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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Assange says he is '1,000% confident' that Russia was NOT the source for hacked Democratic emails which were published by WikiLeaks

  • Julian Assange claimed Barack Obama is 'trying to delegitimize Donald Trump'
  • Reiterated his claims Russia was not behind hacks during presidential election
  • Emails stolen from DNC and Clinton's campaign chairman were published online
  • But Assange said 'source is not Russian government and it is not a state party' 

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said Barack Obama is 'trying to delegitimize the Trump administration' by claiming the Russian government hacked Democrats' emails during the bitter presidential election.

Assange, whose interview with Sean Hannity will air on Fox News tonight, also reiterated his claims that Russia was not the source of the hacks.

He told Hannity 'with a thousand per cent' confidence that the Russian government was not responsible for emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman.

Julian Assange, whose interview will air on Fox News tonight, reiterated his claims that the Russian government was not responsible for the hacks during the 2016 presidential election

Assange is currently living under political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he sought refuge from a Swedish investigation into rape allegations from his 2010 visit to the country.

The interview tonight marks his first face-to-face TV news appearance.

A tweet from the WikiLeaks account last night said: 'If you thought 2016 was a big WikiLeaks year 2017 will blow you away.'

The post also called for donations to help the site 'prepare for the showdown'.

Speaking to Hannity about the WikiLeaks revelations, he said: 'We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party.

'Our publications had wide uptake by the American people, they're all true. But that's not the allegation that's being presented by the Obama White House.

'So, why such a dramatic response? Well, the reason is obvious. They're trying to...

10 Things The Right Can Teach The Left About Accepting The Reality Of Trump

It’s been nearly two months since Donald Trump won the 2016 election for president of the United States but somehow that’s not been enough time for the reality to sink in for many political liberals. Yes, presidential elections have been emotional for some time. I can vouch for how sad if not depressed many conservatives were when Mitt Romney lost his bid to unseat President Obama in 2012. If you didn’t already know that, it’s probably just because you don’t know many conservatives. The media never for a moment considered how heartbreaking that loss was for many Americans worried about the direction of the country.

But as the media overwhelmingly tend to the political left and chose not obscure their bias so much this round, we’ve been given daily examples of the difficulty folks on that side of the political divide are having with the reality of Donald Trump. The crying, the protests, the riots, the subway art installations, the artist boycotts, the recount efforts, the organized and funded push to have the Electoral College do … something, the media-fed conspiracy theories about Russian vote hacking. Pundits on TV shake their head at everything Trump says and does, and journalists on Twitter react like rabid Pavlovian dogs to every utterance the president-elect makes.

Folks on the Right, regardless of how they feel about Trump, have been enjoying this meltdown. It’s funny! The hubris leading up the election only makes it...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, January 2, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Rule 5 Links
The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Happy New Year!
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Canada: Muslim charged with human trafficking, multiple rapes and sex slavery

The Muslim child sex trafficking gangs of Europe come to North America. Apparently Western media doesn’t think it’s big news. Instead, some random incidents of spray painting on mosques following a terrorist attack becomes a serious case of hate crime, more grave than terrorist attack (even when it is discovered the perpetrator of the vandalism is Muslim).

In Edmonton, Canada, a Muslim man has been caught doing what we find everywhere there is a large Muslim population — human trafficking and sexual assault. Similar acts have been propagated by people in UK, where tens of thousands of Muslims have been accused of sexually assaulting and trafficking over a million non-Muslim girls. But the media will not highlight how this has been a routine act for them, and that is the reason why this story was buried deep down in the website, while any random case where a visible minority gets stared at in public transportation catches headlines quickly.
Sex slavery is sanctioned under Islam. As I have explained numerous times, sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah.

Politicians can keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement ignore it, so this pox on our communities will continue to get worse.
Sex slavery and rape is in accordance with Quran chapter and verse. Sex slaves are war booty. Following a victory, Muhammad would usually distribute the captives, both male and female, as slaves to...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Girls With Guns

Don't Let Your Cat Read The Koran...

