90 Miles From Tyranny : Shopping in San Francisco Gets a Lot More Difficult Thanks to Far-Left Criminal Justice Policies

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Monday, July 5, 2021

Shopping in San Francisco Gets a Lot More Difficult Thanks to Far-Left Criminal Justice Policies

A recent viral video shows a man in San Francisco riding a bike through Walgreens, filling a garbage with merchandise, and sailing out of the store with a security guard and store employee standing helplessly by. Another viral video shows a thief jumping over a counter and then leaving on a scooter while a TV crew does a story on shoplifting. Such scenes have become so common in San Francisco that retail chains are applying new rules to their operations in the city.

Store management is telling employees and security guards to be visible but not to confront thieves, which explains the behavior seen in the video. Being visible is no longer a deterrent, as those leisurely looting the stores know they will not be arrested or prosecuted in the “City by the Bay.” This creates frustration among business owners and large retail chains trying to stop the bleeding.

Target, which has several stores in San Francisco, has established limited hours due to increased theft. Only one store adjacent to the downtown area is operating regular hours, and one is showing as closed on July 4. A search on Target’s website shows that the remaining four stores in the area are opening later and closing earlier than is typical. This change follows multiple closures of Walgreens and Gap stores and increased targeting of CVS stores.

Image from Target.com

Target told KPIX 5 that the decision was related to an increase in both theft and security incidents. A spokesperson confirmed:

“For more than a month, we’ve been experiencing a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents at our San Francisco stores, similar to reports from other retailers in the area.”

“Target is engaging local law enforcement, elected officials and community partners to address our concerns. With the safety of our guests, team members and communities as our top priority, we’ve temporarily reduced our operating hours in six San Francisco stores.”

According to the California Retailers Association (CRA), organized retail crime rings commit most thefts in San Franciso. These groups are recruiting juveniles and homeless individuals to steal items. The crews then resell stolen goods on the street, and the crime rings pocket the profit. CRA President Rachel Michelin contends that these organized groups then move those willing to steal into more significant crimes such as human trafficking. According to Michelin:

Read More HERE


Old Tech said...

Target supports BLM and Anti Fa, so it deserves to go broke.

Spastic Toad said...
