90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Twin Tragedy, Mirrored And Repeated...

More Really Interesting, Thoughtful Or Funny Things...

An End And A Beginning

The Mystery Of The Piri Reis Map

A Whale Of A Story

Click This Link For: The Coolest Thing You Have Seen This Year So Far...

6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened

The Drunkest Guy Ever Goes For More Beer

Here are some interesting, but true facts, that you may or may not have known.

11 Brain-Twisting Paradoxes

14 Most Helpful YouTube Comments Ever Written

10 Enigmas that Defy Explanation

Mom Was Worried About My Trip To Detroit

Five Drinking Stories That Put Yours To Shame

Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories Collection #2 HERE

Well, My Night Was Almost Ruined...


HIDALGO COUNTY, TX (CBS News 4) – Border Patrol agents arrested a Mexican man near Rio Grande City on Tuesday — just three days after he was deported.

Agents arrested Daniel Camacho-Avalos, 41, a Mexican citizen who lived in McAllen, on Tuesday, according to the federal criminal complaint against him. (Hidalgo County court records identify him as David Camacho-Avalos and list “Daniel” as an alias.)

“Record checks revealed the Defendant was formally Deported/Excluded from the United States on August 12, 2017, through Laredo, Texas,” according to the criminal complaint.

Camacho is charged with illegal re-entry.

Court records don’t list...

Commies Aren't Cool...

How Commies Think They Look Vs.....

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota couldn’t be more frustrated with panel that won’t bite on her anti-Trump bait

CNN featured a panel of six Trump supporters (three men, three women) Wednesday morning and despite host Alisyn Camerota’s surprise, they all defended the president and expressed their distrust of the media.

Camerota asked how many panelists were troubled by President Donald Trump’s response to Charlottesville, and not a single panelist raised their hand.

“I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I mean he addressed the problem. Let’s face reality, there are problems on both sides,” panelist Bob Viera said.

“I think it’s ridiculous to have me choose between Hitler and Stalin which is what I consider what both groups are,” he added. “If you’re willing to set fires and burn places to the ground, that doesn’t seem like a very peaceful group to me.”

One panelist, Daphne Goggins, said she is going to reserve judgement until the matter is fully investigated. Goggins said she is also convinced that not everyone at the rally was a neo-Nazi based on videos she saw on Facebook. When she tried to share those videos, she claims she was censored by the social media site.

After Camerota played a clip of ...


Democrat Propaganda Group Shareblue Has Ties To Chinese Government, Host Of Foreign Special Interests

Here's a list of weapons communist, anti-Trump rioters used to assault Phoenix police

I guess this is what we can look forward to for the foreseeable future. When the president of the United States decides to show up somewhere and say words, left-wingers will riot. And why not? The Washington Post is already building the narrative that conservatives who dare to say words are instigating the inevitable violence.

The mayor of Phoenix, who is a Democrat, asked Trump to cancel the Tuesday night rally - mainly out of partisan motivation but also because he knew this would probably happen. When a left-wing mob threatens to wreak havoc and assault your police, give them what they want in advance! That appears to be the new modus operandi of terrified public officials.

Remember how we weren’t supposed to assign any blame to Antifa for Charlottesville because the presence of Nazis eliminates the possibility that anyone else did anything wrong? I’m trying to apply that twisted logic to Phoenix, but it’s so twisted I can’t make it work. So I’ll just trash it and instead tell you that rioters who use a variety of weapons to assault police officers are 100 percent responsible for all the trouble they cause:

A group of anti-Trump demonstrators used gas canisters, rocks and bottles to assault police Tuesday night and create havoc at what officials said was mostly a peaceful protest in Phoenix.

Video captured by a local reporter also shows a smoking object being thrown at police while hundreds of officers attempted to...

(VIDEO) See the moment French soldiers obliterate an ISIS suicide vehicle coming directly at them

In this video, French soldiers see a suicide vehicle driving at them at full speed and don’t have a lot of time remaining before the vehicle explodes.

Bullets fly and the first missile misses.

However, the second javelin lands a direct hit, and the explosion is intense.

Between snipers, ambushes, IEDs and suicide vehicles, the United States’ allies are on the front lines facing the daily struggle of fighting ISIS in Syria.

