90 Miles From Tyranny : Fox News Is Going In The Wrong Direction...

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Monday, July 27, 2020

Fox News Is Going In The Wrong Direction...

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Anonymous said...

it took a left turn after Roger died.

SiGraybeard said...

I know leftists like to accuse Fox of being biased to Republicans, but that's one or two commentators, editorial writers to the newspaper business, and commentary isn't news.

They never said they were right wing news. They never said they were conservative. They said, "Fair and balanced." That's why they always have left wing talking point guy on any panel show.

WDS said...

These "ratings" you always hear about regarding Faux Nooz's viewership is a lot like the "polls" currently conducted about Trump and Biden. It's all propaganda to get you into a group-think mentality. Faux Nooz has sucked bigly for quite awhile despite leftards like Smith, Beckel, Camarota and the infamous Me-again Kelly leaving. They've been replaced with Gyno-Idiots Harf, Tarlov and Brazile. I still watch Tucker. On clips from trusted news blogs. I quit Faux Nooz years ago.

nonncom said...

Damn, they almost let the truth out....just that close before their leftist producer was able to pull the plug....