90 Miles From Tyranny : Nolte: Increasingly Unstable Media Demand Blackout of Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings

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Monday, March 23, 2020

Nolte: Increasingly Unstable Media Demand Blackout of Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings

America’s increasingly unstable and dangerous establishment media are calling for a full blackout of President Trump’s daily coronavirus press conferences.

Think about that for a moment…

For the first time since World War II, for the first time in nearly 80 years, Americans have no idea what their country will look like a year from now, and the corporate media want to impose a full blackout on the daily briefings the American president is making to the American people.

There’s a lot of jokes out there about the hypocrisy of how this demand is coming from the same media that had a tantrum over the White House canceling the daily press briefings. But this time we’re talking about something so much more than hypocrisy.

We are currently in the middle of global pandemic, a state of siege that, in just two weeks, has shut down our economy and locked many of us up in our homes, either by government decree of just plain old fear, and…

In a time of national crisis, the left-wing fascists in the media want to use their corporate monopoly to put a stop to the president of the United States communicating directly with the American people who elected him.

Please go back and read that sentence again. Even if you do, here it is again…

In a time of national crisis, the left-wing fascists in the media want to use their corporate monopoly to put a stop to the president of the United States communicating directly with the American people who elected him.

Maybe we’re so used to media tantrums, to their childish and hyper-partisan behavior, that this anti-American power grab just sounds like just another tantrum, but it’s not…

Not even close.

There are people out there, people taken seriously by the establishment as Thought Leaders, who, during an unprecedented crisis, want — this is not an exaggeration — to stop the president of the United States from communicating with the United States.

One of the chief cheerleaders cheerleading for his unprecedented corporate power grab works for a news outlet that just...

Read More HERE


Tim said...

Most of our MSM needs to be blacked out by all Americans, with extreme prejudice.

Anonymous said...

We're gonna need more rope.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly the reason President Trump started and continues to tweet, EVERY DAY. He doesn't want his messaging filtered by people who have proven that they hate him.
