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Grandpa Gropes Says: That's Not A Roll Of Quarters.... |
We should probably celebrate the fact that Grandpa Gropes has been in office for almost two weeks and none of us are in gulags yet. Our neighbors to the north are giving us a sneak preview of how that will eventually happen.
There has been no shortage of concern trolling about the future of the Republican party by the leftist leg humping mainstream media hacks lately. In their fevered telling of the tale the only hope for the continued functioning of the GOP is for the party to embrace the invertebrate Romney/Murkowski/Cheney wing and become Democrat Lite forever.
We’ve examined the continued role in the Republican party of one Donald J. Trump here for a while.
The moderate/left/LincolnProjectPedo wing (all 35 of them) of the GOP is insistent that the Republican hoi polloi reject all things Trump and do whatever they can to make The New York Times say nice things about them on occasion. Their dream GOP is a grandstanding bunch of mush that never really accomplishes anything or directly addresses the concerns of the people who elect them.
What Trump’s presidency did for us regular Republicans was show us that the party still has some fight in it. We don’t need to suck up to the Democrats in the name of useless bipartisanship. He made it clear to us that the representatives in this representative republic are still working for us and we need to remind them of that.
There are a few in the House and Senate who don’t seem to get that.
It’s going to leave a mark.
The idiot Republicans who have jumped onto the Impeachment Train with the Democrats are finding out from their constituents that their turncoat ways are not at all appreciated back home:
GOP lawmakers who joined forces with House Democrats to rush through a second impeachment effort against President Trump are facing intense backlash from fellow Republicans back at home.
Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) has now been censured by the South Carolina Republican Party for his role in the Democrats’ latest impeachment push against President Trump. More troubling for the GOP lawmaker is the fact that his censure push began at the grassroots level in a...
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Anyone still thinking that anyone in the GOP will actually get off their ass and do something is sitting with Linus, waiting for the Great Pumpkin to rise out of the pumpkin patch. Face it; the GOP never misses a chance to miss a chance... It's by design. Both the GOP and Dems just want things "to go back to how they were before Trump." The GOP is pathetic. It left Trump hanging out to dry for most of his term. Then it grabbed onto Trump's coattails when they discovered "Hey; the people really LIKE him!" Then, when it got what it wanted, it kicked Trump to the curb. Fukkem!...
That smirking child is now out in front of the world as the speaker for the House. Check out her bones, the mouth, the brows, the nose, the pattern of hair. He might be a slimebucket but Ole Joe knows how to keep a promise.
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