90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Nobody Would Believe This If It Were The Plot Of A Novel..

Kristallnacht for fun and adventure

After the release of the DoJ I.G. report, Andrew McCabe's feelings are genuinely hurt. He never expected his glittering career to end this way. He played the game the way he thought it had to be played, and that took him to the penultimate rung on the FBI ladder. Now at the very end, his career gets snuffed.

It just ain't fair.

McCabe seems to sincerely believe he's done nothing wrong. The lies, the back-stabbings, the double-crosses, the framing innocent men, the using government resources to advantage your favorite, the undercutting of the Constitution, on and on. To most of us, that sort of stuff is cheating. It's breaking the law. It's immoral and unethical.

To Andrew McCabe, it's "doing my job."

McCabe suffers from the same delusional reality syndrome that afflicts lefties generally. He and Comey and others – apparently a lot of others, with most of them in the Department of Justice and the FBI – really do think their watery Marxism is morally superior to the system of individual rights and the procedural guarantees that have developed over the centuries to protect those rights.

Actually, it isn't Marxism, but Leninism. Marx's idea was that the proles would all get fed up at the same time, and, like spontaneous combustion, revolution would erupt and sweep across the country. That kind of action wasn't fast enough for the impatient Lenin, so he came up with the notion of the vanguard of the revolution, meaning a leadership cadre that ran things. Elites. A group to whom the rules and laws didn't apply – only party discipline. These guys did largely as they pleased.

When you think about it, that's exactly what Nazism was. Theoretically, all this is perfectly clear. You know in advance there will be resistance, so you use the powers of government to undermine that resistance. You draw its adherents into the streets and beat the living tar out of them, to intimidate the rest. Their guys go to jail; your guys patch up their wounds and move on to the next riot street fight, blaming it on the other side. Kristallnacht for fun and adventure.

We're reliving the 20th century almost in lockstep. Just over a hundred years ago, the Bolsheviks threw their noose around the Russian neck. It took a bloody civil war to subdue the resistance and then another decade or so to get the vanguard in line. The Nazis learned from the Bolsheviks and did as much in advance, under the cover of law, as they could. Their people, like Andrew McCabe and James Comey and Barack Obama and George Soros, just knew they had the moral high ground, being so smart and all.

Besides, it's just so much fun being an elite, getting away with...

I didn’t tell Trump that Hillary paid for the dossier because it “wasn’t necessary for my goal”

So, according to the left, President Trump was obsessed with the infamous video that the Russians supposedly had, he was demanding Comey investigate “the dossier,” and Comey was allegedly complying. You would think, then, that Comey might have mentioned who paid for the Steele Dossier. I mean, if I’m demanding answers from one of my subordinates, and he has information related to the request, wouldn’t I assume he’d tell me?

However, once Trump won, being forthcoming with pertinent info was no longer “necessary for his goal?”

Apparently not.

According to James Comey’s upcoming interview with “totally unbiased” newsman George Stephanopoulos, Comey didn’t bother telling Trump that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The reason? As Comey puts it, doing so “wasn’t necessary for my goal.”

In other words, Comey didn’t want presumed President Hillary Clinton to enter office under a cloud of controversy. So, he looked at the polls, assumed she couldn’t lose, and released his letter. We discussed that earlier. However, once Trump won, being forthcoming with pertinent info was no longer “necessary for his goal?”

That, of course, begs the question: Just what was his goal? He claims it was to alert him that...

Corrupt Politicians And Deep State Operatives Fear Gun Ownership...

RNC Launces Website For Lying James Comey: https://lyincomey.com/

Disgraced former FBI Director, Lyin' James Comey Now Has His Own Website To Detail All Of His Lies And Failures: https://lyincomey.com/

But does James Comey really deserve this? Well, when you are an active participant in trying to shape and steal a national election, which is treason, of course he does. This corrupt deep state actor should be put on trial, convicted and then be summarily subjected to a firing squad. 

James Comey is a criminal, a traitor, and a deep state operative. He has disgraced the FBI, and he is just the tip of the spear for the crimes of the FBI, The Justice Department, Hillary Clinton, The DNC, and the entire corrupt Obama Administration. 

It is time to clean house.

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #226

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, April 13, 2018

Girls With Guns

Proof Tools Do Not Animate And Kill People...

Laws Control The Lesser Man, Right Conduct Controls The Greater One, And Neither Control Politicians...

- Mark Twain

 More Twain:

Mark Twain On The Simpleton Media...

Mark Twain On Being The Tea Party...

Mark Twain Wisdom

I Was Just Driving Along, Minding My Own Damn Business...

More Animated Gifs:

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss: