90 Miles From Tyranny : Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1901

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Monday, July 22, 2024

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1901


Dr Galt said...

The pigs say Crooks had an AR-type rifle, but they refuse to show it, or confirm it was the one he supposedly took from his father.

On the first 3 shots, the time difference between the bullet"s "snap" when it goes past Trump and the sound of the firing gun (the "snap-boom") was .22 seconds. An AR fires ammo that travels at least 2,500 fps after 100 yards. 2,500 fps times .22 equals 550 feet, or 183 yards. That's at least 30 yards further from Trump than Crooks was.

For Crooks to fire those first 3 shots, he would've had to use ammo with a muzzle velocity of around 2,000 fps. That is more like a .22 LR, and not at all an AR.

Rick said...

AR platforms are available in several calibers, including .22.
I think what you meant was AR 15 in 5.56.

Anyway, a 2nd shooter is more plausible than the 'lone wolf' like Lee Harvey they're pushing. Worse, they expect you to believe that.

MMinWA said...

Audio analysis and geometry prove there was a second shooter shooting from an open window in the building immediately behind the sloped roof building. This was an inside job and a set up from the get go.

What is leaves us with is this, there are people in our "government" that are so evil we can't get our mind around it. When DJT gets the power back, he better fucking use it

Dr Galt said...

I was not referring to 5.56. 5.56 is basically equivalent to .223 and has velocity of over 2,500 fps at 200 yards in standard 55 grain load.

I'm not aware of an "AR-type" platform that fires .22LR. There might be one, though.

NebraskaFilly said...

Ummm...I believe that last one was from a Babylon Bee article.....