Obama's Consolation Prize...

"Now Is Time to Behead Unbelievers" - Outtakes from the religion of peace...

  • "[W]e heard that the [ISIS] militants grabbed six strong men working at the bakery and burned them inside the oven. After that, they caught some 250 kids and kneaded them like dough in the bakery dough machine.... Members of 200 different families were killed right before our eyes." — Syria.
  • Some Christian and Yazidi women captured by ISIS militants were sold at auctions in Saudi Arabia, America's close friend, which is supposedly part of the coalition fighting ISIS. — Saudi Arabia.
  • "[T]he Christians who converted to Islam did so under threats, coercion, compulsion, and force." — Bishop Alexios, Gaza.
  • "We have our sights set on you, and by Allah we will kill every single infidel student at this school." — Social media message targeting McAuley Catholic School, United Kingdom.
  • Authorities ordered the closure of house churches... after Muslims complained that they were being disturbed by the Christian prayers. Christian worship services in private homes has become more common. The closure of these house churches is seen as the government's way of cracking down on them. — Pakistan.
  • In compliance with Islamic law, the island nation banned the construction of churches. — Brunei.
  • As Turkey's government continues to build nearly 9,000 mosques in the last decade, it banned Orthodox Christian liturgy in a monastery inaugurated in 386 AD, roughly 1,000 years before Muslim Turks conquered Asia Minor. — Turkey.
  • "To all Muslims: now is the time to behead the unbelievers." A female Iranian refugee said one night a group of men shouted: "Whoever finds an Iranian woman today may rape and kill her. Kill them all. You may kill and rape them. You can do it, everywhere. Wherever you find them, you may do that." — Report from a refugee center, Germany.
Reports of Muslims torturing, raping, and forcing Christians to embrace Islam continued to mount throughout the month of October. Alice Assaf, a Christian woman recounted the experiences of Christians—including her son's execution for refusing to deny his faith—in a village near Damascus at the hands of the Islamic State. She also told how the Islamic State massacres children in cruel and unusual ways—including by throwing them into an industrial sized dough mixer:
"[W]e heard that the militants grabbed six strong men working at the bakery and burned them inside the oven. After that, they caught some 250 kids and kneaded them like dough in the bakery dough machine.... Members of 200 different families were killed right before our eyes."
Some Christian and Yazidi women captured by ISIS militants were sold at auctions in Saudi Arabia, America's close friend, which is supposedly part of the coalition fighting ISIS.

In Pakistan, a group of armed Muslims kidnapped and took turns raping a teenage girl after her Christian family refused to convert to Islam. According to the report, after they broke into the Christian home in the middle of the night while everyone slept:
Six men and a woman known locally by the family who were armed with guns, sticks and metal poles began to beat the family asking them to convert to Islam or die. Despite the pain and threats to their lives the family...

Kim Jong Un: North Korea close to testing intercontinental ballistic missile

PYONGYANG, North Korea, Jan. 1 (UPI) -- North Korea is almost ready to test an intercontinental ballistic missile, according to leader Kim Jong Un. An intercontinental launch system could allow the rogue nation to deliver a nuclear warhead to the United States.

In a televised speech on New Year's Day, Kim promised North Korea would continue developing their nuclear arsenal, and would do so until the United States ceases conducting military exercises in South Korea.

"Research and development of the cutting-edge tech weapons are actively progressing and strengthening our defense capabilities, including last stage preparation of tests for Intercontinental Ballistic rocket launch have been continuously succeeding," Kim said in the speech.

North Korea conducted two nuclear weapons tests in 2016, on top of several non-nuclear missile tests.

Though North Korea has made progress on its missile launch and nuclear bomb technologies, U.S. officials believe the country is still a ways from being able to deliver a nuclear...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

A Healthy And Happy New Year To All!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Girls With Guns

Me On New Years Eve..

