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Friday, May 6, 2016

Six Aspects Of Donald Trump’s Pro-Gun Push

Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has a plan to defend gun rights in general and the Second Amendment in particular. The plan is visible in the policies set forth by Trump as well as his understanding of the value of the Second Amendment and the freedoms it guards.

Here are six aspects of his plan.

National Reciprocity for Concealed Carry – In a September 18 position paper,Trump explained that “the right of self-defense doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway.” He contended that right to defend one’s life is viable wherever a person goes. He said, “I have a concealed carry permit and…tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states. A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state.”

Understands Concealed Carry As ‘A Right, Not A Privilege’ – This the “why” behind Trump’s push for national reciprocity. For him, honoring concealed carry licenses from every state is the “common sense” way to honor the right to bear arms for self-defense. He makes the point by contrasting rights and privileges, saying, “[If we can recognize licenses in all 50 states as it relates to] driving – which is a privilege, not a right – then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege.”

Opposes ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban – Trump views attempts to ban “assault weapons” as a prime example of the left’s attempt to...

Newt Gingrich Rips Paul Ryan for Trump Non-Endorsement — ‘He Has an Obligation to Unify the Party’

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich criticized current House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) for his lack of endorsement of likely presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump earlier in the day in an interview with CNN.

Gingrich told host Sean Hannity it was a “big mistake” and that it sets the wrong tone for the rest of the Republican Party.

“[I]n the case of Paul Ryan he made a big mistake today and he needs to understand this,” Gingrich said. “He is the Speaker of the House. He has an obligation to unify the party. He has an obligation to reach out. Obviously he and Donald Trump are going to have disagreements. Some of them will work out and some of them they won’t. That’s fine. Our constitution provides that speakers and presidents can fight, but I think he sends the wrong signal and a signal which I think endangers the House Republicans and endangers the Senate Republicans.”

“I much prefer what Mitch McConnell did, what John McCain did –they both said, ‘OK game’s over, we have a nominee. I’m for him,'” he continued. “And I think Paul Ryan has some obligation institutionally to be responsive to the fact that...

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Girls With Guns

We Are Being Overwhelmed By Those Who Vote For A Living...

Protected By Small Plastic "Gun Free" Signs?

Reason For Belgium Bombing Discovered: Belgium Forgot To Display Their Bomb Free Zone Signs This Morning...

Have Progressives Jumped The Shark?

Will women reject men leaving the toilet seats up in public restrooms? Taking pictures of their privates? Putting their children in danger? One can hope.

GOP Establishment Types Are Throwing A Temper Tantrum. ON THE ROOF WITH YOU.


The Bill Clinton Wing Of The Sex Crime Victim Unit...


The Monica Lewinsky affair with President Clinton based on Lewinsky's grand jury testimony..

Six Parts of Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Disarm Citizens

Hillary Clinton is making a war on personal gun ownership a central part of her campaign for the White House. Here are six of the most outrageous aspects of her effort to incrementally disarm American citizens.

Consider Australian-style gun ban–On October 16 Hillary Clinton held a town hall at Keene State College. An audience member asked, “[Regarding] handguns…Australia recently managed to take away tens of thousands–even millions–of handguns, and in one year they were all gone. Can we do that? And if we can’t, why
can’t we?” Clinton answered by pointing not only to Australia but Canada and the UK as well. She described the bans in all three countries as “a good example” of how other countries reacted to high-profile crime and suggested the Australian ban, in particular, “would be worth considering…on the national level” in the U.S.

Allow Crime Victims To Sue Gun Manufacturers–In addition to an Australian-style gun ban, Clinton proposes eliminating the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act’s (PLCAA) prohibition to frivolous lawsuits against gun makers. This would allow crime victims and anti-gun attorneys to sue gun makers for incidents in which criminals misuse firearms, even if those firearms were lawfully made and sold prior to being obtained illegally (stolen) by the criminal.

Allow Crime Victims to Sue Gun Sellers–This point is very similar to Clinton’s push against gun manufacturers. It would open up...

More On Progressives Eating Their Own...

Progressives have unleashed a monster that is now beginning to prey on their progressive masters. I say sit back and enjoy the show...

Oh and Lesbians are suing Feminists.
Pass the Popcorn...

Check This:

Lesbian Says She Was Illegally Fired By Feminist...

Hillary Clinton Plans Executive Action to Exceed Obama on Gun Control

Even before Donald Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee on Tuesday, Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was looking toward the general election and planning to use executive action “go further than Obama” on gun control.

In fact, implementing more gun control is “at the top of her to-do list.”

The Washington Post sums up the generalities of this gun control focus by reporting that Clinton wants to “to broaden requirements for background checks and narrow loopholes that allow largely unrestricted trafficking of guns online.”

On January 5 Breitbart News reported Obama’s use of executive gun control to expand background checks to certain sales at gun shows and online, to require taxpayer dollars to be spent on the development of “smart guns,” and to put a gun ban in place for Social Security beneficiaries who cannot handle their own financial affairs.

The WAPO makes clear that Clinton plans to exceed these actions, and she plans to do it by circumventing Congress with executive action.

The gun controls proposed by Clinton to date include extending the instant background checks indefinitely by changing the amount of time the FBI has on extended checks, placing more regulations on sales at gun shows and guns sold online, allowing crime victims to sue gun manufacturers and gun sellers, and expanding...

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