90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, January 5, 2018

That Was Close!

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New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

Time To Upset The Leftists!

Court orders Antifa activist Yvette Felarca to pay $11k for frivolous claims

  • A prominent Antifa activist has been ordered to pay $11,100 in attorney fees to the former president of the Berkeley College Republicans for filing a frivolous restraining order against him.
  • Troy Worden had been seeking up to $100,000 in damages, arguing that Yvette Felarca had abused the justice system by "filing baseless and vexatious lawsuits" designed to intimidate her political opponents.

A California court has ordered noted Antifa activist Yvette Felarca to pay over $11,000 in damages to former Berkeley College Republicans President Troy Worden.

The ruling, issued Wednesday, comes after a restraining order filed against Worden by Felarca was dropped in October, prompting Worden and his lawyer, Mark Meuser, to sue Felarca for damages and attorney fees.

related: Former Berkeley College Republican President sues violent Antifa activist for $100K

"The award of attorney fees should send a strong signal that she cannot abuse the court system to silence speech."

Harmeet Dhillon of the Dhillon Law Group, through which Meuser is representing Worden, said at the time that Felarca has a history of “filing and dismissing utterly frivolous cases against innocent targets” and pledged to hold her and her lawyers “accountable.”

“Felarca and her fellow travelers in BAMN [By Any Means Necessary]/Antifa need to learn that the California courts are not their personal plaything to use and abuse at will by filing baseless and vexatious lawsuits,” she added, with Worden noting that the “frivolous” restraining order prevented him from exercising his free-speech rights on campus.

Now, Commissioner Thomas Rasch of the Superior Court of Alameda County has ordered Felarca to pay Worden $11,100 in attorney fees, according to...

Not This Time Mullah..

U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Exports Soar

The United States is becoming a major oil and natural gas exporter. Canada and Mexico are purchasing natural gas shipped by pipeline from the United States and Cheniere Energy is shipping liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its Sabine Pass export terminal to Europe, Asia and South America. Since 2015, when the ban on crude oil exports was lifted by Congress, U.S. oil companies have been exporting crude oil and are continuing to export petroleum products to areas around the world. China has become a regular recipient of U.S. oil and natural gas and in the first ten months of 2017 was the second largest importer of U.S. crude oil. The boom is due to U.S. ingenuity in applying horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to extract oil and natural gas from shale rock, making the United States the largest oil and gas producer in the world and lowering energy prices for consumers.

U.S. Oil Exports

U.S. oil exports totaled $13.5 billion through September 2017; this is already a record high. In 2011, oil was the nation’s 146th-ranked export. Through September 2017, it ranked 15th.1 And through September 2017, the United States sent oil to 31 nations, up from ten countries in 2015 and four in 2011.

Asia is attracted to U.S. crude for a number of reasons: its refineries are configured to process high quality light, sweet crude that the U.S. oil companies produce from shale oil basins; U.S. crude is less expensive as the WTI trades at a discount to other oil benchmarks such as Brent; and cargoes can be bought on a spot basis, providing refiners flexibility to balance the conventional Middle Eastern supplies that are sourced via long-term contracts.2 In contrast to Asian refineries, the U.S. refining system operates with a heavier slate of crude oil.

When OPEC and Russia agreed to cut oil production to balance oil’s supply-demand fundamentals, the Middle East’s oil exports to China fell, encouraging China to diversify its suppliers. In 2017, China became the largest single buyer of U.S. seaborne crude. U.S. light, sweet crude is available for export from multiple U.S. terminals, is shipped in vessels of all sizes, is easy to process, helps to meet tightening product sulfur specifications in China and is priced to be exported. Nine ships carrying 369,000 barrels a day of crude oil left the United States for China in October 2017—a record high.3

In November 2017, 19.7 million barrels of U.S. oil was due to arrive across Asia, equivalent to about 657,000 barrels per day based on vessels that are currently underway, and those that are discharging or have discharged their cargoes. This is over 50 percent more than...

It Only Took Trump One Year To Fix Global Warming!

New Monthly Minimum Wage In Venezuela Barely Enough To Buy Daily Cup Of Coffee

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced a new increase in the minimum wage this year, but it’s only worth enough to purchase one a cup of coffee per day.

The new wage amounts to a daily income of 26,583 bolivars (US $0.26), which barely covers a coffee or a pie (20,000 bolivars US $0.2) at prices listed on December 31, 2017. Merely increasing the minimum wage won’t solve the economic problems facing Venezuela, which currently suffers from inflation of around 3,000 percent, as well as food and medicine shortages.

An average salary in Venezuela is 248,510 bolivars (US $2.20). With additional food stamps of 549,000 bolivars (US $5.49), the salary is barely equivalent to eight dollars. The income situation in Venezuela is so poor that a person earning a minimum wage can only buy six percent of most basic goods, which exceeded 13 million bolivars (US $130) in November 2017.

Maduro’s country has the lowest minimum wage in all of Latin America, despite his recent minimum wage increase and the six previous salary increases in 2017. A report in El Universal found monthly earnings in Venezuela to be the lowest of...

FBI Takes Aim At The Clinton Foundation

The Justice Department is investigating the Clinton Foundation to see whether or not it participated in any pay-to-play or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, The Hill reported Thursday.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents in Little Rock, Ark., are taking the lead in the investigation, having already interviewed at least one witness in the past month.