Learn How To Fake Army Documents Online With Dan Rather At Udemy.com/danrather

Learn how to produce fake news just like Dan Rather at udemy.com. Fake news is only valid news when it is produced to promote extreme leftist views, then it is called nightly news.

That is why udemy.com has hired discredited leftist journalist Dan Rather, to put lipstick on all the fake news that udemy.com will teach you to produce.

If you don't want America to become great again, the folks at udemy.com will help you to keep them damn patriots down and in their place.  At udemy.com, we will teach you that flying the American flag is simply racist, homophobic, and misogynistic. See how simple that was? 

We have even more tricks up our sleeves, just pay our monthly fees and we will teach you how to fake government documents using only Microsoft word and a copy machine! Sign up now to get the trump Trump special inaugural kit!

Hey 2016, You Missed One...

No sympathy for this Devil.

We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, December 30, 2016

Girls With Guns - Girls Of The IDF

The Greatest Gift Of All - Trump Style...

On Feminism And Islam..

Watch Where You Step..

Socialism Is A Theory Inconsistent With Human Nature..

Somehow This Isn't Working...

Prepping: Air Filtering Houseplants

More Prepping:

Prepping: How To Grow 100 Pounds Of Potatoes In 4 Square Feet..

Prepping: How To Survive Hypothermia..

Obama’s “Evidence” Against Russia Falls Flat

The Democrats have been saying that there’s proof that the Russians hacked into Democratic Party computers for the purpose of obtaining and planting information that would help elect Donald J. Trump as president. But the proof wasn’t provided when President Obama issued an executive order and announced the expulsions of Russians from the U.S., and sanctions against Russian officials.

Obama team disregarded the threat of Russian hacking in the past “because they were confident that Secretary Clinton would win.”

Still, our media were almost unanimous in saying that President Obama has proved his case and that Trump was out-of-step with what the evidence clearly showed.

For his part, Trump seemed in no hurry to come to any rash conclusions, saying he would meet with “leaders of the intelligence community” next week in order to be “updated on the facts of this situation.”

The facts were certainly in short supply when the media jumped to...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Girls With Guns

British sex slave ‘held captive & raped by Muslim taxi driver for 13 years’

A woman who says she was kidnapped and abused as a sex slave for 13 years by a taxi driver in the Midlands, who also pimped her out and ‘sold’ her four children, has spoken out for the first time.

Anna Ruston, who changed her name after the ordeal, says she was a vulnerable 15-year-old in 1987 when a taxi driver called Malik took an interest in her and invited her to his home to meet his mother, brothers, and their wives.

Writing in her new book ‘Secret Slave’ Ruston said Malik called her a “white s**t” and raped her, before locking her in a bedroom and relentlessly beating her for 13 years.

She says she was prostituted to other men and her captor “sold” the four children she bore to him in captivity. She says Malik would stop beating her during pregnancy, but gave away her children to other couples for money.

The smell of garlic still brings back horrific memories as her captor used to reek of it when he abused her, Ruston told the Daily Mirror.

“I can still see that bedroom, the corner where I would rock in pain. Although after a while I stopped feeling pain, I think my body shut down.

“And I can smell it – the can I used as a toilet, the garlic he reeked of. I got to the point where I didn’t know what life was.”

Ruston says she tried to kill herself with painkillers, by throwing herself down the stairs, or trying to strangle herself with a scarf.

She says she was taken to the hospital with...

Sen. Tom Cotton Urges Trump to Push Wage-Raising Immigration Reform Through Congress

GOP Sen. Tom Cotton says President-elect Donald Trump should quickly use his electoral mandate to raise Americans’ wages by reducing the supply of wage-cutting, low-skilled legal immigrants.

“For too long, our immigration policy has skewed toward the interests of the wealthy and powerful: Employers get cheaper labor, and professionals get cheaper personal services like housekeeping,” Cotton writes in the New York Times. “We now need an immigration policy that focuses less on the most powerful and more on everyone else.”