In this situation, the French prevailed and fewer ISIS militants are around to harm others.


Morning Mistress


Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Trump names Antifa, the PC Conservative, Cuck Shamming, Marxist Mud

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Girls With Guns

When Is It OK To Punch A Nazi?

A Venn Diagram To Explain Half Of American Politics...

Government Handouts Are Not Compassion...

Penn Jillette On Compassion

They Could Never Do This Commercial Today!!

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

Cop Blocking Your Way? No Problem...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

Dad Get Up.... We In Deep Shit!!

15 Americans Are Murdered By Illegal Aliens Every Day...

Texas Gov. Abbott threatens to oust officials who promote sanctuary cities

Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam and Political Correctness

  • The attempt in the West to impose a strict set of rules about what one is allowed to think and express in academia and in the media -- to the point that anyone who disobeys is discredited, demonized, intimidated and in danger of losing his or her livelihood -- is just as toxic and just as reminiscent of Orwell's diseased society.
  • The main facet of this PC tyranny, so perfectly predicted by George Orwell, is the inversion of good and evil -- of victim and victimizer. In such a universe, radical Muslims are victimized by the West, and not the other way around. This has led to a slanted teaching of the history of Islam and its conquests, both as a justification of the distortion and as a reflection of it.
  • Thought-control is necessary for the repression of populations ruled by despotic regimes. That it is proudly and openly being used by self-described liberals and human-rights advocates in free societies is not only hypocritical and shocking; it is a form of aiding and abetting regimes whose ultimate goal is to eradicate Western ideals.

Political correctness (PC) has been bolstering radical Islamism. This influence was most recently shown again in an extensive exposé by the Clarion Project in July 2017, which demonstrates the practice of telling "deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them in order to...

What Is The Greatest Threat To America?

That includes the propaganda media that support them!

Leftist Insanity: ESPN Pulls Announcer Robert Lee Off The Air Because His Name Is Offensive

In the wake of the events in Charlottesville, Va., ESPN decided to pull one of its announcers from calling a University of Virginia football game — because his name is Robert Lee.

Lee, an Asian-American sportscaster who started with the network in 2016, was moved to a different game “simply because of the coincidence of his name,” ESPN said, referencing the Confederate general Robert E. Lee…

The network’s full statement: “We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name. In that moment it felt right to all parties. It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play-by-play for a football game has become an issue.”

It really is a shame that it’s a topic of conversation, but who made it an issue? Has anybody complained about this guy announcing this game because of his name? Has anybody really mistaken him for a....

Harvard Professor Calls Out Antifa for Trying to ‘Tear Down America’

Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday that liberals should not treat Antifa members as heroes for tearing down Confederate monuments because they are trying to “tear down America.”

“Do not glorify the violent people who are now tearing down the statues. Many of these people, not all of them, many of these people are trying to tear down America. Antifa is a radical, anti-America, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard-left sensorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses from speaking,” Dershowitz said on “Fox & Friends”

“They use violence. Just because they are opposed to fascism and to some of these monuments, should not make them heroes of the liberals,” he added.

Dershowitz warned there is a danger to tearing down these monuments because it creates a slippery slope regarding what is acceptable and what is not.

“Of course there is a danger of going too far,” Dershowitz said. “There is a danger of removing [George] Washington and [Thomas] Jefferson and other Founding Fathers who themselves owned slaves.”

He compared the movement to remove Confederate monuments to Josef Stalin, and accused the agitators of trying to...

Morning Mistress

Antifa Is The Heart Of The Left

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

George Soros Engineered Race War Begins

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Girls With Guns

Sound Familiar?

Dinesh D’Souza – Terrorism Redefined And Lawlessness Embraced, Insane Liberalism Unleashed In America

Sanctuary Cities Or Criminal Hideouts?

More James Woods:

James Woods On Benghazi

James Woods On Democrat Priorities...

Only One Presidential Candidate Did This...

The Republican Party is filled with corrupt cleptocrats, globalists, establishment types, compromised collaborators and a few good men and women. Time for some housecleaning, we need to primary out the bad, get in more good, and hold their feet to the fire to accomplish President Trumps agenda, which is our agenda.

