90 Miles From Tyranny : Kazak Envy...

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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Kazak Envy...



Anonymous said...

Don't believe a word of the press. This is a US led 'color revolution' in an effort to expand NATO right up to the Russians doorstep. This is in direct conflict with their stated red-line of expanding up to their borders. The warhawks and neocons are fomenting WW3 on 2 fronts now, since the Ukraine has failed to suck Putin in. Thank goodness he is a real statesman. These power mad people need to go.

Val said...

Putin and the Kazakh president were smart and learned the lesson of Ukraine. The moment the color revolution was apparent the Kazakhs called for help and Putin sent troops immediately. They are not f***ing around.

Anonymous said...

The neo cons are trying to start WWIII? If you've been paying attention since 2016 at least, if not earlier, it is the progressive democrats that are actively trying to restart the cold war.