“In this election, Americans finally demanded an end to this unthinking immigration system. President-elect Trump and Congress should take that mandate and act on it promptly in the new year,” Cotton wrote, adding that “higher wages, better benefits and more security for American workers are features, not bugs, of sound immigration reform.”

Each year, roughly 4 million young Americans enter the job market — and the federal government provides work permits to roughly 1 million new legal immigrants and to almost 1 million temporary contract-workers.

There are some 42.4 million legal and illegal immigrants, aliens, contract workers, students, refugees, and more residing in the U.S. as of 2014, comprising 13.3 percent of the population. Since the housing recession began in...

Nightly Leftist Propaganda..


More Churchill:

Churchill Wisdom...

How To Chat With A German Girl...

Why Build A Wall?

Muslim Migrants Kick Baby on Bus, Attack Paramedics Called to Aid

Muslim migrants kicked a one-year-old baby during a bus ride in Augsburg, Germany, and then turned around and attacked paramedics who were called to help.

The attack came as residents were being evacuated from the city after authorities found a bomb from World War II. A fight broke out on one of the buses being used for evacuation.

The Express has the story:
“Several Syrian migrants erupted with anger because of a pram (baby carrier) taking up space on the bus.
“Migrants hurled abuse at other passengers before a fight broke out, with four of the Syrian men using the handles on the bus to hoist themselves up and attack women and old people to try and drag them into the fighting, according to an eyewitness.
“The migrants paid no attention to anyone in their way, at one point kicking a one-year-old in the face.”

Paramedics called to the scene to treat the baby were then attacked by the migrants with belts. The fights didn’t stop until police were called and...

National Enquirer Covers Blocked by Publix After Trump Featured on Cover for Past Month

Following a month-long series of National Enquirer covers featuring President-elect Donald Trump, the Florida-based Publix grocery chain has directed stores to block the cover of the National Enquirer with white plastic covers to shield allegedly offensive content.The store made the move after receiving customer complaints.

Photos taken at a Central Florida Publix on December 28 show the public being protected from viewing the National Enquirer cover featuring the Trump family. The Enquirer is placed by Publix between other tabloids that do not have censor shields blocking their covers.

Trump’s name and photo was featured on the front page of the Enquirer on issues dated November 28, December 5, 12, 19, 26 in 2016 and the most recent issue dated January 2, 2017 that featured the Trump family on the cover. The publication...

20 minutes of Nigel Farage roasting EU members

Morning Mistress - Carly Baker UFC

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Girls With Guns

So you honestly believe that Muslims can integrate into American and European Society?

Over 1,000 RADICAL Muslims gathered in the streets of London demanding a Caliphate. Incidentally, they happen to be the SAME Syrians and other Arabs who make up the people you know as THE PALESTINIANS.

Unfortunately for the latest hypocrisy at the UN and for the first American president who made sure no nation will ever trust America again, there’s a narrative the Islamists and Barry Soetoro don’t want you to know. It is this:

There’s no such person, nation, civilization, country, culture know as “Palestinian.” There’s no Palestinian history, cuisine, religion, architecture, ancient artifacts and archeology, language, literature or art known as “Palestinian.” The Palestinians were “invented,” exactly as Newt Gingrich a history professor stated, in Moscow circa 1964.

In case you have doubt about the accuracy of the history at the link, perhaps you won’t from the words of THE GATESTONE INSTITUTE written more than a year after my work. If that were not enough, perhaps you’ll consider the CIA Competitive TEAM-B Report‘s words.

The video is short. Note early on the speaker blames the US for renditions to Syria’s dictator Assad. Of course he’s got it #-backward. We are fighting against and trying to kill Assad! In other words, Obama is on the rebel’s side - the speaker’s side - the side of the Caliphate.

As it were, as once a victim of, I’m hardly a fan of Russian aggression anywhere, it is Vlad Putin whom incidentally, using astral projection to control the...