90 Miles From Tyranny : Woke Companies Across America Just Got Blasted With Truth Bomb

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Monday, July 5, 2021

Woke Companies Across America Just Got Blasted With Truth Bomb

How could these stupid "woke" companies not have seen this NUKE coming?

I am puzzled that corporations actually thought it would be a good idea to wade into politics.

There is so much data and proof out there that this doesn’t work.

Just look at Hollywood – they got more woke than ever before during the era of Trump, and Americans tuned out en masse.

All those “we are women, hear us roar” TV shows and movies flopped, and their narcissistic awards shows lost so many viewers that I don’t even know how they can stay on the air at this point – nobody is watching.

And the same exact thing happened with sports. Americans tune into sports to escape politics and all the non-stop SJW garbage, not get more of it. But the left doesn’t know when to stop.

They’re a machine that is designed to keep moving forward, gobbling up all the power in its path – and there’s no off switch. The only way it ends is when Americans tune out.

And by the looks of this recent poll, it’s probably going to happen sooner than later.

The new poll was put out by NPR/Maris and it asked a very simple question: Do you support or oppose American companies using their public role, position, or events to influence political, cultural, or social change?

And the response says it all:

Support 36%
Oppose 57%

This new poll should bring a newfound awareness to woke corporations that Americans don’t want them weighing in on politics and social issues.
Stick to what you do. Make your products and sell your services, and let the...

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