lewis:

The Worst Kind Of Tyranny....

The Wisdom Of Wolves...

Cat Sabotage!

More Animated Gifs:

Wrong Wire Faisel

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

This Is How We Remove Kim Jong-un From Power....

US Delta Force, SEAL Team 6 Prepare To Take Out Kim Jong-Un, Practice Tactical North Korea "Infiltration"

Trump Just Endorsed Kelli Ward Over Arizona Senator Jeff Flake. Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know About Her.

President Trump has officially declared war on Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) by endorsing Dr. Kelli Ward, who is challenging Flake in a primary.

Here are five things you need to know about Ward:

1. Ward has continued to work in the field of medicine even as she served in the Arizona state legislature and while campaigning. According to her state senate biography, Ward attended the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine for medical school and founded Lakeview Family Health Care with Dr. Lorraine Byrd, her mother. Ward now works as a emergency care physician in Lake Havasu and Kingman.

2. Ward's voting record in the state legislature seems to be solidly conservative. Her Vote Smart profileshows Ward receiving a lifetime rating of 98% from the American Conservative Union (ACU), 100% from the Arizona Small Business Association, 86% from the National Rifle Association (NRA), and 83% from Americans for Prosperity. During her tenure in the Arizona state senate — 2012 to 2015 — she had 19 bills signed into law. Ward has credited her co-workers for introducing her to conservative talk radio — namely Rush Limbaugh — for her conservative beliefs.

3. Ward attempted to primary Sen. John McCain in 2016, to no avail. McCain won 51.2% of the vote, while Ward only received 39.9%. However, Ward claims she was outspent by a margin of 10 to 1 and noted that she "held McCain to his lowest historical primary total ever."

During the primary,

For 8 Years If I Disagreed With The President I was Racist...

Now If I Agree With The President I'm Racist.....

I'll write on your tombstone, "I thank you for dinner.'"

In Misguided Response to Charlottesville, Apple Donates to Liberal Group That Endangers Conservatives

In trying to fight racism—a laudable goal—Apple CEO Tim Cook has made a huge mistake by choosing to donate $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that smears some conservative groups as “hate groups.”

“What occurred in Charlottesville has no place in our country. Hate is a cancer, and left unchecked it destroys everything in its path,” Cook wrote in an email to Apple employees Wednesday announcing the donation, according to BuzzFeed.

Cook continued:

Apple will be making contributions of $1 million each to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. We will also match two-for-one our employees’ donations to these and several other human rights groups, between now and September 30.
In the coming days, iTunes will offer users an easy way to join us in directly supporting the work of the SPLC.

But the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t just blast neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups as “hate groups.”

It also smears groups like Family Research Council and Alliance Defending Freedom, two socially conservative organizations that have bravely advocated...

Tear Down THIS Monument To Slavery!

The Key Facts About Slavery That the Left Conveniently Ignores