The agents are trying to determine whether the Clintons exchanged political favors for donations made to their charitable foundation. On a similar note, agents are also trying to decipher whether Hillary Clinton pushed favorable policies while acting as secretary of state for donations to the Foundation.

FBI agents are also investigating if the Clintons misused any charitable funds or tax-exempt assets through the Foundation for personal or political use. Reports surfaced in 2016 that alleged FBI officials in multiple...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #127

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Netflix and Intellectual Cucking

Girls With Guns

President Trump: Saying The Things That Need To Be Said...

Keep Up The Good Work Mr. President!

Don't Like The Second Amendment?

Great Photos: Texas Rangers - 1910

More Great Photos:

NASA X-ray Image Reveals The Hand of God..

Amazing Photos: The Parachuting Dogs Of World War II

A man standing atop a mountain of bison skulls that are about to be ground up into fertilizer 1870s

Amazing Photos Collection #1
Amazing Photos Collection #2
Amazing Photos Collection #3
Amazing Photos Collection #4
Amazing Photos Collection #5
Amazing Photos Collection #6 -or- Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, circa 1935

Canal Street, New Orleans, circa.1910 or Photo Collection #7

Government Turns To Violence Precisely Because...

..It Recognizes Its Powerlessness To Persuade People Of Its Necessity..

- Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his grandchildren in 1909

Deconstructing Marxist Critical Theory

For those of you who haven't been formally introduced to the sociological doomsday weapon of the 20th century, critical theory is an approach to analyzing society not for the purpose of understanding it, but for the purpose of transforming it by undermining its existing institutions. The hard work of understanding how and why people do things is unnecessary if your goal is merely to take a sledgehammer to the machinery. Critical theory is the invention of the Marxist Frankfurt School of the 1930s, so, as one might expect, it reinterprets everything it looks at through a Marxist (or neo-Marxist) lens. The women's studies, racial studies, and gender studies curricula found in almost every university in the West are the direct products of the more general critical theory program. Many things that end in "theory" (e.g., deconstruction theory, queer theory) are also critical theory's progeny.

The connection between critical theory and Marxism is neither disputable nor often denied. The discipline's formulators (Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin, et al.) were all self-identified Marxists teaching in an avowedly Marxist school. Modern academic proponents of critical theory and its descendants do not go to any great lengths to deny either the discipline's origins or their own fundamentally Marxist intentions. Only the mainstream media, renowned for denying the existence of gorillas discovered in plain sight, deny that the echoes they make in their echo chambers have a distinctly German socialist accent.

In our deconstruction of this leftist tool, let's begin with an examination of...

If You Don't Stop Lying, You'll Grow Up To Be A CNN Reporter!

Can't Get Enough Fake News?

EWWW!!! I Stepped In Shit!

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

CNN edits 'Crooked' out of Trump tweet

It Is Not Just CNN That Has Mastered Fake News..

REPORT: David Brock Nonprofit Failed To Disclose $200,000 It Gave Lisa Bloom Law Firm To Pay For Trump Accusations

Left-wing group American Bridge failed to disclose the $200,000 it paid to help fund public sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump, according to the New York Times‘ Ken Vogel.

According to Vogel, the David Brock-affiliated nonprofit did not disclose the six-figure sum it paid to Lisa Bloom’s law firm on its 2016 tax return:

$ FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACCUSATIONS: @DavidBrockDCnow considering raising $ through @American_Bridge to encourage victims to go public with sexual harassment claims against GOP pols. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/31/us/politics/sexual-harassment-politics-partisanship.html 
INTERESTINGLY: David Brock nonprofit @American_Bridge did not disclose on its 2016 tax return that it paid $200k to @LisaBloom's law firm to help bring forward sexual assault accusations against TRUMP. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4341043-The-2016-Tax-Return-for-American-Bridge-21st.html  pic.twitter.com/ZihktELnKq

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You won’t hear this stuff from the lying mainstream media. Keep the GotNews mission alive: send tips to editor@gotnews.com or donate at FreeStartr.com/GotNews.

Two days ago, Vogel confirmed GotNews’ November 3rd, 2016 scoop that Democrats paid over half a million dollars to arrange the sexual misconduct allegations against then-candidate Trump.

Vogel’s story implicated Bloom and her mother, Gloria Allred, as key liberals looking to weaponize sexual harassment allegations against Republicans. It also named Brock and top Clinton ally Susie Tompkins Buell as key financial supporters of...

The Relationship Between The Democrat Party, The FBI And The Justice Department Is Simply Incestuous

Mueller’s Grand Jury in Russia Probe Looks Like Central Casting for BLM in Berkeley

According to a witness, Robert Mueller, the special counsel in the Russia probe, has stacked his grand jury with what the source describes as those attending a “Bernie Sanders rally,” Page Six reported.

The witness said the grand jury in the Russia-Trump probe was stacked with Bernie-types with two wearing “peace t-shirts”.

“The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” the witness said. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley,” said the witness.

“There was only one white male in the room, and he was a prosecutor,” said the source.

The person said of 20 jurors, 11 are African-American.

That’s D.C.! And that’s why Mueller filed in D.C.!

“That room isn’t a room where POTUS gets a fair shake,” said the source.

President Donald Trump told the New York Times on Thursday...