90 Miles From Tyranny : Biden: Schools should ramp up 'Islamic faith' studies, Muslims must 'mobilize' against Trump

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Biden: Schools should ramp up 'Islamic faith' studies, Muslims must 'mobilize' against Trump

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden says it’s time for U.S. schools to ramp up Islamic curriculum across the nation.

The presidential hopeful’s remarks came during the “Million Muslim Votes Summit” hosted by Emgage Action.

“Look, one of the things that I think is important is I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith,” he said Monday.

Mr. Biden praised Islam as “one of the great confessional faiths” while claiming it is routinely maligned by President Trump

“We all come from the same root here in terms of our fundamental basic beliefs and I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity, for being engaged, for committing to action this November,” he continued. “You’re doing what has never been done before. You’re registering and turning out more than 1 million Muslim voters this November. It matters. … Under this administration we’ve seen an unconscionable — and unconscionable rise — in Islamophobia.”

The Democrat closed out his statements by making a direct appeal to Muslim Americans.

“We need you. I need you,” he implored. “I need you to mobilize and motivate one...

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SimonJester said...

You want to know more about Islam? Say no more. https://www.amazon.com/History-Jihad-Muhammad-ISIS/dp/B07J2RHT98/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1AMTMQUH0KM0T&dchild=1&keywords=robert+spencer+the+history+of+jihad&qid=1595363075&sprefix=robert+spencer%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-1

WSilentThree said...

Muslims only mobilze in self interest. WE, the USA, had to save the Bosnians from extermination and NO MUSLIM Nation Sunni or Shiite gives a SHIT about the Uighyrs in China.

Stewart said...

Islam is pledged to destroy Western Civilisation. If any Muslim says differently ask them to publicly state which Koranic verses are not the words of God and which they oppose. Particularly the 106 overtly violent ones.

edstafford said...

Did Jesus own slaves? Did Mohammad own slaves? Asking for a friend.