90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, April 22, 2019

Two teen girls helping to assemble submachine guns during the siege of Leningrad, 1943.

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Muslim Slave Trader in custody of British Navy Soldiers in the Persian Gulf. 1908.

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Amazing Photos Collection #1
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Amazing Photos Collection #6 -or- Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, circa 1935
Amazing Photos Collection #7 -OR- Canal Street, New Orleans, circa.1910 
Amazing Photos Collection #8 -OR- Central Avenue (Route 66) looking west, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Amazing Photos Collection #9 -OR July 7, 1865 - Hanging of the Democrat conspirators in the assassination of Lincoln, at Fort McNair, Washington D.C.


How many times is the charade of denial going to play out?

Well over two hundred people are dead, and hundreds more injured, in jihad massacres in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday morning, and now the usual denial and obfuscation are in full swing. I’m often asked, when I speak around the country, what it will take to wake people up to the nature and gravity of the jihad threat. For all too many people, the answer, as the Sri Lanka attacks abundantly show, is nothing.

The facts were clear enough, at least if one checked the Indian media. India’s News18.com reported that “two of the six attacks that rocked Sri Lanka this morning are reportedly to be have been carried out by suicide bombers,” that telltale sign that this was a jihad attack, with the bombers hoping to claim the Qur’an’s promise of Paradise for those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111). “The attack at Shangri La hotel,” News18 continued, “was carried out by suicide bomber Zahran Hashim, while Abu Mohammad has been identified as the attacker at the Batticalao church.”

The Hindu, meanwhile, reported on another jihad suicide bomber, Mohamed Azzam Mohamed, who “waited patiently in a queue for the Easter Sunday breakfast buffet at Sri Lanka’s Cinnamon Grand hotel before setting off explosives strapped to his back.” Mohamed was “just about to be served when he set off his devastating strike in the packed restaurant, a manager at the Sri Lankan hotel said.”

What’s more, there was advance warning: AFP reported that “Sri Lanka’s police chief Pujuth Jayasundara issued an intelligence alert to top officers 10 days ago, warning that suicide bombers planned to hit ‘prominent churches’. ‘A foreign intelligence agency has reported that the NTJ (National Thowheeth Jama’ath) is planning to carry out suicide attacks targeting prominent churches as well as the Indian high commission in Colombo,’ the alert said. The NTJ is a radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka that was linked last year to the vandalisation of Buddhist statues.”

Nevertheless, the Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Colombo, Malcolm Ranjith, said: “It’s a very difficult and a very sad situation for all of us because we never expected such a thing to happen and especially on Easter Sunday.”

Did Jayasundara alert the “prominent churches,” or just the intelligence officers? If he did alert the churches, did Ranjith disregard the warning? We may never know the answers to those questions, but in a larger sense it is easy to see, despite escalating Muslim persecution of Christians worldwide, why Ranjith “never expected such a thing to happen,” and so had no guards at the churches for Easter Sunday: all those who...

Family Values?

South Africa: White farmer and his son survive horrific farm attack

A white farmer and his family survived a horrific attack on their farm in Potchefstroom on Thursday. They were attacked by two Africans.

The farm attack which occured in the early hours of the morning, is the latest reported in the Vyfhoek area near the town in the North West Province.

The attack happened on 18 April 2019, the Eesruf Veiligheids Groep Reaksie-span, a community safety organisation confirmed on Facebook.

Mario Coetzee (47) his son Marlu (9) as well as Coetzee’s mother were badly hurt during the attack on their smallholding.

Marlu suffered a serious facial wound and was admitted to hospital but will be transferred to a Johannesburg hospital for reconstructive plastic surgery. Mario was severely injured and is currently in a coma.

The two black suspects broke into the Coetzee’s house and started assaulting the father and his son.

Marlu was transferred for his facial injuries to the Netcare Garden City Hospital in Joburg while Mario is being kept in an induced coma because of his serious head injuries.

Medical staff told FWM that the little boy had to have surgery to his nasal cavity which was crushed during the assault. The reconstuction involved inserting several small metal plates and screws but the boy is expected to make a full recovery, according to his mother Dehlia Coetzee.

She said they hoped there would be no permanent damage to her son’s face. He was hit with an object on the nose and his eyes are still very swollen. The little boy does not remember the details of the assault.

Marlu’s younger sister Marizé (7) has been traumatised by the assault on her father and brother however as she witnessed the extreme violence, her mother said. “She keeps seeing how her dad and brother were assaulted and she keeps asking if they will be safe and where they will be sleeping,” Dehlia said.

Coetzee’s parents, Paul and Nellie Coetzee were also in the house at the time. The two attackers broke a kitchen window to gain entry into the house. They headed for the main bedroom where Mario and the children were sleeping.

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Police in Hicksville have arrested an 18-year-old illegal immigrant on a rape charge.

Clementino Co-Juc, who had been living in the village of Hicksville, faces one count of First Degree Felony Rape.

On April 10, Hicksville Police, the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Toledo Police opened an investigation into a sexual assault that took place in Hicksville. Details about the incident were not released.

Police said Tuesday that Co-Juc was taken into custody and charged with rape. He was jailed in the Lucas County Jail.

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Legendary reporter Bob Woodward said Sunday that the FBI and CIA’s reliance on the Steele dossier “needs to be investigated” now that the Mueller reported has undercut many of the salacious document’s claims.

Woodward reiterated in an interview with Fox News’s Chris Wallace his past statements that the dossier “has got a lot of garbage in it.”

Woodward said that he recently learned that the CIA included outtakes from the dossier in a draft of the January 2017 intelligence community assessment that laid out Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

“What I found out recently, which was really quite surprising, the dossier, which really has got a lot of garbage in it and Mueller found that to be the case, early in building the intelligence community assessment on Russian interference, in an early draft, they actually put the dossier on page two in kind of a breakout box.”

“I think it was the CIA pushing this. Real intelligence experts looked at this and said no, this is not intelligence, this is garbage and they took it out,” said Woodward.

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Sri Lanka: Jihad murderer Mohamed Azzam Mohamed blew himself up in busy Easter Sunday hotel buffet line

He waited until he was at the head of the line so that he could be sure that the maximum possible number of people were around him, so that the largest possible number of people would be killed. This is savagery of the most revolting kind, and the world cowers before these savages, and kowtows to them, and covers up for their motive and ideology. It’s insanity on a massive scale.

“Sri Lanka: Jihad murderer Mohamed Azzam Mohamed blew himself up in busy Easter Sunday hotel buffet line,” by Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, April 21, 2019:
“‘It was 8:30 am and it was busy. It was families,’ the manager told AFP. ‘He came up to the top of the queue and set off the blast,’ he added.”

He wanted to maximize the carnage; his god promised Paradise for those who “kill and are killed” for him (Qur’an 9:111), so he might have thought he could increase the reward he would receive by killing as many people as possible.

“Eight blasts at churches, hotels across Sri Lanka kill at least 207; 8 arrested | Live updates,” The Hindu, April 21, 2019:

…The suicide bomber waited patiently in a queue for the Easter Sunday breakfast buffet at Sri Lanka’s Cinnamon Grand hotel before setting off explosives strapped to his back.

Carrying a plate, the man, who had registered at the hotel the night before as Mohamed Azzam Mohamed, was just about to be served when he set off his devastating strike in the packed restaurant, a manager at the Sri Lankan hotel said.

“There was utter chaos,” said the manager, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity as he is not allowed to speak for the company.

The Taprobane restaurant at the hotel was having one of its busiest days of the year for the Easter holiday weekend.

“It was 8:30 am and it was...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #599

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.