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Monday, June 6, 2016

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has:

Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:

Obama - If Infinity...

Ummm... Excuse Me, But I Think You Dropped Your TIGER!

More Amazing Animated Gifs: ANimated Gif Collection #7

Video: The assassination of Japanese politician Inejiro Asanuma

Crooked Hillary: Here We Go Again...

More On Our Beloved Hillary:

The Worst Kind Of Lie...

How badly do I want to be president—Hillary Clinton reviews the lies she’s told..

We Are Unique, We Are American...

Examples Of Socialist Failure Are Prevalent Throughout The World...

I Stole This Image From HERE

MIGRANT DISEASE: 35 Percent of Refugees in Vermont Positive for Latent TB, State Officials Silent on Active TB

Thirty-five percent of the 901 refugees resettled in Vermont by the federal government between 2013 and 2016 tested positive for latent TB infection, according to data provided to Vermont Watchdog by the Vermont Department of Health.

Officials with the Vermont Department of Health, however, refused to tell Vermont Watchdog how many of these refugees, if any, arrived with the active or infectious form of TB, or are currently being treated for active TB.

The population of Vermont is almost 630,000.

Roughly 70,000 refugees are accepted each year for resettlement around the United States, and are put on a fast-track to citizenship, with full access to the welfare state. President Barack Obama wants to sharply increase the inflow of refugees.

Other states have seen the disease threat posed by refugees resettled by the federal government increase in recent years. For example, the federal refugee program sent...

Venezuela’s Crisis Is the Latest Example of Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

It seems the “Socialism of the 21th Century” is really no different from socialism from the past.

Venezuela’s current tragedy, simultaneously culminating in food shortages, a crime epidemic, and an energy collapse, is the latest example of why centralized planning economy does not work—and how it is indistinguishable from tyranny.

In the South American country, even the most basic services and products are becoming inaccessible as a result cronyism, interventionism, and a controlled prices policy. The government now works only two days a week in order to diminish the constant electricity blackouts. The inflation rate is the highest in the world: it is expected to be at 720 percent by the end of 2016.

Yes, you can still go to McDonalds in Venezuela—but you have to be willing to spend more than $130 for that side of french fries. And you’ll have to enjoy those $130 fries without a Coke—since the company suspended its production in...

Morning Mistress - Paola Antonini


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Girls With Guns

Protests backfire as anti-American images push undecided voters to Trump

The ugly protest scenes outside Donald Trump’s rallies are doing more damage to the protesters than to Mr. Trump’s political chances, according to analysts who say the violence and anti-American sentiments are backfiring.

Protesters in Albuquerque, New Mexico, last week toted Mexican flags, burned American flags and clashed with police, racking up $50,000 in damage to the neighborhood.

Perhaps even worse for the rioters, they are likely chasing undecided voters toward the side of the man they are protesting.

“When people show up throwing bottles and waving the Mexican flag, you have had a lot of...