Why Aren't These Assholes In Jail?!?

Vandals Are Destroying Monuments Because They’ve Been Taught To Hate America

It appears Islamists have something in common with statue vandals besides an ideology that justifies political violence and a rabid hatred of free expression: the desecration of historic monuments.

In the wake of the Charlottesville riots ostensibly triggered by the removal of a statue memorializing Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, a rash of vandalism against historical American figures has hit the country. Monday, someone took a sledgehammer to a 200-year-old Christopher Columbus monument in Baltimore.

In Durham, of course, last week a mob toppled a Confederate statue last week while police stood by taking pictures.

In California on Thursday, a statue of Junipero Serra was defaced with red paint and the word “Murder,” as well as a swastika.

Duke University officials removed a statue of Robert E. Lee from the campus chapel Saturday after vandals knocked off parts of his face.

The Abraham Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC was vandalized with the words...

Vlad The Imp..

Childhood Was Thinking That Vlad The Impaler Was The Villain...

The New York Times Continues Its Tradition of Whitewashing Communism

It seems communism is back in vogue at The New York Times.

A sad but common issue in the modern West is that progressives have created a fanciful and distorted picture of socialism to make it seem like an intriguing alternative to American-style capitalism.

Ikea socialism—with Sweden as the model—is an utterly distorted, but at least understandable, example for leftists to trot out as a demonstration of success.

And it’s even a bit amusing how they try to dance around the fact that Venezuela—which is utterly collapsing and egregiously abusing human rights—is a socialist country they praised just 10 years ago.

But The New York Times now has actually found a way to create fanciful notions of Soviet-style authoritarianism—and whimsical tales of its influence in America—in a new section dedicated to the “Red Century,” which explores “the history and legacy of communism, 100 years after the Russian Revolution.”

Romanticized Tyranny

While some of the pieces explore the horrors and failures of communist rule, others delve into topics that would seem funny if the subject matter weren’t so horrifying.

For instance, the Times ran what can aptly be described as a “puff piece” on Vladimir Lenin, the man who led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and is linked to the death and murder of...

Tear Down This Statue Of Rape Glorification!

Italy: Muslims Destroy and Urinate on Virgin Mary Statue


DURHAM, NC (The Herald-Sun) – Durham police announced early Sunday evening that they are investigating a serious traffic crash that happened on U.S. 70 near Cheek Road shortly before 9 p.m. Saturday.

Three people were hospitalized with serious injuries after the crash, which involved a total of five cars and was allegedly caused by an impaired driver driving the wrong way on U.S. 70.

In the incident, Keisha Lavette Davis of Raleigh was driving a 2005 Nissan Sentra eastbound on U.S. 70 toward Cheek Road when she was struck head-on by Belsario Morales Gonzalez of Durham who was driving the wrong way in a 2007 Toyota Camry.

Davis’ car was then rear-ended by Tierra Nachelle Davis (her daughter) who had been following behind her. Tierra Davis’s car was then rear-ended by...

CEO of NASCAR sponsor Camping World tells Trump supporters not to shop there; driver Mark Martin promptly cancels 150K order

Marus Lemonis, the CEO of Camping World, learned how quickly things can blow up on social media after he weighed in on events in Charlottesville.

Appearing on CNBC, Lemonis was asked to comment on corporate leaders stepping down from White House business councils over President Donald Trump’s remarks on the violence last weekend — for the record, Lemonis is no fan of Trump’s.

“There’s no doubt that there is probably not many consumers in this country today that are in favor of what has been said in the last couple days — and if they are, frankly, don’t shop at my business,” Lemonis said.

Camping World is the title sponsor of NASCAR’s truck racing series, and the comment prompted media reports claiming Lemonis told race fans who support Trump to shop elsewhere.

Things got even more heated when popular retired NASCAR driver Mark Martin took to Twitter to say: “First thing in the morning I will be cancelling my order for 150,000$ RV I have ordered. Leave politics out of....

Communism: A Reality Check

Morning Mistress

What Happened to CNN?

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Laguna Beach Antifa Assault RC Maxwell and Sponsored by the DSA

Monday, August 21, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: OUTRAGE!
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

The CNN Effect...

Delusion Grandiose!