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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Punking Romney..

Punking California...

Tsunami of Rapes Engulfs German Migrant Centers

180 attacks in the city of Stuttgart alone.

These Muslim men are sending out a clear message about the future of Europe.

Increasing numbers of female refugees are seeking sanctuary in battered women centres

In and around Stuttgart alone there were 105 rapes, assaults and robberies of women and 77 against children in the refugee centres, but the local government admits that the number of unreported cases is “significantly larger”.

In the state of Saxony-Anhalt there are no figures available but 20 female shelters have now opened their doors to provide a refuge for battered women and children.n the university city of Heidelberg, 50 women and 58 children had to flee to a women’s shelter last year from violent husbands or aggressive in-laws.

But more than 135 women and 155 children had to be turned away because there was simply no room for them.

Yadav, a Stuttgart-based counselling centre for young women in danger in forced marriages or “violence in the name of honour”, says the number of cases will rise in the coming years.

The soaring incidents of sexual abuse of women and children in German refugee camps forced Angela Merkel’s government to pledge over £160 million to combat it in April this year.

In the town of Giessen near Frankfurt 15 women in one camp filed complaints to local police of rape and other forms of sexual abuse.

Today is the UN’s international day for the elimination of violence to women and girlsThe Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) will now provide money for the scheme which aims to give better protection to the vulnerable, including the remodelling of migrant centres to give more privacy to females and minors.

Police have for long told of a rising trend of abuse, including rapes, but in the highly-charged political atmosphere that surrounds the whole refugee issue in Germany the problem has...

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Friday, November 25, 2016

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